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Enable plugins for generative AI (preview)

Applies to: Dynamics 365 Contact Center—standalone and Dynamics 365 Customer Service only

Your customer service representatives rely on data and information from a wide variety of systems. With plugins, you can reduce the need for customer service representatives to switch to other tabs and tools to do their work and improve resolution time and customer satisfaction.


  • This is a preview feature.
  • Preview features aren’t meant for production use and might have restricted functionality. These features are subject to supplemental terms of use, and are available before an official release so that customers can get early access and provide feedback.


Make sure the following prerequisites exist:

Prompt plugin

With prompt plugins, you can connect Copilot to Dataverse, and let your customer service representatives (service representatives or representatives) securely access data.

Use the following information:

  1. Generate content or extract insights with AI Builder prompts to create a prompt plugin.


    Make sure that the prompt description is unique for Copilot to identify the right plugin at runtime.

  2. The Configure settings for the prompt plugin section in this article to turn on the plugin in the admin app.

Configure settings for the prompt plugin

  1. In the site map of Customer Service admin center, do one of the following steps to access the plugins:

    • Select Productivity > Plugins for generative AI (Preview) under Agent experience.
    • Select Insights > Plugins for generative AI (Preview) under Operations.
  2. Select Manage.

  3. On the Plugins for generative AI (Preview) page, select a prompt plugin and then select Turn on on the command bar.

    1. On the Step 1 of 3 screen, in Select access type, select one of the following types:
      • All agents who have Copilot: Agents who have Copilot enabled for them through their agent experience profiles.
      • Specific user roles: Select the roles in the list.
    2. Select Next, and on the Define inputs(optional) screen, define the input to improve the answers that Copilot generates.
    3. In Responses, select Don't summarize plugin responses if you don't want Copilot to interpret the answers and instead present the entire response that's available in the plugin.
  4. Select Next and on the Plugin data screen, select Store this plugin's data. The data is stored in your Dataverse database as part of your service representative interactions with Copilot as chat transcripts. Learn more in Copilot transcripts and interaction data.


    Irrespective of whether you select the checkbox, Copilot Studio saves all the plugin data as part of agent conversation transcripts. Microsoft doesn't have access to this information.

  5. Select Turn on plugin.

  6. Select Publish changes on the alert message at the top of the page, and select Confirm on the confirmation dialog that appears. It can take up to 15 minutes for the changes to publish.

Custom connector plugin

Use the custom connector to create a connector plugin for non-Microsoft solutions like order management. Copilot can then access the relevant data, such as the order details for an order ID that the service representative provides.

Use the following information:

  1. Custom connector to create a custom connector in Power Automate.

  2. Author a connector action to configure the plugin action.

  3. The Configure settings for the custom connector section in this article to turn on the plugin in the admin app.

Configure settings for the custom connector

  1. In the site map of Contact Center admin center or Customer Service admin center, do one of the following steps to access the plugins:
    • Select Productivity > Plugins for generative AI (Preview) under Agent experience.
    • Select Insights > Plugins for generative AI (Preview) under Operations.
  2. Select Manage.
  3. On the Plugins for generative AI (Preview) page, select the custom connector plugin, and then select Turn on on the command bar.
    1. On the Select user authentication dialog, select the ellipsis (…) button in Set up a link to the connector, and then select the required connection. A green check mark indicates that the data source is successfully connected.

    2. In User authentication, select one of the following options:

      • Admin: Uses admin authentication to give data access to service representatives.
      • Agent: Requires service representatives to authenticate themselves at runtime. This option is recommended if the data is restricted or sensitive.
    3. On the Manage user access screen, select one of the following access types:

      • All agents who have Copilot: Agents who have Copilot enabled for them through their agent experience profiles.
      • Specific user roles: Select the roles in the list.
    4. Select Next.

    5. On the Define inputs(optional) screen, provide the input to improve the answers that Copilot generates.

    6. In Responses, select Don't summarize plugin responses if you don't want Copilot to interpret the answers and instead present the entire response that's available in the plugin.

    7. Select Next and on the Save plugin data in Dynamics 365 screen, select Save this plugin's data in Dynamics 365 Copilot transcript. The data is stored in your Dataverse database as part of your service representative interactions with Copilot as chat transcripts. Learn more at Copilot transcripts and interaction data.


      Irrespective of whether you select the checkbox, Copilot Studio saves all the plugin data as part of agent conversation transcripts. Microsoft doesn't have access to this information.

    8. Select Turn on plugin.

  4. Select Publish changes on the alert message at the top of the page, and select Confirm on the confirmation dialog that appears. It can take up to 15 minutes for the changes to publish.

Manage plugins

Use the options on the command menu to manage the plugins. The edit button lets you update the plugin settings and publish the changes. You can't change any settings while the publish is in process.

Certified connector plugin

You can also author plugin actions in Copilot Studio to use certified connectors. For example, the connector for Salesforce or DocuSign that's available in Power Automate can let Copilot access the relevant data based on service representative input.


  • You can add one plugin action only.
  • If you update the plugin, you must turn it off and enable again in the admin center app to refresh the plugin.
  • We recommend that you test and validate the plugin functionality by using it in Copilot in Customer Service.

Next steps

Use targeted phrases in Copilot to get responses from plugins (preview)

FAQ for Copilot
Configure Copilot in Customer Service
Responsible AI FAQ for Copilot in Customer Service