IOrganizationService.Delete Methode
Deletes a record.
Namespace: Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk
Assembly: Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk (in Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.dll)
<FaultContractAttribute(GetType(OrganizationServiceFault))> _
<OperationContractAttribute> _
Sub Delete ( _
entityName As String, _
id As Guid _
void Delete (
string entityName,
Guid id
- entityName
Type: Zeichenfolge. The logical name of the entity that is specified in the entityId parameter.
- id
Type: GUID. The ID of the record that you want to delete.
The following example shows how to use the Delete method to delete an account record (early bound). For this sample to work correctly, you must be connected to the server to get an IOrganizationService interface. You can find the complete sample in the sample code package in the folder SampleCode\CS\GeneralProgramming\EarlyBound\CRUDOperations.cs
// Connect to the Organization service.
// The using statement assures that the service proxy will be properly disposed.
using (_serviceProxy = new OrganizationServiceProxy(serverConfig.OrganizationUri, serverConfig.HomeRealmUri,serverConfig.Credentials, serverConfig.DeviceCredentials))
// This statement is required to enable early-bound type support.
// Instantiate an account object.
// See the Entity Metadata topic in the SDK documentation to determine
// which attributes must be set for each entity.
Account account = new Account { Name = "Fourth Coffee" };
// Create an account record named Fourth Coffee.
_accountId = _serviceProxy.Create(account);
Console.Write("{0} {1} created, ", account.LogicalName, account.Name);
// Retrieve the account containing several of its attributes.
ColumnSet cols = new ColumnSet(
new String[] { "name", "address1_postalcode", "lastusedincampaign", "versionnumber" });
Account retrievedAccount = (Account)_serviceProxy.Retrieve("account", _accountId, cols);
Console.Write("retrieved ");
// Retrieve version number of the account. Shows BigInt attribute usage.
long? versionNumber = retrievedAccount.VersionNumber;
if (versionNumber != null)
Console.WriteLine("version # {0}, ", versionNumber);
// Update the postal code attribute.
retrievedAccount.Address1_PostalCode = "98052";
// The address 2 postal code was set accidentally, so set it to null.
retrievedAccount.Address2_PostalCode = null;
// Shows usage of option set (picklist) enumerations defined in OptionSets.cs.
retrievedAccount.Address1_AddressTypeCode = new OptionSetValue((int)AccountAddress1_AddressTypeCode.Primary);
retrievedAccount.Address1_ShippingMethodCode = new OptionSetValue((int)AccountAddress1_ShippingMethodCode.DHL);
retrievedAccount.IndustryCode = new OptionSetValue((int)AccountIndustryCode.AgricultureandNonpetrolNaturalResourceExtraction);
// Shows use of a Money value.
retrievedAccount.Revenue = new Money(5000000);
// Shows use of a Boolean value.
retrievedAccount.CreditOnHold = false;
// Shows use of EntityReference.
retrievedAccount.ParentAccountId = new EntityReference(Account.EntityLogicalName, _parentAccountId);
// Shows use of Memo attribute.
retrievedAccount.Description = "Account for Fourth Coffee.";
// Update the account record.
Console.WriteLine("and updated.");
The following example shows how to use the Delete method to delete an account record (late bound). For this sample to work correctly, you must be connected to the server to get an IOrganizationService interface. You can find the complete sample in the sample code package in the folder SampleCode\CS\GeneralProgramming\LateBound\CRUDOperationsDE.cs
// Instaniate an account object.
Entity account = new Entity("account");
// Set the required attributes. For account, only the name is required.
// See the Entity Metadata topic in the SDK documentatio to determine
// which attributes must be set for each entity.
account["name"] = "Fourth Coffee";
// Create an account record named Fourth Coffee.
_accountId = _service.Create(account);
Console.Write("{0} {1} created, ", account.LogicalName, account.Attributes["name"]);
// Create a column set to define which attributes should be retrieved.
ColumnSet attributes = new ColumnSet(new string[] { "name", "ownerid" });
// Retrieve the account and its name and ownerid attributes.
account = _service.Retrieve(account.LogicalName, _accountId, attributes);
Console.Write("retrieved, ");
// Update the postal code attribute.
account["address1_postalcode"] = "98052";
// The address 2 postal code was set accidentally, so set it to null.
account["address2_postalcode"] = null;
// Shows use of Money.
account["revenue"] = new Money(5000000);
// Shows use of boolean.
account["creditonhold"] = false;
// Update the account.
Console.WriteLine("and updated.");
// Delete the account.
bool deleteRecords = true;
if (promptForDelete)
Console.WriteLine("\nDo you want these entity records deleted? (y/n) [y]: ");
String answer = Console.ReadLine();
deleteRecords = (answer.StartsWith("y") || answer.StartsWith("Y") || answer == String.Empty);
if (deleteRecords)
_service.Delete("account", _accountId);
Console.WriteLine("Entity record(s) have been deleted.");
Message Availability
Diese Meldung funktioniert unabhängig davon, ob der Anrufer mit dem Server verbunden oder offline ist.
Not all entity types support this message offline. See Supported Entities later in this topic.
Privileges and Access Rights
To perform this action, the caller must have privileges on the entity that is specified in the entityName parameter and access rights on the record that is specified in the id parameter. For a list of the required privileges, see Delete Privileges. When a record is deleted, all child records are also deleted. The entire deletion fails if the caller does not have the delete privilege or access rights for any of these records.
Notes for Callers
This method may cascade to related records according to the cascade configuration for each entity relationship. For a description of how actions on a parent record affect related records, see Cascading behavior.
Typically, you should only delete records that you entered by mistake. For some record types, you can deactivate or close the record instead.
You can use this method to delete any record of an entity that supports the Delete message, including records from custom entities.
For more information about the exceptions that can be thrown when you call this method, see Handle Exceptions in Your Code.
Supported Entities
Die folgende Tabelle enthält die Standardentitäten, die diese Meldung unterstützen. Für die aufgeführten Entitäten dieser Meldung wird in der Spalte "Verfügbarkeit" die Option "Server" angezeigt, wenn der Anrufer mit dem Server verbunden sein muss, und "Beide", wenn der Anrufer mit dem Server verbunden oder ohne Verbindung mit dem Server sein kann.
Entity | Availability |
Account |
2 (Both) |
ActivityMimeAttachment |
2 (Both) |
Annotation |
2 (Both) |
AnnualFiscalCalendar |
2 (Both) |
Appointment |
2 (Both) |
AsyncOperation |
2 (Both) |
AttributeMap |
2 (Both) |
BulkDeleteOperation |
2 (Both) |
BulkOperation |
2 (Both) |
BusinessUnit |
2 (Both) |
BusinessUnitNewsArticle |
2 (Both) |
Calendar |
2 (Both) |
Campaign |
2 (Both) |
CampaignActivity |
2 (Both) |
CampaignResponse |
2 (Both) |
ColumnMapping |
2 (Both) |
Competitor |
2 (Both) |
Connection |
2 (Both) |
ConnectionRole |
2 (Both) |
ConnectionRoleObjectTypeCode |
2 (Both) |
ConstraintBasedGroup |
2 (Both) |
Contact |
2 (Both) |
Contract |
2 (Both) |
ContractDetail |
2 (Both) |
ContractTemplate |
2 (Both) |
ConvertRule |
2 (Both) |
ConvertRuleItem |
2 (Both) |
CustomerAddress |
2 (Both) |
CustomerOpportunityRole |
2 (Both) |
CustomerRelationship |
2 (Both) |
Discount |
2 (Both) |
DiscountType |
2 (Both) |
DuplicateRule |
2 (Both) |
DuplicateRuleCondition |
2 (Both) |
DynamicProperty |
2 (Both) |
DynamicPropertyAssociation |
2 (Both) |
DynamicPropertyInstance |
2 (Both) |
DynamicPropertyOptionSetItem |
2 (Both) |
2 (Both) |
EmailServerProfile |
2 (Both) |
Entitlement |
2 (Both) |
EntitlementChannel |
2 (Both) |
EntitlementTemplate |
2 (Both) |
EntitlementTemplateChannel |
2 (Both) |
Equipment |
2 (Both) |
ExchangeSyncIdMapping |
2 (Both) |
Fax |
2 (Both) |
FieldPermission |
2 (Both) |
FieldSecurityProfile |
2 (Both) |
FixedMonthlyFiscalCalendar |
2 (Both) |
Goal |
2 (Both) |
GoalRollupQuery |
2 (Both) |
HierarchyRule |
2 (Both) |
HierarchySecurityConfiguration |
2 (Both) |
Import |
2 (Both) |
ImportEntityMapping |
2 (Both) |
ImportFile |
2 (Both) |
ImportJob |
2 (Both) |
ImportMap |
2 (Both) |
Incident |
2 (Both) |
IncidentResolution |
2 (Both) |
Invoice |
2 (Both) |
InvoiceDetail |
2 (Both) |
IsvConfig |
2 (Both) |
KbArticle |
2 (Both) |
KbArticleComment |
2 (Both) |
KbArticleTemplate |
2 (Both) |
Lead |
2 (Both) |
Letter |
2 (Both) |
List |
2 (Both) |
LookUpMapping |
2 (Both) |
Mailbox |
2 (Both) |
MailMergeTemplate |
2 (Both) |
Metric |
2 (Both) |
MonthlyFiscalCalendar |
2 (Both) |
msdyn_PostAlbum |
2 (Both) |
msdyn_PostConfig |
2 (Both) |
msdyn_PostRuleConfig |
2 (Both) |
msdyn_wallsavedquery |
2 (Both) |
msdyn_wallsavedqueryusersettings |
2 (Both) |
Opportunity |
2 (Both) |
OpportunityClose |
2 (Both) |
OpportunityProduct |
2 (Both) |
OrderClose |
2 (Both) |
OwnerMapping |
2 (Both) |
PhoneCall |
2 (Both) |
PickListMapping |
2 (Both) |
PluginAssembly |
2 (Both) |
PluginType |
2 (Both) |
Position |
2 (Both) |
Post |
2 (Both) |
PostComment |
2 (Both) |
PostFollow |
2 (Both) |
PostLike |
2 (Both) |
PriceLevel |
2 (Both) |
PrincipalObjectAttributeAccess |
2 (Both) |
ProcessSession |
2 (Both) |
ProcessTrigger |
2 (Both) |
Product |
2 (Both) |
ProductAssociation |
2 (Both) |
ProductPriceLevel |
2 (Both) |
ProductSubstitute |
2 (Both) |
Publisher |
2 (Both) |
PublisherAddress |
2 (Both) |
QuarterlyFiscalCalendar |
2 (Both) |
Queue |
2 (Both) |
QueueItem |
2 (Both) |
Quote |
2 (Both) |
QuoteClose |
2 (Both) |
QuoteDetail |
2 (Both) |
RecurrenceRule |
2 (Both) |
RecurringAppointmentMaster |
2 (Both) |
RelationshipRole |
2 (Both) |
RelationshipRoleMap |
2 (Both) |
Report |
2 (Both) |
ReportCategory |
2 (Both) |
ReportEntity |
2 (Both) |
ReportVisibility |
2 (Both) |
ResourceSpec |
2 (Both) |
Role |
2 (Both) |
RollupField |
2 (Both) |
RoutingRule |
2 (Both) |
RoutingRuleItem |
2 (Both) |
SalesLiterature |
2 (Both) |
SalesLiteratureItem |
2 (Both) |
SalesOrder |
2 (Both) |
SalesOrderDetail |
2 (Both) |
SavedQuery |
2 (Both) |
SavedQueryVisualization |
2 (Both) |
SdkMessageProcessingStep |
2 (Both) |
SdkMessageProcessingStepImage |
2 (Both) |
SdkMessageProcessingStepSecureConfig |
2 (Both) |
SemiAnnualFiscalCalendar |
2 (Both) |
Service |
2 (Both) |
ServiceAppointment |
2 (Both) |
ServiceEndpoint |
2 (Both) |
SharePointDocument |
2 (Both) |
SharePointDocumentLocation |
2 (Both) |
SharePointSite |
2 (Both) |
Site |
2 (Both) |
2 (Both) |
SLAItem |
2 (Both) |
SLAKPIInstance |
2 (Both) |
SocialActivity |
2 (Both) |
SocialInsightsConfiguration |
2 (Both) |
SocialProfile |
2 (Both) |
Solution |
2 (Both) |
Subject |
2 (Both) |
SystemForm |
2 (Both) |
Task |
2 (Both) |
Team |
2 (Both) |
TeamTemplate |
2 (Both) |
Template |
2 (Both) |
Territory |
2 (Both) |
TraceLog |
2 (Both) |
TransactionCurrency |
2 (Both) |
TransformationMapping |
2 (Both) |
TransformationParameterMapping |
2 (Both) |
UoM |
2 (Both) |
UoMSchedule |
2 (Both) |
UserEntityInstanceData |
2 (Both) |
UserEntityUISettings |
2 (Both) |
UserForm |
2 (Both) |
UserQuery |
2 (Both) |
UserQueryVisualization |
2 (Both) |
WebResource |
2 (Both) |
Workflow |
2 (Both) |
WorkflowDependency |
2 (Both) |
WorkflowLog |
2 (Both) |
Alle öffentlichen statischen Mitglieder (Shared in Visual Basic) dieses Typs sind thread-sicher. Bei Instanzmitgliedern kann keine Garantie für die Thread-Sicherheit übernommen werden.
Development Platforms
The .NET Framework does not support all versions of every platform. For a list of the supported versions, see System Requirements.
Target Platforms
Windows Server 2008,Windows Server 2012,Windows 7
Change History
Siehe auch
IOrganizationService Schnittstelle
IOrganizationService Mitglieder
Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk Namespace
Weitere Ressourcen
Handle Exceptions in Your Code
Troubleshooting and Error Handling
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