UnindexedFieldURIType Enumeration
Einige Informationen beziehen sich auf Vorabversionen, die vor dem Release ggf. grundlegend überarbeitet werden. Microsoft übernimmt hinsichtlich der hier bereitgestellten Informationen keine Gewährleistungen, seien sie ausdrücklich oder konkludent.
Die UnindexedFieldURIType -Enumeration identifiziert häufig referenzierte nicht indizierte Eigenschaften durch den URI.
public enum class UnindexedFieldURIType
public enum UnindexedFieldURIType
Public Enum UnindexedFieldURIType
- Vererbung
Name | Wert | Beschreibung |
folderFolderId | 0 | Identifies the FolderId property. |
folderParentFolderId | 1 | Identifies the ParentFolderId property. |
folderDisplayName | 2 | Identifies the DisplayName property. |
folderUnreadCount | 3 | Identifies the UnreadCount property. |
folderTotalCount | 4 | Identifies the TotalCount property. |
folderChildFolderCount | 5 | Identifies the ChildFolderCount property. |
folderFolderClass | 6 | Identifies the FolderClass property. |
folderSearchParameters | 7 | Identifies the SearchParameters property. |
folderManagedFolderInformation | 8 | Identifies the ManagedFolderInformation property. |
folderPermissionSet | 9 | Identifies the PermissionSet property. |
folderEffectiveRights | 10 | Identifies the EffectiveRights property. |
folderSharingEffectiveRights | 11 | Identifies the SharingEffectiveRights property. |
folderDistinguishedFolderId | 12 | |
folderPolicyTag | 13 | |
folderArchiveTag | 14 | |
itemItemId | 15 | Identifies the ItemId property. |
itemParentFolderId | 16 | Identifies the ParentFolderId property. |
itemItemClass | 17 | Identifies the ItemClass property. |
itemMimeContent | 18 | Identifies the MimeContent property. |
itemAttachments | 19 | Identifies the Attachments property. |
itemSubject | 20 | Identifies the Subject property. |
itemDateTimeReceived | 21 | Identifies the DateTimeReceived property. |
itemSize | 22 | Identifies the Size property. |
itemCategories | 23 | Identifies the Categories property. |
itemHasAttachments | 24 | Identifies the HasAttachments property. |
itemImportance | 25 | Identifies the Importance property. |
itemInReplyTo | 26 | Identifies the InReplyTo property. |
itemInternetMessageHeaders | 27 | Identifies the InternetMessageHeaders property. |
itemIsAssociated | 28 | Identifies the IsAssociated property. |
itemIsDraft | 29 | Identifies the IsDraft property. |
itemIsFromMe | 30 | Identifies the IsFromMe property. |
itemIsResend | 31 | Identifies the IsResend property. |
itemIsSubmitted | 32 | Identifies the IsSubmitted property. |
itemIsUnmodified | 33 | Identifies the IsUnmodified property. |
itemDateTimeSent | 34 | Identifies the DateTimeSent property. |
itemDateTimeCreated | 35 | Identifies the DateTimeCreated property. |
itemBody | 36 | Identifies the Body property. |
itemResponseObjects | 37 | Identifies the ResponseObjects property. |
itemSensitivity | 38 | Identifies the Sensitivity property. |
itemReminderDueBy | 39 | Identifies the ReminderDueBy property. |
itemReminderIsSet | 40 | Identifies the ReminderIsSet property. |
itemReminderNextTime | 41 | |
itemReminderMinutesBeforeStart | 42 | Identifies the ReminderMinutesBeforeStart property. |
itemDisplayTo | 43 | Identifies the DisplayTo property. |
itemDisplayCc | 44 | Identifies the DisplayCc property. |
itemCulture | 45 | Identifies the Culture property. |
itemEffectiveRights | 46 | Identifies the EffectiveRights property. |
itemLastModifiedName | 47 | Identifies the LastModifiedName property. |
itemLastModifiedTime | 48 | Identifies the LastModifiedTime property. |
itemConversationId | 49 | Identifies the ConversationId property. |
itemUniqueBody | 50 | Identifies the UniqueBody property. |
itemFlag | 51 | |
itemStoreEntryId | 52 | |
itemInstanceKey | 53 | |
itemNormalizedBody | 54 | |
itemEntityExtractionResult | 55 | |
itemPolicyTag | 56 | |
itemArchiveTag | 57 | |
itemRetentionDate | 58 | |
itemPreview | 59 | |
itemNextPredictedAction | 60 | |
itemGroupingAction | 61 | |
itemRightsManagementLicenseData | 62 | |
itemBlockStatus | 63 | |
itemHasBlockedImages | 64 | |
itemWebClientReadFormQueryString | 65 | Identifies the WebClientReadFormQueryString property. |
itemWebClientEditFormQueryString | 66 | Identifies the WebClientEditFormQueryString property. |
itemTextBody | 67 | |
itemIconIndex | 68 | |
messageConversationIndex | 69 | Identifies the ConversationIndex property. |
messageConversationTopic | 70 | Identifies the ConversationTopic property. |
messageInternetMessageId | 71 | Identifies the InternetMessageId property. |
messageIsRead | 72 | Identifies the IsRead property. |
messageIsResponseRequested | 73 | Identifies the IsResponseRequested property. |
messageIsReadReceiptRequested | 74 | Identifies the IsReadReceiptRequested property. |
messageIsDeliveryReceiptRequested | 75 | Identifies the IsDeliveryReceiptRequested property. |
messageReceivedBy | 76 | Identifies the ReceivedBy property. |
messageReceivedRepresenting | 77 | Identifies the ReceivedRepresenting property. |
messageReferences | 78 | Identifies the References property. |
messageReplyTo | 79 | Identifies the ReplyTo property. |
messageFrom | 80 | Identifies the From property. |
messageSender | 81 | Identifies the Sender property. |
messageToRecipients | 82 | Identifies the ToRecipients property. |
messageCcRecipients | 83 | Identifies the CcRecipients property. |
messageBccRecipients | 84 | Identifies the BccRecipients property. |
meetingAssociatedCalendarItemId | 85 | Identifies the AssociatedCalendarItemId property. |
meetingIsDelegated | 86 | Identifies the IsDelegated property. |
meetingIsOutOfDate | 87 | Identifies the IsOutOfDate property. |
meetingHasBeenProcessed | 88 | Identifies the HasBeenProcessed property. |
meetingResponseType | 89 | Identifies the ResponseType property. |
meetingProposedStart | 90 | |
meetingProposedEnd | 91 | |
meetingRequestMeetingRequestType | 92 | Identifiziert die RequestMeetingRequestType-Eigenschaft. |
meetingRequestIntendedFreeBusyStatus | 93 | Identifiziert die RequestIntendedFreeBusyStatus-Eigenschaft. |
meetingRequestChangeHighlights | 94 | |
calendarStart | 95 | Identifies the Start property. |
calendarEnd | 96 | Identifies the End property. |
calendarOriginalStart | 97 | Identifies the OriginalStart property. |
calendarStartWallClock | 98 | |
calendarEndWallClock | 99 | |
calendarStartTimeZoneId | 100 | |
calendarEndTimeZoneId | 101 | |
calendarIsAllDayEvent | 102 | Identifies the IsAllDayEvent property. |
calendarLegacyFreeBusyStatus | 103 | Identifies the LegacyFreeBusyStatus property. |
calendarLocation | 104 | Identifies the Location property. |
calendarEnhancedLocation | 105 | |
calendarWhen | 106 | Identifies the When property. |
calendarIsMeeting | 107 | Identifies the IsMeeting property. |
calendarIsCancelled | 108 | Identifies the IsCancelled property. |
calendarIsRecurring | 109 | Identifies the IsRecurring property. |
calendarMeetingRequestWasSent | 110 | Identifies the MeetingRequestWasSent property. |
calendarIsResponseRequested | 111 | Identifies the IsResponseRequested property. |
calendarCalendarItemType | 112 | Identifies the CalendarItemType property. |
calendarMyResponseType | 113 | Identifies the MyResponseType property. |
calendarOrganizer | 114 | Identifies the Organizer property. |
calendarRequiredAttendees | 115 | Identifies the RequiredAttendees property. |
calendarOptionalAttendees | 116 | Identifies the OptionalAttendees property. |
calendarResources | 117 | Identifies the Resources property. |
calendarConflictingMeetingCount | 118 | Identifies the ConflictingMeetingCount property. |
calendarAdjacentMeetingCount | 119 | Identifies the AdjacentMeetingCount property. |
calendarConflictingMeetings | 120 | Identifies the ConflictingMeetings property. |
calendarAdjacentMeetings | 121 | Identifies the AdjacentMeetings property. |
calendarDuration | 122 | Identifies the Duration property. |
calendarTimeZone | 123 | Identifies the TimeZone property. |
calendarAppointmentReplyTime | 124 | Identifies the AppointmentReplyTime property. |
calendarAppointmentSequenceNumber | 125 | Identifies the AppointmentSequenceNumber property. |
calendarAppointmentState | 126 | Identifies the AppointmentState property. |
calendarRecurrence | 127 | Identifies the Recurrence property. |
calendarFirstOccurrence | 128 | Identifies the FirstOccurrence property. |
calendarLastOccurrence | 129 | Identifies the LastOccurrence property. |
calendarModifiedOccurrences | 130 | Identifies the ModifiedOccurrences property. |
calendarDeletedOccurrences | 131 | Identifies the DeletedOccurrences property. |
calendarMeetingTimeZone | 132 | Identifies the MeetingTimeZone property. |
calendarConferenceType | 133 | Identifies the ConferenceType property. |
calendarAllowNewTimeProposal | 134 | Identifies the AllowNewTimeProposal property. |
calendarIsOnlineMeeting | 135 | Identifies the IsOnlineMeeting property. |
calendarMeetingWorkspaceUrl | 136 | Identifies the MeetingWorkspaceUrl property. |
calendarNetShowUrl | 137 | Identifies the NetShowUrl property. |
calendarUID | 138 | Identifies the UID property. |
calendarRecurrenceId | 139 | Identifies the RecurrenceId property. |
calendarDateTimeStamp | 140 | Identifies the DateTimeStamp property. |
calendarStartTimeZone | 141 | Identifies the StartTimeZone property. |
calendarEndTimeZone | 142 | Identifies the EndTimeZone property. |
calendarJoinOnlineMeetingUrl | 143 | |
calendarOnlineMeetingSettings | 144 | |
calendarIsOrganizer | 145 | |
taskActualWork | 146 | Identifies the ActualWork property. |
taskAssignedTime | 147 | Identifies the AssignedTime property. |
taskBillingInformation | 148 | Identifies the BillingInformation property. |
taskChangeCount | 149 | Identifies the ChangeCount property. |
taskCompanies | 150 | Identifies the Companies property. |
taskCompleteDate | 151 | Identifies the CompleteDate property. |
taskContacts | 152 | Identifies the Contacts property. |
taskDelegationState | 153 | Identifies the DelegationState property. |
taskDelegator | 154 | Identifies the Delegator property. |
taskDueDate | 155 | Identifies the DueDate property. |
taskIsAssignmentEditable | 156 | Identifies the IsAssignmentEditable property. |
taskIsComplete | 157 | Identifies the IsComplete property. |
taskIsRecurring | 158 | Identifies the IsRecurring property. |
taskIsTeamTask | 159 | Identifies the IsTeamTask property. |
taskMileage | 160 | Identifies the Mileage property. |
taskOwner | 161 | Identifies the Owner property. |
taskPercentComplete | 162 | Identifies the PercentComplete property. |
taskRecurrence | 163 | Identifies the Recurrence property. |
taskStartDate | 164 | Identifies the StartDate property. |
taskStatus | 165 | Identifies the Status property. |
taskStatusDescription | 166 | Identifies the StatusDescription property. |
taskTotalWork | 167 | Identifies the TotalWork property. |
contactsAlias | 168 | |
contactsAssistantName | 169 | Identifies the AssistantName property. |
contactsBirthday | 170 | Identifies the Birthday property. |
contactsBusinessHomePage | 171 | Identifies the BusinessHomePage property. |
contactsChildren | 172 | Identifies the Children property. |
contactsCompanies | 173 | Identifies the Companies property. |
contactsCompanyName | 174 | Identifies the CompanyName property. |
contactsCompleteName | 175 | Identifies the CompleteName property. |
contactsContactSource | 176 | Identifies the ContactSource property. |
contactsCulture | 177 | Identifies the Culture property. |
contactsDepartment | 178 | Identifies the Department property. |
contactsDisplayName | 179 | Identifies the DisplayName property. |
contactsDirectoryId | 180 | |
contactsDirectReports | 181 | |
contactsEmailAddresses | 182 | Identifies the EmailAddresses property. |
contactsFileAs | 183 | Identifies the FileAs property. |
contactsFileAsMapping | 184 | Identifies the FileAsMapping property. |
contactsGeneration | 185 | Identifies the Generation property. |
contactsGivenName | 186 | Identifies the GivenName property. |
contactsImAddresses | 187 | Identifies the ImAddresses property. |
contactsInitials | 188 | Identifies the Initials property. |
contactsJobTitle | 189 | Identifies the JobTitle property. |
contactsManager | 190 | Identifies the Manager property. |
contactsManagerMailbox | 191 | |
contactsMiddleName | 192 | Identifies the MiddleName property. |
contactsMileage | 193 | Identifies the Mileage property. |
contactsMSExchangeCertificate | 194 | |
contactsNickname | 195 | Identifies the Nickname property. |
contactsNotes | 196 | |
contactsOfficeLocation | 197 | Identifies the OfficeLocation property. |
contactsPhoneNumbers | 198 | Identifies the PhoneNumbers property. |
contactsPhoneticFullName | 199 | |
contactsPhoneticFirstName | 200 | |
contactsPhoneticLastName | 201 | |
contactsPhoto | 202 | |
contactsPhysicalAddresses | 203 | Identifies the PhysicalAddresses property. |
contactsPostalAddressIndex | 204 | Identifies the PostalAddressIndex property. |
contactsProfession | 205 | Identifies the Profession property. |
contactsSpouseName | 206 | Identifies the SpouseName property. |
contactsSurname | 207 | Identifies the Surname property. |
contactsWeddingAnniversary | 208 | Identifies the WeddingAnniversary property. |
contactsUserSMIMECertificate | 209 | |
contactsHasPicture | 210 | Identifies the HasPicture property. |
distributionlistMembers | 211 | Identifies the Members property. |
postitemPostedTime | 212 | Identifies the PostedTime property. |
conversationConversationId | 213 | |
conversationConversationTopic | 214 | |
conversationUniqueRecipients | 215 | |
conversationGlobalUniqueRecipients | 216 | |
conversationUniqueUnreadSenders | 217 | |
conversationGlobalUniqueUnreadSenders | 218 | |
conversationUniqueSenders | 219 | |
conversationGlobalUniqueSenders | 220 | |
conversationLastDeliveryTime | 221 | |
conversationGlobalLastDeliveryTime | 222 | |
conversationCategories | 223 | |
conversationGlobalCategories | 224 | |
conversationFlagStatus | 225 | |
conversationGlobalFlagStatus | 226 | |
conversationHasAttachments | 227 | |
conversationGlobalHasAttachments | 228 | |
conversationMessageCount | 229 | |
conversationGlobalMessageCount | 230 | |
conversationUnreadCount | 231 | |
conversationGlobalUnreadCount | 232 | |
conversationSize | 233 | |
conversationGlobalSize | 234 | |
conversationItemClasses | 235 | |
conversationGlobalItemClasses | 236 | |
conversationImportance | 237 | |
conversationGlobalImportance | 238 | |
conversationItemIds | 239 | |
conversationGlobalItemIds | 240 | |
conversationLastModifiedTime | 241 | |
conversationInstanceKey | 242 | |
conversationPreview | 243 | |
conversationNextPredictedAction | 244 | |
conversationGroupingAction | 245 | |
conversationIconIndex | 246 | |
conversationGlobalIconIndex | 247 | |
conversationDraftItemIds | 248 | |
personaPersonaId | 249 | |
personaPersonaType | 250 | |
personaGivenName | 251 | |
personaCompanyName | 252 | |
personaSurname | 253 | |
personaDisplayName | 254 | |
personaEmailAddress | 255 | |
personaFileAs | 256 | |
personaHomeCity | 257 | |
personaCreationTime | 258 | |
personaRelevanceScore | 259 | |
personaWorkCity | 260 | |
personaPersonaObjectStatus | 261 | |
personaFileAsId | 262 | |
personaDisplayNamePrefix | 263 | |
personaYomiCompanyName | 264 | |
personaYomiFirstName | 265 | |
personaYomiLastName | 266 | |
personaTitle | 267 | |
personaEmailAddress1 | 268 | |
personaEmailAddresses | 269 | |
personaPhoneNumber | 270 | |
personaImAddress | 271 | |
personaImAddresses | 272 | |
personaImAddresses2 | 273 | |
personaImAddresses3 | 274 | |
personaFolderIds | 275 | |
personaAttributions | 276 | |
personaDisplayNames | 277 | |
personaInitials | 278 | |
personaFileAses | 279 | |
personaFileAsIds | 280 | |
personaDisplayNamePrefixes | 281 | |
personaGivenNames | 282 | |
personaMiddleNames | 283 | |
personaSurnames | 284 | |
personaGenerations | 285 | |
personaNicknames | 286 | |
personaYomiCompanyNames | 287 | |
personaYomiFirstNames | 288 | |
personaYomiLastNames | 289 | |
personaBusinessPhoneNumbers | 290 | |
personaBusinessPhoneNumbers2 | 291 | |
personaHomePhones | 292 | |
personaHomePhones2 | 293 | |
personaMobilePhones | 294 | |
personaMobilePhones2 | 295 | |
personaAssistantPhoneNumbers | 296 | |
personaCallbackPhones | 297 | |
personaCarPhones | 298 | |
personaHomeFaxes | 299 | |
personaOrganizationMainPhones | 300 | |
personaOtherFaxes | 301 | |
personaOtherTelephones | 302 | |
personaOtherPhones2 | 303 | |
personaPagers | 304 | |
personaRadioPhones | 305 | |
personaTelexNumbers | 306 | |
personaWorkFaxes | 307 | |
personaEmails1 | 308 | |
personaEmails2 | 309 | |
personaEmails3 | 310 | |
personaBusinessHomePages | 311 | |
personaSchool | 312 | |
personaPersonalHomePages | 313 | |
personaOfficeLocations | 314 | |
personaBusinessAddresses | 315 | |
personaHomeAddresses | 316 | |
personaOtherAddresses | 317 | |
personaTitles | 318 | |
personaDepartments | 319 | |
personaCompanyNames | 320 | |
personaManagers | 321 | |
personaAssistantNames | 322 | |
personaProfessions | 323 | |
personaSpouseNames | 324 | |
personaHobbies | 325 | |
personaWeddingAnniversaries | 326 | |
personaBirthdays | 327 | |
personaChildren | 328 | |
personaLocations | 329 | |
personaExtendedProperties | 330 | |
personaPostalAddress | 331 | |
personaBodies | 332 |
Diese Enumeration wird von der FieldURI -Eigenschaft des PathToUnindexedFieldType -Objekts verwendet.