AliasedValue |
Used to return aggregate, group by, and aliased values from a query. |
AttributeCollection |
Provides a collection of attributes for an entity. |
AttributeLogicalNameAttribute |
Used by the code generation tool to create classes based on entities. |
AttributeMapping |
This type doesn’t have any extensibility scenarios in this release. |
AttributeMappingCollection |
This type doesn’t have any extensibility scenarios in this release. |
AttributePrivilege |
Specifies the field level security privileges allowed for an attribute. |
AttributePrivilegeCollection |
Specifies a collection of field level security privileges allowed for the specified attributes. |
BaseServiceFault |
Represents a service fault. |
BooleanManagedProperty |
Defines a managed property that stores a Boolean value. |
BusinessEntityChanges |
Represents the business entity changes. |
BusinessEntityChangesCollection |
Represents the business entity changes collection. |
CallerImpersonationScope |
Identifies a user as the owner of all data changes made by calls to a Web service. |
ClaimTypes |
Identifies the types of claims that are supported or may be supported in a future product release. |
DataCollection |
Represents a strongly typed list of objects that can be accessed by index. Provides methods to search, sort, and manipulate lists. Extends Sammlung. |
DataCollection |
Represents a collection of keys and values. |
DateTimeBehaviorConversionRule |
Represents a conversion rule for converting date and time value from UTC to DateOnly in the database. |
DiscoveryServiceFault |
Represents a discovery service fault. |
Entity |
Represents an instance of an entity (a record). |
EntityAttributeCollection |
Represents the entity attribute collection. |
EntityCollection |
Contains a collection of entity instances. |
EntityImageCollection |
Contains a collection of Entity image objects. |
EntityReference |
Identifies a record. |
EntityReferenceCollection |
Contains a collection of entity references. |
ErrorDetailCollection |
Contains a collection of objects that provide details on an error. |
ExecuteMultipleResponseItem |
Contains the response from execution of a message request. |
ExecuteMultipleResponseItemCollection |
Contains a collection of ExecuteMultipleResponseItem instances. |
ExecuteMultipleSettings |
Defines the execution behavior of ExecuteMultipleRequest. |
ExecuteTransactionFault |
Represents a fault that occurs when a message request fails execution during a single database transaction. |
FieldPermissionType |
Defines the possible field permission types. |
FormattedValueCollection |
Contains a collection of formatted values for the attributes for an entity. |
InvalidPluginExecutionException |
Represents an exception that occurred during plug-in execution. |
KeyAttributeCollection |
Represents the key attribute collection. |
KnownTypesResolver |
Resolves known organization message request and response types for the SDK contracts. |
Label |
Contains a collection of translations for a label. |
LocalizedLabel |
Contains a localized label, including the label string and the language code. |
LocalizedLabelCollection |
Defines a collection of LocalizedLabel. |
MailboxTrackingFolderMapping |
Represents an individual folder-level tracking rule item in the collection (MailboxTrackingFolderMappingCollection). |
MailboxTrackingFolderMappingCollection |
Represents a collection of folder-level tracking rules. |
ManagedProperty |
Represents a strongly typed managed property. |
Money |
Contains the value for a money attribute. |
NewOrUpdatedItem |
Represents the new or updated item. |
OptionSetValue |
Represents a value for an attribute that has an option set. |
OrganizationRequest |
Contains the data needed to execute a request and the base class for all organization requests. |
OrganizationRequestCollection |
Contains a collection of organization requests. |
OrganizationResponse |
Contains the response from a request and the base class for all organization responses. |
OrganizationResponseCollection |
Contains a collection of organization responses. |
OrganizationServiceFault |
Represents an organization service fault. |
ParameterCollection |
Provides a collection of parameters for a request. |
QuickFindConfiguration |
Nur zur internen Verwendung. |
QuickFindConfigurationCollection |
Nur zur internen Verwendung. |
QuickFindResult |
Nur zur internen Verwendung. |
QuickFindResultCollection |
Nur zur internen Verwendung. |
RelatedEntityCollection |
Contains a collection of related entities. |
Relationship |
Represents a relationship between two entities. |
RelationshipQueryCollection |
Provides a collection of relationship queries. |
RelationshipSchemaNameAttribute |
Used by the code generation tool to create classes based on entities. |
RemoteExecutionContext |
Defines the contextual information sent to a remote service endpoint at run-time. |
RemovedOrDeletedItem |
Represents the removed or deleted item. |
SaveChangesException |
Represents an exception that occurred when saving changes to the OrganizationServiceContext. |
SaveChangesResult |
Contains the result of the save changes operation returned from the organization web service. |
SaveChangesResultCollection |
Provides a collection of results for a save changes operation. |
ServiceEndpointFault |
Represents a fault at a service endpoint in the cloud. |