emailserverprofile EntityType
Description: Holds the Email Server Profiles of an organization
Entity Set path: [organization URI]/api/data/v8.0/emailserverprofiles
Base Type: crmbaseentity EntityType
Display Name: Email Server Profile
Primary Key: emailserverprofileid
Primary Name Attribute: name
Single-valued navigation properties
Collection-valued navigation properties
Properties represent fields of data stored in the entity. Some properties are not writable.
Name | Type | Details |
_createdby_value |
Edm.Guid |
Description: Shows who created the record. Computed property Read-only property |
_createdonbehalfby_value |
Edm.Guid |
Description: Shows who created the record on behalf of another user. Computed property Read-only property |
_incomingpartnerapplication_value |
Edm.Guid |
Description: Indicates the incoming partner application. Computed property Read-only property |
_modifiedby_value |
Edm.Guid |
Description: Shows who last updated the record. Computed property Read-only property |
_modifiedonbehalfby_value |
Edm.Guid |
Description: Shows who last updated the record on behalf of another user. Computed property Read-only property |
_organizationid_value |
Edm.Guid |
Description: Unique identifier of the organization associated with the record. Computed property Read-only property |
_outgoingpartnerapplication_value |
Edm.Guid |
Description: Indicates the outgoing partner application. Computed property Read-only property |
_ownerid_value |
Edm.Guid |
Description: Enter the user or team who is assigned to manage the record. This field is updated every time the record is assigned to a different user. |
_owningbusinessunit_value |
Edm.Guid |
Description: Select the business unit that owns the record. Computed property Read-only property |
_owningteam_value |
Edm.Guid |
Description: Unique identifier for the team that owns the record. Computed property Read-only property |
_owninguser_value |
Edm.Guid |
Description: Unique identifier for the user that owns the record. Computed property Read-only property |
createdon |
Edm.DateTimeOffset |
Description: Shows the date and time when the record was created. The date and time are displayed in the time zone selected in Microsoft Dynamics CRM options. Display Name: Created On Read-only property |
description |
Edm.String |
Description: Type additional information that describes the email server profile. Display Name: Description |
emailserverprofileid |
Edm.Guid |
Description: Unique identifier of the email server profile. Display Name: EmailServerProfile |
emailservertypename |
Edm.String |
Description: Email Server Type Name Display Name: Email Server Type Name Read-only property |
encodingcodepage |
Edm.String |
Description: Indicates the code page to use when encoding email content. Display Name: Encoding Code Page |
entityimage |
Edm.Binary |
Description: The default image for the entity. Display Name: Entity Image |
entityimage_timestamp |
Edm.Int64 |
Description: Read-only property |
entityimage_url |
Edm.String |
Description: Read-only property |
entityimageid |
Edm.Guid |
Description: For internal use only. Display Name: Entity Image Id Read-only property |
exchangeversion |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Select the version of Exchange that is on the email server. Default Options: 0 : Exchange 2007 Display Name: Exchange Version |
incomingauthenticationprotocol |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Select the incoming email authentication protocol that is used for connecting to the email server. Default Options: 0 : Auto Detect Display Name: Incoming Authentication Protocol |
incomingcredentialretrieval |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Select how credentials will be retrieved for incoming email. Default Options: 0 : Credentials Specified by a User or Queue Display Name: Incoming Email Credential Retrieval |
incomingpassword |
Edm.String |
Description: Type the password for incoming email. Display Name: Incoming Email Password |
incomingportnumber |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Type the Exchange port number for incoming mail. Display Name: Incoming Email Port |
incomingserverlocation |
Edm.String |
Description: Type the location of the server for incoming email. Display Name: Incoming Email Server Location |
incominguseimpersonation |
Edm.Boolean |
Description: Select whether to use impersonation to access the mailbox to process incoming emails. Default Options: 1 : Yes Display Name: Use Impersonation for Incoming Email |
incomingusername |
Edm.String |
Description: Type the user name for incoming email. Display Name: Incoming Email User Name |
incomingusessl |
Edm.Boolean |
Description: Select whether to use the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol for incoming email. Default Options: 1 : Yes Display Name: Use SSL for Incoming Email |
isincomingpasswordset |
Edm.Boolean |
Description: Default Options: 1 : Yes Read-only property |
isoutgoingpasswordset |
Edm.Boolean |
Description: Default Options: 1 : Yes Read-only property |
lasttestexecutionstatus |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Shows the last test Execution status of email server profile Default Options: 0 : Failure Display Name: Last Test Execution Status |
lasttestrequest |
Edm.String |
Description: Shows the EWS Request created during the Last Test Display Name: Last Test Request |
lasttestresponse |
Edm.String |
Description: Shows the EWS Response obtained during the Last Test Display Name: Last Test Response |
lastteststarttime |
Edm.DateTimeOffset |
Description: Shows the Last Test Start date and time Display Name: Last Test Time |
lasttesttotalexecutiontime |
Edm.Int64 |
Description: Shows the Time taken while running the last test Display Name: Last Test Time Taken |
lasttestvalidationstatus |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Shows the last test Validation status of email server profile Default Options: 0 : Failure Display Name: Last Test Validation Status |
maxconcurrentconnections |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Maximum number of concurrent connections allowed to the email server per authenticated user. Display Name: Maximum Concurrent Connections |
minpollingintervalinminutes |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Minimum polling interval, in minutes, for mailboxes that are associated with this email server profile. Display Name: Minimum Polling Interval In Minutes |
modifiedon |
Edm.DateTimeOffset |
Description: Shows the date and time when the record was last updated. The date and time are displayed in the time zone selected in Microsoft Dynamics CRM options. Display Name: Modified On Read-only property |
moveundeliveredemails |
Edm.Boolean |
Description: Indicates whether to move undelivered incoming emails to the Undeliverable folder in Microsoft Exchange. Default Options: 1 : Yes Display Name: Move Undelivered Emails to the Undeliverable Folder |
name |
Edm.String |
Description: Type the name of the email server profile record. Display Name: Name |
outgoingauthenticationprotocol |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Select the outgoing email authentication protocol that is used for connecting to the email server. Default Options: 0 : Auto Detect Display Name: Outgoing Authentication Protocol |
outgoingautograntdelegateaccess |
Edm.Boolean |
Description: Indicates whether the email connector will grant delegate access permissions to the accessing user when required while processing outgoing emails. Default Options: 1 : Yes Display Name: Auto Grant Delegate Access for Outgoing Email. |
outgoingcredentialretrieval |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Select how credentials will be retrieved for outgoing email. Default Options: 0 : Credentials Specified by a User or Queue Display Name: Outgoing Email Credential Retrieval |
outgoingpassword |
Edm.String |
Description: Type the password for outgoing email. Display Name: Outgoing Email Password |
outgoingportnumber |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Type the Exchange port number for outgoing mail. Display Name: Outgoing Email Port |
outgoingserverlocation |
Edm.String |
Description: Type the location of the server for outgoing email. Display Name: Outgoing Email Server Location |
outgoinguseimpersonation |
Edm.Boolean |
Description: Select whether to use impersonation for accessing the mailbox to process outgoing emails. Default Options: 1 : Yes Display Name: Use Impersonation for Outgoing Email |
outgoingusername |
Edm.String |
Description: Type the user name for outgoing email. Display Name: Outgoing Email User Name |
outgoingusessl |
Edm.Boolean |
Description: Select whether to use the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol for outgoing email. Default Options: 1 : Yes Display Name: Use SSL for Outgoing Email |
owneremailaddress |
Edm.String |
Description: Email Server Profile Owner's email address Display Name: Email Server Profile Owner's email address |
processemailsreceivedafter |
Edm.DateTimeOffset |
Description: Shows the date and time after which email messages that are received will be processed for mailboxes associated with the email server profile. Display Name: Process Emails Received After |
sendemailalert |
Edm.Boolean |
Description: Select whether to send an email alert if more than 50% of the mailboxes in this email server profile failed to synchronize in an hour period. Default Options: 1 : Yes Display Name: Send an alert email to the owner of the email server profile reporting on major events |
servertype |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Select the profile's email server type. Default Options: 0 : Exchange Server Display Name: Email Server Type |
statecode |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Shows whether the email server profile is active or inactive. Default Options: 0 : Active Display Name: Status |
statuscode |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Select the email server profile's status. Default Options: 1 : Active Display Name: Status Reason |
timeoutmailboxconnection |
Edm.Boolean |
Description: Select whether to timeout a single mailbox. Default Options: 1 : Yes Display Name: Timeout Mailbox Connection to Exchange |
timeoutmailboxconnectionafteramount |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Type the number of milliseconds to timeout a single mailbox. The upper limit is 100 seconds. Display Name: Timeout a Single Mailbox Connection After this Amount of Milliseconds |
timezoneruleversionnumber |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: For internal use only. Display Name: Time Zone Rule Version Number |
useautodiscover |
Edm.Boolean |
Description: Select whether to automatically discover the server location. Default Options: 1 : Yes Display Name: Auto Discover Server Location |
usesamesettingsforoutgoingconnections |
Edm.Boolean |
Description: Select whether to use the same settings for incoming and outgoing connections. Default Options: 1 : Yes Display Name: Use Same Settings for Outgoing Connection |
utcconversiontimezonecode |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. Display Name: UTC Conversion Time Zone Code |
Single-valued navigation properties
Single-valued navigation properties represent lookup fields where a single entity can be referenced.
Name | Type | Partner |
createdby |
lk_emailserverprofile_createdby |
createdonbehalfby |
lk_emailserverprofile_createdonbehalfby |
modifiedby |
lk_emailserverprofile_modifiedby |
modifiedonbehalfby |
lk_emailserverprofile_modifiedonbehalfby |
organizationid |
organization_emailserverprofile |
ownerid |
owner_emailserverprofile |
owningbusinessunit |
business_unit_emailserverprofile |
owningteam |
team_emailserverprofile |
Collection-valued navigation properties
Collection-valued navigation properties represent collections of entities which may represent either a one-to-many (1:N) or many-to-many (N:N) relationship between the entities.
Name | Type | Partner |
EmailServerProfile_Annotation |
objectid_emailserverprofile |
emailserverprofile_asyncoperations |
regardingobjectid_emailserverprofile |
emailserverprofile_bulkdeletefailures |
regardingobjectid_emailserverprofile |
emailserverprofile_duplicatebaserecord |
baserecordid_emailserverprofile |
emailserverprofile_duplicatematchingrecord |
duplicaterecordid_emailserverprofile |
emailserverprofile_mailbox |
emailserverprofile |
EmailServerProfile_Organization |
defaultemailserverprofileid |
tracelog_EmailServerProfile |
regardingobjectid_emailserverprofile |
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