Banking Alerts: Types of Alerts and Dialogue Flow
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This document summarizes the three types of alert notifications that the application supports, and outlines the application's dialogue flow.
Types of Alerts
The Banking Alerts application supports the following alert notifications:
- BillsToPay. Alerts the customer when certain bills are due for payment. The customer requests notification on payment due for specific bills from a prepopulated list.
- CreditCardCloseToMax. Alerts the customer when the credit card balance is within a specified amount of the maximum spending limit.
- ExcessiveTransaction. Alerts the customer when there is a transaction greater than a specified amount on the credit card account.
Dialogue Flow
When an alert is triggered on a customer's account, Banking Alerts calls the customer and initiates a login dialogue. This dialogue is outlined in Login Dialog Controls. It is the first interaction that the customer has with the application regardless of which alert notification the application initiates. This dialogue obtains the customer's personal identification number (PIN) using the AlphaDigit Application Speech Control. The customer can enter the PIN using either telephone number pad presses (Dual Tone Multi-frequency input) or speech. When the application obtains an entry from the customer, it validates that entry against the customer's PIN that is stored in the application database to verify identity.
Note If the user does not enter a PIN for more than ten minutes, authentication fails and any subsequent page request results in the following HTTP server response status code: 500 Internal Server Error.
After the customer successfully logs on, the application initiates a BillsToPay alert dialogue, a CreditCardCloseToMax alert dialogue, or an ExcessiveTransaction alert dialogue. Following is a list of the controls that are unique to each dialogue:
- BillsToPay Alert Dialog Controls
- CreditCardCloseToMax Alert Dialog Controls
- ExcessiveTransaction Alert Dialog Control
The BillsToPay and CreditCardCloseToMax alert dialogues end by opening the SayGoodbye.aspx page, which plays the SayGoodbyeQA Control Prompt.
The ExcessiveTransaction alert dialogue ends by opening the OperatorTransfer.aspx page, which plays the SayTransferringToOperatorQA Control Prompt, and can play the SayTransferFailedQA Control Prompt if the application is unable to transfer the call to an operator.
The application can play the CatchExcessiveSilenceOrNoRecoQA Control Prompt in response an excessive number of consecutive user silences or mumbles. The number of consecutive silences or mumbles that trigger this prompt is set by the noRecoOrSilenceThresholdForOperator attribute of the operatorTransfer element in the application's Web.config file. The default number is three.
For all of the dialogues:
- Every dialogue in the application supports the global commands Help and Repeat. The command Cancel is occasionally supported. Support for the command Cancel is called out in the tables listing control inputs and application responses.
- The dialogue for one alert type can alter the customer's account details so that the condition for another alert is met. For example, the BillsToPay dialogue can cause the CreditCardCloseToMax or ExcessiveTransaction alert conditions to be met. In these cases, these changes will not trigger an alert notification. Only changes made using the Transaction Simulator page can trigger an alert notification because during each dialogue, the application informs the customer of the status of the affected accounts. Because the customer is informed of account changes immediately during the dialogue, there is no need for a later alert notification.
See Also
The Banking Alerts Reference Application: Overview | Running A Banking Alerts Demonstration | Banking Alerts: Dialog Logic Diagrams | Banking Alerts Speech Controls: Inputs and Responses