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Array.ForEach<T>(T[], Action<T>) Method


Performs the specified action on each element of the specified array.

generic <typename T>
 static void ForEach(cli::array <T> ^ array, Action<T> ^ action);
public static void ForEach<T> (T[] array, Action<T> action);
static member ForEach : 'T[] * Action<'T> -> unit
Public Shared Sub ForEach(Of T) (array As T(), action As Action(Of T))

Type Parameters


The type of the elements of the array.



The one-dimensional, zero-based Array on whose elements the action is to be performed.


The Action<T> to perform on each element of array.


array is null.


action is null.


The following example shows how to use ForEach to display the squares of each element in an integer array.

using namespace System;

public ref class SamplesArray
    static void Main()
        // create a three element array of integers
        array<int>^ intArray = gcnew array<int> {2, 3, 4};

        // set a delegate for the ShowSquares method
        Action<int>^ action = gcnew Action<int>(ShowSquares);

        Array::ForEach(intArray, action);

    static void ShowSquares(int val)
        Console::WriteLine("{0:d} squared = {1:d}", val, val*val);

int main()

This code produces the following output:

2 squared = 4
3 squared = 9
4 squared = 16
using System;

public class SamplesArray
    public static void Main()
        // create a three element array of integers
        int[] intArray = new int[] {2, 3, 4};

        // set a delegate for the ShowSquares method
        Action<int> action = new Action<int>(ShowSquares);

        Array.ForEach(intArray, action);

    private static void ShowSquares(int val)
        Console.WriteLine("{0:d} squared = {1:d}", val, val*val);

This code produces the following output:

2 squared = 4
3 squared = 9
4 squared = 16
open System

let showSquares val' =
    printfn $"%i{val'} squared = %i{val' * val'}"

// create a three element array of integers
let intArray = [| 2..4 |]

Array.ForEach(intArray, showSquares)
// Array.iter showSquares intArray

// This code produces the following output:
//     2 squared = 4
//     3 squared = 9
//     4 squared = 16
Public Class SamplesArray
    Public Shared Sub Main()
        ' create a three element array of integers
        Dim intArray() As Integer = New Integer() {2, 3, 4}

        ' set a delegate for the ShowSquares method
        Dim action As New Action(Of Integer)(AddressOf ShowSquares)

        Array.ForEach(intArray, action)
    End Sub

    Private Shared Sub ShowSquares(val As Integer)
        Console.WriteLine("{0:d} squared = {1:d}", val, val*val)
    End Sub
End Class

' This code produces the following output:
' 2 squared = 4
' 3 squared = 9
' 4 squared = 16


The Action<T> is a delegate to a method that performs an action on the object passed to it. The elements of array are individually passed to the Action<T>.

This method is an O(n) operation, where n is the Length of array.

In F#, the Array.iter function can be used instead.

Applies to

See also