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The Client element specifies the required name, version, and operating system platform that the custom forms that are registered in the file can be displayed on.


<Client Application="" MinimumVersion="" Platform="" />

Attributes and Elements

The following sections describe attributes, child elements and parent elements.





The required name of the Web browser client application.


The required minimum version number of the Web browser client.


The required operating system name of the Web browser client.

Child Elements

This element has no child elements.

Parent Elements




Specifies the user interface level that the custom form mappings apply to.


The Web browser name, version, and operating system platform are supplied to Outlook Web App for Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 in the HTTP headers on each request. Those values must match one of the client values that is specified in the forms registry XML file so that Outlook Web Access knows that the form will display correctly. If there is a mismatch, Outlook Web Access displays the default item forms that are based on the item content class.

The registry.xml.template file contains the Client values that are appropriate for the Premium user experience level. You should not have to modify the values. You might want to remove one of the values if your custom forms are known to have problems when they are displayed on the particular browser version that is indicated in one of the Client elements.