Renderer.PixelToInkSpace-Methode (Graphics, Point%)
Konvertiert eine Position in Pixelbereichkoordinaten mithilfe eines Graphics-Objekts in eine Position in Freihandbereichkoordinaten.
Namespace: Microsoft.Ink
Assembly: Microsoft.Ink (in Microsoft.Ink.dll)
Public Sub PixelToInkSpace ( _
g As Graphics, _
ByRef pt As Point _
Dim instance As Renderer
Dim g As Graphics
Dim pt As Point
instance.PixelToInkSpace(g, pt)
public void PixelToInkSpace(
Graphics g,
ref Point pt
void PixelToInkSpace(
Graphics^ g,
Point% pt
public void PixelToInkSpace(
Graphics g,
/** @ref */Point pt
public function PixelToInkSpace(
g : Graphics,
pt : Point
- g
Typ: System.Drawing.Graphics
Das Graphics-Objekt, das für die Konvertierung verwendet werden soll. Die Quelle hierfür sind i. d. R. Ereignisargumente oder die System.Windows.Forms.Control.CreateGraphics-Methode.
- pt
Typ: System.Drawing.Point%
Der Punkt, der in eine Freihandbereichsposition konvertiert werden soll.
Die PixelToInkSpace-Methode führt eine Konvertierung von Pixel in Freihandbereicheinheiten durch (wobei eine HIMETRIC-Einheit = 0,01 mm ist), wendet die Umkehrung der Ansichtstransformation und anschließend die Objekttransformation an.
Dieses Beispiel zeigt eine Methode, die alle Stroke-Objekte des übergebenen InkOverlay-Objekts löscht, die einen Point links (im Pixelbereich) vom Parameter LeftInPixels enthalten.
Private Sub DeleteStrokesByLeft(ByVal mInkOverlay As InkOverlay, ByVal LeftInPixels As Integer)
' Create a Point object based upon the Left parameter
Dim ptLeft As Point = New Point(LeftInPixels, 0)
' Convert the point from pixel space to ink space dimensions
' InkOverlay.AttachedControl must be set
Using g As Graphics = mInkOverlay.AttachedControl.CreateGraphics()
mInkOverlay.Renderer.PixelToInkSpace(g, ptLeft)
End Using
' Create a Strokes object to hold strokes to be deleted
Dim strokesToDelete As Strokes = mInkOverlay.Ink.CreateStrokes()
' Access to the Strokes property returns a copy of the Strokes object.
' This copy must be implicitly (via using statement) or explicitly
' disposed of in order to avoid a memory leak.
Using currentStrokes As Strokes = mInkOverlay.Ink.Strokes
For Each S As Stroke In currentStrokes
For Each strokePoint As Point In S.GetPoints()
If (strokePoint.X < ptLeft.X) Then
' Note: A particluar Stroke object might have several
' points to the left of ptLeft.X - Therefore, the
' following statement will be executed multiple times.
' Even so, the Add method will not add the same stroke twice.
End If
End Using
If strokesToDelete.Count > 0 Then
End If
End Sub
private void DeleteStrokesByLeft(InkOverlay mInkOverlay, int LeftInPixels)
// Create a Point object based upon the Left parameter
Point ptLeft = new Point(LeftInPixels, 0);
// Convert the point from pixel space to ink space dimensions
// InkOverlay.AttachedControl must be set
using (Graphics g = mInkOverlay.AttachedControl.CreateGraphics())
mInkOverlay.Renderer.PixelToInkSpace(g, ref ptLeft);
// Create a Strokes object to hold strokes to be deleted
Strokes strokesToDelete = mInkOverlay.Ink.CreateStrokes();
// Access to the Strokes property returns a copy of the Strokes object.
// This copy must be implicitly (via using statement) or explicitly
// disposed of in order to avoid a memory leak.
using (Strokes currentStrokes = mInkOverlay.Ink.Strokes)
foreach (Stroke S in currentStrokes)
foreach (Point strokePoint in S.GetPoints())
if (strokePoint.X < ptLeft.X)
// Note: A particluar Stroke object might have several
// points to the left of ptLeft.X - Therefore, the
// following statement will be executed multiple times.
// Even so, the Add method will not add the same stroke twice.
if (strokesToDelete.Count > 0)
Windows Vista
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.NET Framework
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