ModuleBuilder.DefineManifestResource Methode
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Definiert ein BLOB (Binary Large Object), das eine Manifestressource darstellt, die in die dynamische Assembly eingebettet werden soll.
void DefineManifestResource(System::String ^ name, System::IO::Stream ^ stream, System::Reflection::ResourceAttributes attribute);
public void DefineManifestResource(string name, System.IO.Stream stream, System.Reflection.ResourceAttributes attribute);
member this.DefineManifestResource : string * System.IO.Stream * System.Reflection.ResourceAttributes -> unit
Public Sub DefineManifestResource (name As String, stream As Stream, attribute As ResourceAttributes)
- name
- String
Der Name der Ressource unter Berücksichtigung der Groß- und Kleinschreibung.
- stream
- Stream
Ein Stream, der die Bytes für die Ressource enthält.
- attribute
- ResourceAttributes
Ein Enumerationswert, der angibt, ob die Ressource öffentlich oder privat ist.
ist eine Zeichenfolge der Länge 0 (null).
Die dynamische Assembly, die das aktuelle Modul enthält, ist flüchtig. Das heißt, dass beim Aufruf von DefineDynamicModule(String, String) kein Dateiname angegeben wurde.
Im folgenden Beispiel wird eine dynamische Assembly mit dem Namen EmittedManifestResourceAssembly.exe
generiert und gespeichert, die eine eingebettete nicht verwaltete Ressource enthält. Das Beispiel erstellt die Assembly, die aus einem Modul besteht, und öffnet einen Speicherdatenstrom, der die nicht verwaltete Ressource enthält. Der Code ruft dann die DefineManifestResource -Methode auf, um die Ressource zu definieren.
Sie können jede Art von Stream für Ihre Ressource verwenden. Beispielsweise können Sie die nicht verwalteten Binärdaten aus einer Datei lesen.
Das Beispiel definiert einen Typ im dynamischen Modul mit einer Main
-Methode und generiert MSIL für den Methodentext. Nachdem der Text für die Main
-Methode generiert und der Typ erstellt wurde, schreibt das Codebeispiel fünf Bytes in den Stream, der der Manifestressource zugeordnet ist. Wenn die Assembly gespeichert wird, wird ihr die Ressource angefügt.
Nachdem Sie das Beispiel ausgeführt haben, können Sie die ausgegebene Assembly ausführen. Der Code in der Methode der ausgegebenen Assembly Main
liest die eingebettete Manifestressource und gibt die Bytewerte an die Konsole aus. Sie können den Ildasm.exe (IL Disassembler) verwenden, um die Informationen im Assemblymanifest anzuzeigen.
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
using System.IO;
public class Example
public static void Main()
// Define a dynamic assembly with one module. The module
// name and the assembly name are the same.
AssemblyName asmName =
new AssemblyName("EmittedManifestResourceAssembly");
AssemblyBuilder asmBuilder =
ModuleBuilder modBuilder = asmBuilder.DefineDynamicModule(
asmName.Name + ".exe"
// Create a memory stream for the unmanaged resource data.
// You can use any stream; for example, you might read the
// unmanaged resource data from a binary file. It is not
// necessary to put any data into the stream right now.
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(1024);
// Define a public manifest resource with the name
// "MyBinaryData, and associate it with the memory stream.
// Create a type with a public static Main method that will
// be the entry point for the emitted assembly.
// The purpose of the Main method in this example is to read
// the manifest resource and display it, byte by byte.
TypeBuilder tb = modBuilder.DefineType("Example");
MethodBuilder main = tb.DefineMethod("Main",
MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.Static
// The Main method uses the Assembly type and the Stream
// type.
Type asm = typeof(Assembly);
Type str = typeof(Stream);
// Get MethodInfo objects for the methods called by
// Main.
MethodInfo getEx = asm.GetMethod("GetExecutingAssembly");
// Use the overload of GetManifestResourceStream that
// takes one argument, a string.
MethodInfo getMRS = asm.GetMethod(
new Type[] {typeof(string)}
MethodInfo rByte = str.GetMethod("ReadByte");
// Use the overload of WriteLine that writes an Int32.
MethodInfo write = typeof(Console).GetMethod(
new Type[] {typeof(int)}
ILGenerator ilg = main.GetILGenerator();
// Main uses two local variables: the instance of the
// stream returned by GetManifestResourceStream, and
// the value returned by ReadByte. The load and store
// instructions refer to these locals by position
// (0 and 1).
LocalBuilder s = ilg.DeclareLocal(str);
LocalBuilder b = ilg.DeclareLocal(typeof(int));
// Call the static Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly() method,
// which leaves the assembly instance on the stack. Push the
// string name of the resource on the stack, and call the
// GetManifestResourceStream(string) method of the assembly
// instance.
ilg.EmitCall(OpCodes.Call, getEx, null);
ilg.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, "MyBinaryData");
ilg.EmitCall(OpCodes.Callvirt, getMRS, null);
// Store the Stream instance.
// Create a label, and associate it with this point
// in the emitted code.
Label loop = ilg.DefineLabel();
// Load the Stream instance onto the stack, and call
// its ReadByte method. The return value is on the
// stack now; store it in location 1 (variable b).
ilg.EmitCall(OpCodes.Callvirt, rByte, null);
// Load the value on the stack again, and call the
// WriteLine method to print it.
ilg.EmitCall(OpCodes.Call, write, null);
// Load the value one more time; load -1 (minus one)
// and compare the two values. If return value from
// ReadByte was not -1, branch to the label 'loop'.
ilg.Emit(OpCodes.Brfalse_S, loop);
// When all the bytes in the stream have been read,
// return. This is the end of Main.
// Create the type "Example" in the dynamic assembly.
// Because the manifest resource was added as an open
// stream, the data can be written at any time, right up
// until the assembly is saved. In this case, the data
// consists of five bytes.
ms.Write(new byte[] { 105, 36, 74, 97, 109 }, 0, 5);
// Set the Main method as the entry point for the
// assembly, and save the assembly. The manifest resource
// is read from the memory stream, and appended to the
// end of the assembly. You can open the assembly with
// Ildasm and view the resource header for "MyBinaryData".
asmBuilder.Save(asmName.Name + ".exe");
Console.WriteLine("Now run EmittedManifestResourceAssembly.exe");
/* This code example doesn't produce any output. The assembly it
emits, EmittedManifestResourceAssembly.exe, produces the following
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.Reflection.Emit
Imports System.IO
Public Class Example
Public Shared Sub Main()
' Define a dynamic assembly with one module. The module
' name and the assembly name are the same.
Dim asmName As New AssemblyName("EmittedManifestResourceAssembly")
Dim asmBuilder As AssemblyBuilder = _
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly( _
asmName, _
AssemblyBuilderAccess.RunAndSave _
Dim modBuilder As ModuleBuilder = _
asmBuilder.DefineDynamicModule( _
asmName.Name, _
asmName.Name + ".exe" _
' Create a memory stream for the unmanaged resource data.
' You can use any stream; for example, you might read the
' unmanaged resource data from a binary file. It is not
' necessary to put any data into the stream right now.
Dim ms As New MemoryStream(1024)
' Define a public manifest resource with the name
' "MyBinaryData, and associate it with the memory stream.
modBuilder.DefineManifestResource( _
"MyBinaryData", _
ms, _
ResourceAttributes.Public _
' Create a type with a public static Main method that will
' be the entry point for the emitted assembly.
' The purpose of the Main method in this example is to read
' the manifest resource and display it, byte by byte.
Dim tb As TypeBuilder = modBuilder.DefineType("Example")
Dim main As MethodBuilder = tb.DefineMethod( _
"Main", _
MethodAttributes.Public Or MethodAttributes.Static _
' The Main method uses the Assembly type and the Stream
' type.
Dim asm As Type = GetType([Assembly])
Dim str As Type = GetType(Stream)
' Get MethodInfo objects for the methods called by
' Main.
Dim getEx As MethodInfo = asm.GetMethod("GetExecutingAssembly")
' Use the overload of GetManifestResourceStream that
' takes one argument, a string.
Dim getMRS As MethodInfo = asm.GetMethod( _
"GetManifestResourceStream", _
New Type() {GetType(String)} _
Dim rByte As MethodInfo = str.GetMethod("ReadByte")
' Use the overload of WriteLine that writes an Int32.
Dim write As MethodInfo = GetType(Console).GetMethod( _
"WriteLine", _
New Type() {GetType(Integer)} _
Dim ilg As ILGenerator = main.GetILGenerator()
' Main uses two local variables: the instance of the
' stream returned by GetManifestResourceStream, and
' the value returned by ReadByte. The load and store
' instructions refer to these locals by position
' (0 and 1).
Dim s As LocalBuilder = ilg.DeclareLocal(str)
Dim b As LocalBuilder = ilg.DeclareLocal(GetType(Integer))
' Call the static Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly() method,
' which leaves the assembly instance on the stack. Push the
' string name of the resource on the stack, and call the
' GetManifestResourceStream(string) method of the assembly
' instance.
ilg.EmitCall(OpCodes.Call, getEx, Nothing)
ilg.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, "MyBinaryData")
ilg.EmitCall(OpCodes.Callvirt, getMRS, Nothing)
' Store the Stream instance.
' Create a label, and associate it with this point
' in the emitted code.
Dim theLoop As Label = ilg.DefineLabel()
' Load the Stream instance onto the stack, and call
' its ReadByte method. The return value is on the
' stack now; store it in location 1 (variable b).
ilg.EmitCall(OpCodes.Callvirt, rByte, Nothing)
' Load the value on the stack again, and call the
' WriteLine method to print it.
ilg.EmitCall(OpCodes.Call, write, Nothing)
' Load the value one more time; load -1 (minus one)
' and compare the two values. If return value from
' ReadByte was not -1, branch to the label 'loop'.
ilg.Emit(OpCodes.Brfalse_S, theLoop)
' When all the bytes in the stream have been read,
' return. This is the end of Main.
' Create the type "Example" in the dynamic assembly.
' Because the manifest resource was added as an open
' stream, the data can be written at any time, right up
' until the assembly is saved. In this case, the data
' consists of five bytes.
ms.Write(New Byte() {105, 36, 74, 97, 109}, 0, 5)
' Set the Main method as the entry point for the
' assembly, and save the assembly. The manifest resource
' is read from the memory stream, and appended to the
' end of the assembly. You can open the assembly with
' Ildasm and view the resource header for "MyBinaryData".
asmBuilder.Save(asmName.Name + ".exe")
Console.WriteLine("Now run EmittedManifestResourceAssembly.exe")
End Sub
End Class
' This code example doesn't produce any output. The assembly it
' emits, EmittedManifestResourceAssembly.exe, produces the following
' output:
Ressourcen, die im Assemblymanifest aufgezeichnet werden, können verwaltete Ressourcen oder Manifestressourcen-BLOBs sein, und jede dieser Ressourcen kann entweder durch Verknüpfen oder durch Einbetten in die Assembly eingeschlossen werden. Alle vier Szenarien werden für dynamische Assemblys unterstützt.
Mit dieser Methode können Sie ein Manifestressourcenblob in eine dynamische Assembly einbetten.
Um eine verwaltete Ressource in das Manifestmodul einer dynamischen Assembly oder in ein Satellitenmodul einzubetten, verwenden Sie die ModuleBuilder.DefineResource -Methode, um einen Ressourcenschreiber abzurufen, und verwenden Sie die ResourceWriter.AddResource -Methode, um die Ressource hinzuzufügen.
Um eine verwaltete Ressource mit einer dynamischen Assembly zu verknüpfen, verwenden Sie die AssemblyBuilder.DefineResource -Methode, um einen Ressourcenschreiber abzurufen, und verwenden Sie die ResourceWriter.AddResource -Methode, um die verknüpfte Ressource hinzuzufügen.
Um ein Manifestressource-BLOB mit einer dynamischen Assembly zu verknüpfen, verwenden Sie die AssemblyBuilder.AddResourceFile -Methode, um die verknüpfte Ressource hinzuzufügen.
Darüber hinaus kann eine einzelne Win32-Ressource mit der AssemblyBuilder.DefineUnmanagedResource -Methode oder - ModuleBuilder.DefineUnmanagedResource Methode an eine Assembly angefügt werden. Diese Ressource wird nicht im Assemblymanifest angezeigt.