<section> (FormXml)
Gælder for: CRM 2016 on-prem, CRM Online
Angiver en sektion i en formular.
availableforphone=["0" | "1" | "true" | "false"]
columns="Non Negative Integer"
labelwidth="Non Negative Integer"
locklevel="Non Negative Integer"
showbar=["0" | "1" | "true" | "false"]
showlabel=["0" | "1" | "true" | "false"]
visible=["0" | "1" | "true" | "false"]>
<labels />
<rows />
Attributter og elementer
The following describes the attributes, child elements, and parent elements.
Attribute | Description | Type | Usage |
addedby |
Identifies the name of the ISV or customizer that added the element. |
String |
Optional |
availableforphone |
Whether the element is available for CRM for Phones client. |
Boolean |
Optional |
celllabelalignment |
Specifies label alignment. Valid Values:
Enumeration |
Optional |
celllabelposition |
Specifies label position. Valid Values:
Enumeration |
Optional |
columns |
For internal use only. |
Non Negative Integer |
Optional |
group |
Kun til intern brug. |
String |
Optional |
height |
Contols the height of the section. Set the value to "auto" to make the section expand to fill all the available space. |
String |
Optional |
id |
Unique ID for the section. See Remarks. |
String (FormGuidType) |
Required |
IsUserDefined |
"1" indicates a custom section. "0" indicates a default section. |
String |
Optional |
labelid |
A unique id value for the section label. See Remarks. |
String (FormGuidType) |
Optional |
labelwidth |
Defines the horizontal space for a section label in pixels. The default is 110 pixels. |
Non Negative Integer |
Optional |
layout |
Defines the section layout property, either variable field width (varwidth) or fixed field width (varheight). The default is varwidth. |
String |
Optional |
locklevel |
Prevents the section from being deleted from the form or having its properties modified. This attribute cannot be set in the UI. Valid values:
Non Negative Integer |
Optional |
name |
The name of the section displayed in the section properties. |
String |
Optional |
showbar |
Indicates whether to show divider line below the section name. The divider line will only display when the showlabel attribute value is also true. |
Boolean |
Optional |
showlabel |
Show the name of this section on the form. |
Boolean |
Optional |
visible |
Specifies whether the section is displayed by default. |
Boolean |
Optional |
Underordnede elementer
Element | Description |
Indeholder definitioner på formularetiketter. |
Angiver rækker, der bruges til at oprette et formularlayout. |
Overordnede elementer
Element | Description |
Indeholder definitionerne på sektioner, der bruges i formularlayoutet. |
If you create a new <tab> (FormXml), <section> (FormXml) or <cell> (FormXml) element by copying from an existing form definition or by manually editing an exported customization.xml file you should create a new GUID value for the id attribute. You should use a tool like guidgen.exe to guarantee a unique valid GUID value. The guidgen.exe is included as part of the Windows SDK.
If you do not specify a new GUID value for the element id, you must create a new GUID value for the labelid attribute and add the labelid attribute. If you have duplicate element id values AND do not specify a unique labelid attribute value you will not be able to uninstall your solution. To address this issue you must export the default solution containing the form definitions, edit each element in the existing forms to add a unique labelid value, and then import those modified form definitions.
Schema Type |
complexType |
Validation File |
FormXml.xsd |
Number of Occurrences |
0 or more |
XPath |
Se også
Tilpasning af objektformularer
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Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online
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