ItemProperty Object
ItemProperties![]() |
Contains information about a given item property. Each item property defines a certain attribute of the item, such as the name, type, or value of the item. The ItemProperty object is a member of the ItemProperties collection.
Using the ItemProperty object
Use ItemProperties.Item(index), where index is the object's numeric position within the collection or it's name to return a single ItemProperty object. The following example creates a reference to the first ItemProperty object in the ItemProperties collection.
Sub NewMail()
'Creates a new MailItem and references the ItemProperties collection.
Dim olApp As Outlook.Application
Dim objMail As MailItem
Dim objitems As ItemProperties
Dim objitem As ItemProperty
Set olApp = Outlook.Application
'Create a new mail item
Set objMail = olApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
'Create a reference to the ItemProperties collection
Set objitems = objMail.ItemProperties
'Create reference to the first object in the collection
Set objitem = objitems.item(0)
End Sub
Properties | Application Property | Class Property | IsUserProperty Property | Name Property | Parent Property | Session Property | Type Property | Value Property
Parent Objects
Child Objects