mailbox EntityType
Description: [No Description]
Entity Set path: [organization URI]/api/data/v8.0/mailboxes
Base Type: crmbaseentity EntityType
Display Name: Mailbox
Primary Key: mailboxid
Primary Name Attribute: name
Single-valued navigation properties
Collection-valued navigation properties
Properties represent fields of data stored in the entity. Some properties are not writable.
Name | Type | Details |
_createdby_value |
Edm.Guid |
Description: Shows who created the record. Computed property Read-only property |
_createdonbehalfby_value |
Edm.Guid |
Description: Shows who created the record on behalf of another user. Computed property Read-only property |
_emailserverprofile_value |
Edm.Guid |
Description: Select the email server profile of the mailbox. Computed property Read-only property |
_modifiedby_value |
Edm.Guid |
Description: Shows who last updated the record. Computed property Read-only property |
_modifiedonbehalfby_value |
Edm.Guid |
Description: Shows who last updated the record on behalf of another user. Computed property Read-only property |
_organizationid_value |
Edm.Guid |
Description: Unique identifier of the organization associated with the record. Computed property Read-only property |
_ownerid_value |
Edm.Guid |
Description: Enter the user or team who is assigned to manage the record. This field is updated every time the record is assigned to a different user. |
_owningbusinessunit_value |
Edm.Guid |
Description: Select the business unit that owns the record. Computed property Read-only property |
_owningteam_value |
Edm.Guid |
Description: Unique identifier for the team that owns the record. Computed property Read-only property |
_owninguser_value |
Edm.Guid |
Description: Unique identifier for the user that owns the record. Computed property Read-only property |
_regardingobjectid_value |
Edm.Guid |
Description: Choose the user associated to the mailbox. Computed property Read-only property |
actdeliverymethod |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Choose the delivery method for the mailbox for appointments, contacts, and tasks. Default Options: 0 : Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook Display Name: Appointments, Contacts, and Tasks |
actstatus |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Status of the Appointments, Contacts, and Tasks. Default Options: 0 : Not Run Display Name: Appointments, Contacts, and Tasks Status Read-only property |
allowemailconnectortousecredentials |
Edm.Boolean |
Description: Choose whether to allow the email connector to use credentials. Default Options: 1 : Yes Display Name: Allow to Use Credentials for Email Processing |
averagetotalduration |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Mailbox Total Duration in Average Display Name: Monitor Total Performance Read-only property |
createdon |
Edm.DateTimeOffset |
Description: Shows the date and time when the record was created. The date and time are displayed in the time zone selected in Microsoft Dynamics CRM options. Display Name: Created On Read-only property |
emailaddress |
Edm.String |
Description: Type the email address of the mailbox. Display Name: Email Address |
emailrouteraccessapproval |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Shows the status of the email address. Default Options: 0 : Empty Display Name: Email Address Status |
enabledforact |
Edm.Boolean |
Description: Indicates whether the mailbox is enabled for Appointments, Contacts, and Tasks. Default Options: 1 : Yes Display Name: Enabled For Appointments, Contacts, And Tasks Read-only property |
enabledforincomingemail |
Edm.Boolean |
Description: Choose whether the mailbox is enabled for receiving email. Default Options: 1 : Yes Display Name: Enabled For Incoming Email Read-only property |
enabledforoutgoingemail |
Edm.Boolean |
Description: Choose whether the mailbox is enabled for sending email. Default Options: 1 : Yes Display Name: Enabled For Outgoing Email Read-only property |
entityimage |
Edm.Binary |
Description: The default image for the entity. Display Name: Entity Image |
entityimage_timestamp |
Edm.Int64 |
Description: Read-only property |
entityimage_url |
Edm.String |
Description: Read-only property |
entityimageid |
Edm.Guid |
Description: For internal use only. Display Name: Entity Image Id Read-only property |
ewsurl |
Edm.String |
Description: Exchange web services endpoint URL for the mailbox. Display Name: Exchange Web Services URL |
exchangesyncstatexml |
Edm.String |
Description: Contains the exchange synchronization state in XML format. Display Name: Exchange Sync State |
folderhierarchy |
Edm.String |
Description: Holds the hierarchy of folders under inbox in XML format. Display Name: Folder Hierarchy |
forcedunlockcount |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: For internal use only Display Name: Count of the number of times a mailbox gets forced unlocked Read-only property |
hostid |
Edm.String |
Description: Unique identifier of the async host that is processing this mailbox. Display Name: Host Read-only property |
incomingemaildeliverymethod |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Select how incoming email will be delivered to the mailbox. Default Options: 0 : None Display Name: Incoming Email |
incomingemailstatus |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Select the status that will be assigned to incoming email messages. Default Options: 0 : Not Run Display Name: Incoming Email Status Read-only property |
isactsyncorgflagset |
Edm.Boolean |
Description: Set the current organization as the synchronization organization. Default Options: 1 : Yes Display Name: Set Current Organization as Synchronization Organization |
isemailaddressapprovedbyo365admin |
Edm.Boolean |
Description: Shows the status of approval of the email address by O365 Admin. Default Options: 1 : Yes Display Name: Email Address O365 Admin Approval Status Read-only property |
isforwardmailbox |
Edm.Boolean |
Description: Select whether the mailbox is a forward mailbox. Default Options: 1 : Yes Display Name: Is Forward Mailbox Read-only property |
ispasswordset |
Edm.Boolean |
Description: Default Options: 1 : Yes Read-only property |
isserviceaccount |
Edm.Boolean |
Description: Select whether the mailbox corresponds to one for the service account. Default Options: 1 : Yes Display Name: Is Service Account Read-only property |
itemsfailedforlastsync |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: For internal use only. Display Name: Items Failed For Last Sync |
itemsprocessedforlastsync |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: For internal use only. Display Name: Items Processed For Last Sync |
lastautodiscoveredon |
Edm.DateTimeOffset |
Description: Shows the date and time when the Exchange web services URL was last discovered using the AutoDiscover service. Display Name: Last Auto Discovered On |
lastduration |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Last Duration for the mailbox Display Name: Monitor last duration Performance Read-only property |
lastmailboxforcedunlockoccurredon |
Edm.DateTimeOffset |
Description: For internal use only. Display Name: Last Date Time when a mailbox got forced unlocked Read-only property |
lastsuccessfulsynccompletedon |
Edm.DateTimeOffset |
Description: Last Successful Sync Time Display Name: Last Successful Sync Time Read-only property |
lastsyncerror |
Edm.String |
Description: For internal use only. Display Name: Last Sync Error Stack |
lastsyncerrorcode |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: For internal use only. Display Name: Last Sync Error Code |
lastsyncerrorcount |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: For internal use only Display Name: Last Sync Error Continuous Count |
lastsyncerrormachinename |
Edm.String |
Description: For internal use only. Display Name: Last Sync Error Machine Name |
lastsyncerroroccurredon |
Edm.DateTimeOffset |
Description: For internal use only. Display Name: Last Sync Error Time |
lastsyncstartedon |
Edm.DateTimeOffset |
Description: Last Sync Start Time Display Name: Last Sync Start Time Read-only property |
mailboxid |
Edm.Guid |
Description: Unique identifier of the mailbox. Display Name: Mailbox |
mailboxprocessingcontext |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: For internal use only. Display Name: Processing Context of the Mailbox |
modifiedon |
Edm.DateTimeOffset |
Description: Shows the date and time when the record was last updated. The date and time are displayed in the time zone selected in Microsoft Dynamics CRM options. Display Name: Modified On Read-only property |
name |
Edm.String |
Description: Type the name of the mailbox. Display Name: Name |
noactcount |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: For internal use only. Display Name: Zero appointment, contact, task count for mailbox Read-only property |
noemailcount |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: For internal use only. Display Name: Zero email count for mailbox Read-only property |
officeappsdeploymentcompleteon |
Edm.DateTimeOffset |
Description: Date and time when the last office apps deployment was completed for a mailbox record. Display Name: Office Apps Deployment Completed On Read-only property |
officeappsdeploymenterror |
Edm.String |
Description: The Office Apps deployment error. Display Name: Office Apps Deployment Error Read-only property |
officeappsdeploymentscheduled |
Edm.Boolean |
Description: Indicates if the office apps deployment has been scheduled for a mailbox record. Default Options: 1 : Yes Display Name: Office Apps Deployment Scheduled |
officeappsdeploymentstatus |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Indicates the office apps deployment type for a mailbox record. Default Options: 0 : NotInstalled Display Name: Office Apps Deployment Type |
orgmarkedasprimaryforexchangesync |
Edm.Boolean |
Description: Indicates if the crm org is to be marked as primary syncing org for the mailbox record. Default Options: 1 : Yes Display Name: Crm Org Marked as Primary Org for Exchange Mailbox |
outgoingemaildeliverymethod |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Select how outgoing email will be sent from the mailbox. Default Options: 0 : None Display Name: Outgoing Email |
outgoingemailstatus |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Select the status of outgoing email messages. Default Options: 0 : Not Run Display Name: Outgoing Email Status Read-only property |
password |
Edm.String |
Description: Type the password for the mailbox. Display Name: Password |
postponemailboxprocessinguntil |
Edm.DateTimeOffset |
Description: Shows the date and time when processing will begin on this mailbox. Display Name: Postpone Mailbox Processing Until Read-only property |
postponeofficeappsdeploymentuntil |
Edm.DateTimeOffset |
Description: Shows the date and time when the next outlook mail app install will be run for a mailbox record. Display Name: Postpone Outlook Mail App Install Until |
postponesendinguntil |
Edm.DateTimeOffset |
Description: Shows the date and time when the mailbox can start sending emails. Display Name: Postpone Sending Until |
postponetestemailconfigurationuntil |
Edm.DateTimeOffset |
Description: Shows the date and time when the next email configuration test will be run for a mailbox record. Display Name: Postpone Test Email Configuration Until |
processanddeleteemails |
Edm.Boolean |
Description: Select whether to delete emails from the mailbox after processing. Default Options: 1 : Yes Display Name: Delete Emails after Processing |
processedtimes |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: The number of times mailbox has processed Display Name: Monitor Performance Read-only property |
processemailreceivedafter |
Edm.DateTimeOffset |
Description: Shows the date and time to start processing email received by the mailbox. Display Name: Process Email Received After |
processinglastattemptedon |
Edm.DateTimeOffset |
Description: Date and time when the processing of the mailbox was last attempted. Display Name: Date Processing Last Attempted Read-only property |
processingstatecode |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Information that indicates whether email will be processed for this mailbox Display Name: Mailbox Processing State Read-only property |
receivingpostponeduntil |
Edm.DateTimeOffset |
Description: For internal use only. Display Name: Postpone receiving emails for the mailbox until the specified data and time. Read-only property |
receivingpostponeduntilforact |
Edm.DateTimeOffset |
Description: For internal use only. Display Name: Postpone processing Appointments, Contacts, and Tasks for the mailbox until the specified data and time. Read-only property |
statecode |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Shows whether the mailbox is active or inactive. Default Options: 0 : Active Display Name: Status |
statuscode |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Select the mailbox's status. Default Options: 1 : Active Display Name: Status Reason |
testemailconfigurationretrycount |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Shows the number of times an email configuration test has been performed. Display Name: Test Email Configuration Retry Count |
testemailconfigurationscheduled |
Edm.Boolean |
Description: Indicates if the email configuration test has been scheduled for a mailbox record. Default Options: 1 : Yes Display Name: Test Email Configuration Scheduled |
testmailboxaccesscompletedon |
Edm.DateTimeOffset |
Description: Date and time when the last email configuration test was completed for a mailbox record. Display Name: Mailbox Test Completed On Read-only property |
timezoneruleversionnumber |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: For internal use only. Display Name: Time Zone Rule Version Number |
transientfailurecount |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Concatenation of transient failure counts of all mailbox operations. Display Name: Transient Failure Count Read-only property |
undeliverablefolder |
Edm.String |
Description: Shows the ID of the Undeliverable folder in the mailbox managed by Microsoft Exchange. Display Name: Undeliverable Folder |
username |
Edm.String |
Description: Type a user name used for mailbox authentication. Display Name: User Name |
utcconversiontimezonecode |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. Display Name: UTC Conversion Time Zone Code |
verboseloggingenabled |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Indicates if verbose tracing needs to be enabled for this mailbox. Display Name: Verbose Logging |
versionnumber |
Edm.Int64 |
Description: Version number of the mailbox. Display Name: Version Number Read-only property |
Single-valued navigation properties
Single-valued navigation properties represent lookup fields where a single entity can be referenced.
Name | Type | Partner |
createdby |
lk_mailbox_createdby |
createdonbehalfby |
lk_mailbox_createdonbehalfby |
emailserverprofile |
emailserverprofile_mailbox |
modifiedby |
lk_mailbox_modifiedby |
modifiedonbehalfby |
lk_mailbox_modifiedonbehalfby |
organizationid |
organization_mailbox |
ownerid |
owner_mailbox |
owningbusinessunit |
business_unit_mailbox |
owningteam |
team_mailbox |
owninguser |
user_mailbox |
regardingobjectid |
mailbox_regarding_systemuser |
regardingobjectid_queue |
mailbox_regarding_queue |
Collection-valued navigation properties
Collection-valued navigation properties represent collections of entities which may represent either a one-to-many (1:N) or many-to-many (N:N) relationship between the entities.
Name | Type | Partner |
activitypointer_sendermailboxid_mailbox |
sendermailboxid |
email_sendermailboxid_mailbox |
sendermailboxid_email |
Mailbox_Annotation |
objectid_mailbox |
mailbox_asyncoperations |
regardingobjectid_mailbox |
queue_defaultmailbox_mailbox |
defaultmailbox |
systemuser_defaultmailbox_mailbox |
defaultmailbox |
tracelog_Mailbox |
regardingobjectid_mailbox |
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