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Enroll for a New Customer Account

  Microsoft Speech Technologies Homepage

The first step in a demonstration of the Banking Alerts application is to enroll for a new customer account with the fictional Woodgrove Bank. Click the Woodgrove Bank link on the default page of the Banking Alerts application to open the Woodgrove Bank home page.


The Woodgrove Bank and all of the information contained in the Woodgrove Web site is fictional. The home page is designed to look like a typical commercial bank Web site home page. Along the left side of the page are links to various bank departments, resources, employment, and contact information. The middle section of the page displays announcements and links to services. Along the right side of the page are the online banking sign-in form, and two other informational tables.

Because this is a demonstration application, only certain items contained in the online banking sign-in form along the right side of the page are enabled. Specifically, only the ability to log in to an existing account, and the link, "New User? Enroll now." are enabled; the link, "Forgot your pin?" is not enabled.

The link, "New User? Enroll now." opens to a new customer registration page where the customer enters first and last name, a personal identification number, and a phone number.

Steps to Enroll for a New Customer Account

Starting from the Woodgrove Bank home page:

  1. Click the link "New User? Enroll now." to open the new customer registration page.

  2. Enter the following information for a new fictitious customer:

    In the text box labeled: Type:
    First name Jeff
    Last name Smith
    PIN 123456
    Confirm PIN 123456
    Phone number 1234567890
  3. Click Submit. A message box appears, displaying the account number for the new customer.

  4. Note the new account number, and then click OK. The new customer's account information page appears.

Next Steps in the Basic Banking Alerts Demonstration

  1. Enroll for a New Customer Account (acting in the role of bank customer).
  2. Set Alert Notification Preferences (acting in the role of bank customer).
  3. Enter Transactions and Submit Bills to Trigger Alerts (acting in the role of accounts data controller).
  4. Open a Telephony Interpreter (acting in the role of accounts data controller).
  5. Act on the Alert Notification (acting in the role of bank customer).


  • PIN numbers must be six digits.
  • Banking Alerts ships with three predefined accounts that can also be used for a demonstration. The logon information for these accounts is presented in the following table.
    Customer Name Account Number PIN
    Lee Oliver 000001 123456
    Jay Adams 000002 123456
    Karen Archer 000003 123456

See Also

The Banking Alerts Reference Application: Overview | Banking Alerts: Alerts and Dialogue Flow