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BlobContainerPermissions Klasse


Stellt die Berechtigungen für einen Container dar.

public sealed class BlobContainerPermissions
type BlobContainerPermissions = class
Public NotInheritable Class BlobContainerPermissions


// If we want to set the permissions on a container, first we should get the existing permissions.
// This is important, because "SetPermissions" uses "replace" semantics, not "merge" semantics.
// If we skipped this step and just created a new BlobContainerPermissions object locally, 
// any existing policies would be deleted.
BlobContainerPermissions permissions = containerWithSharedKey.GetPermissions();

// Create a policy with read access.
SharedAccessBlobPolicy policy = new SharedAccessBlobPolicy()
    SharedAccessExpiryTime = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddMinutes(30),
    Permissions = SharedAccessBlobPermissions.Read

// Once uploaded, these permissions will allow SAS tokens created with the named policy
// to read from the container for 30 minutes, as specified in the policy.
// This only applies to SAS tokens created referencing this specific policy name on this specific container.
permissions.SharedAccessPolicies[policyName] = policy;

// This call actually uploads the permissions to the Azure Storage Service.
// Note that this can take up to 30 seconds after the call completes to take affect.



Initialisiert eine neue Instanz der BlobContainerPermissions-Klasse.



Ruft die Einstellung für den öffentlichen Zugriff für den Container ab oder legt sie fest.


Ruft den Satz von Richtlinien für den freigegebenen Zugriff für den Container ab.

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