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FirstInitialTimeout Property

  Microsoft Speech Technologies Homepage

Gets or sets the initial time-out for this QA control when count has a value of 1. Read/write.


ASP.NET markup: <speech:QA FirstInitialTimeout="..." />
Get value: Float = QA.FirstInitialTimeout;
Set value: QA.FirstInitialTimeout = Float;
Data type: Float
Required: No


The FirstInitialTimeout property controls whether the QA runs in short time-out confirmation mode.

Speech grammars are expected to provide rules for acceptance and denial of confirmations. In normal confirmation, the user must say something that matches the confirmation acceptance rule (see the XPathAcceptConfirms property) to confirm an item, or something which matches the confirmation denial rule (see the XPathDenyConfirms property) to deny it. In short time-out confirmation mode, the user confirms items with silence, and speaks only to deny confirmation.

If the value of FirstInitialTimeout is 0, then the QA control performs normal confirmation and the user must explicitly accept or deny the confirmation. If the value of FirstInitialTimeout is non-zero, then the QA waits for that number of milliseconds before raising the silence event.

The default value of FirstInitialTimeout is 0. The control throws the ArgumentOutOfRangeException if the value of FirstInitialTimeout is negative, or the InvalidOperationException if FirstInitialTimeout is specified for a QA control that does not contain Answer controls in a Confirms collection.


<form id="Form1" method="post" runat="server">
  <Speech:QA ID="CfmToppingSize" runat="server" XPathAcceptConfirms="/SML/Accept" XPathDenyConfirms="/SML/Deny"
    <Prompt PromptSelectFunction="CfmToppingSizePrompt" BargeIn="False" ID="Prompt3"></Prompt>
    <Reco InitialTimeout="3000" BabbleTimeout="10000" EndSilence="1000" Reject="0.5" ID="Reco3">
        <Speech:Grammar Src="Grammars/CfmToppingSize.grxml" ID="Grammar3"></Speech:Grammar>
      <Speech:Answer ConfirmThreshold="1" SemanticItem="siTopping" ID="Topping_QACfmToppingSize" XPathTrigger="/SML/Correction/Topping"></Speech:Answer>
      <Speech:Answer ConfirmThreshold="1" SemanticItem="siSize" ID="Size_QACfmToppingSize" XPathTrigger="/SML/Correction/Size"></Speech:Answer>

See Also

QA Class | QA Constructor | QA Members | QA Properties | QA Methods | QA Events | QA Remarks | QA Client Object