Sådan opretter og opdaterer du en Spark Job Definition med Microsoft Fabric Rest API
Microsoft Fabric Rest API indeholder et tjenesteslutpunkt for CRUD-handlinger for Fabric-elementer. I dette selvstudium gennemgår vi et scenarie fra ende til anden, hvordan du opretter og opdaterer en Spark Job Definition-artefakt. Der er tre trin på højt niveau:
- opret et Spark Job Definition-element med en indledende tilstand
- upload hoveddefinitionsfilen og andre lib-filer
- opdater spark jobdefinitionselementet med URL-adressen til OneLake for hoveddefinitionsfilen og andre lib-filer
- Der kræves et Microsoft Entra-token for at få adgang til Fabric Rest-API'en. MSAL-biblioteket anbefales for at hente tokenet. Du kan få flere oplysninger under Understøttelse af godkendelsesflow i MSAL.
- Der kræves et lagertoken for at få adgang til OneLake-API'en. Du kan få flere oplysninger under MSAL til Python.
Opret et spark jobdefinitionselement med den oprindelige tilstand
Microsoft Fabric Rest API definerer et samlet slutpunkt for CRUD-handlinger for Fabric-elementer. Slutpunktet er https://api.fabric.microsoft.com/v1/workspaces/{workspaceId}/items
Elementdetaljerne er angivet i anmodningens brødtekst. Her er et eksempel på brødteksten i anmodningen om oprettelse af et Element til definition af Spark-job:
"displayName": "SJDHelloWorld",
"type": "SparkJobDefinition",
"definition": {
"format": "SparkJobDefinitionV1",
"parts": [
"path": "SparkJobDefinitionV1.json",
"payloadType": "InlineBase64"
I dette eksempel er elementet Spark Job Definition navngivet som SJDHelloWorld
. Feltet payload
er det base64-kodede indhold i detaljekonfigurationen, efter afkodning er indholdet:
Her er to hjælpefunktioner til at kode og afkode den detaljerede konfiguration:
import base64
def json_to_base64(json_data):
# Serialize the JSON data to a string
json_string = json.dumps(json_data)
# Encode the JSON string as bytes
json_bytes = json_string.encode('utf-8')
# Encode the bytes as Base64
base64_encoded = base64.b64encode(json_bytes).decode('utf-8')
return base64_encoded
def base64_to_json(base64_data):
# Decode the Base64-encoded string to bytes
base64_bytes = base64_data.encode('utf-8')
# Decode the bytes to a JSON string
json_string = base64.b64decode(base64_bytes).decode('utf-8')
# Deserialize the JSON string to a Python dictionary
json_data = json.loads(json_string)
return json_data
Her er kodestykket til oprettelse af et Element til definition af Spark-job:
import requests
bearerToken = "breadcrumb"; # replace this token with the real AAD token
headers = {
"Authorization": f"Bearer {bearerToken}",
"Content-Type": "application/json" # Set the content type based on your request
payload = "eyJleGVjdXRhYmxlRmlsZSI6bnVsbCwiZGVmYXVsdExha2Vob3VzZUFydGlmYWN0SWQiOiIiLCJtYWluQ2xhc3MiOiIiLCJhZGRpdGlvbmFsTGFrZWhvdXNlSWRzIjpbXSwicmV0cnlQb2xpY3kiOm51bGwsImNvbW1hbmRMaW5lQXJndW1lbnRzIjoiIiwiYWRkaXRpb25hbExpYnJhcnlVcmlzIjpbXSwibGFuZ3VhZ2UiOiIiLCJlbnZpcm9ubWVudEFydGlmYWN0SWQiOm51bGx9"
# Define the payload data for the POST request
payload_data = {
"displayName": "SJDHelloWorld",
"Type": "SparkJobDefinition",
"definition": {
"format": "SparkJobDefinitionV1",
"parts": [
"path": "SparkJobDefinitionV1.json",
"payload": payload,
"payloadType": "InlineBase64"
# Make the POST request with Bearer authentication
sjdCreateUrl = f"https://api.fabric.microsoft.com//v1/workspaces/{workspaceId}/items"
response = requests.post(sjdCreateUrl, json=payload_data, headers=headers)
Upload hoveddefinitionsfilen og andre lib-filer
Der kræves et lagertoken for at uploade filen til OneLake. Her er en hjælpefunktion til at hente lagertokenet:
import msal
def getOnelakeStorageToken():
app = msal.PublicClientApplication(
"{client id}", # this filed should be the client id
result = app.acquire_token_interactive(scopes=["https://storage.azure.com/.default"])
print(f"Successfully acquired AAD token with storage audience:{result['access_token']}")
return result['access_token']
Nu har vi oprettet et Element til definition af Spark-job, så det kan køres. Vi skal konfigurere den primære definitionsfil og de påkrævede egenskaber. Slutpunktet for overførsel af filen for dette SJD-element er https://onelake.dfs.fabric.microsoft.com/{workspaceId}/{sjdartifactid}
. Det samme "workspaceId" fra det forrige trin skal bruges. Værdien af "sjdartifactid" blev fundet i svarteksten i det forrige trin. Her er kodestykket til konfiguration af hoveddefinitionsfilen:
import requests
# three steps are required: create file, append file, flush file
onelakeEndPoint = "https://onelake.dfs.fabric.microsoft.com/workspaceId/sjdartifactid"; # replace the id of workspace and artifact with the right one
mainExecutableFile = "main.py"; # the name of the main executable file
mainSubFolder = "Main"; # the sub folder name of the main executable file. Don't change this value
onelakeRequestMainFileCreateUrl = f"{onelakeEndPoint}/{mainSubFolder}/{mainExecutableFile}?resource=file" # the url for creating the main executable file via the 'file' resource type
onelakePutRequestHeaders = {
"Authorization": f"Bearer {onelakeStorageToken}", # the storage token can be achieved from the helper function above
onelakeCreateMainFileResponse = requests.put(onelakeRequestMainFileCreateUrl, headers=onelakePutRequestHeaders)
if onelakeCreateMainFileResponse.status_code == 201:
# Request was successful
print(f"Main File '{mainExecutableFile}' was successfully created in onelake.")
# with previous step, the main executable file is created in OneLake, now we need to append the content of the main executable file
appendPosition = 0;
appendAction = "append";
### Main File Append.
mainExecutableFileSizeInBytes = 83; # the size of the main executable file in bytes
onelakeRequestMainFileAppendUrl = f"{onelakeEndPoint}/{mainSubFolder}/{mainExecutableFile}?position={appendPosition}&action={appendAction}";
mainFileContents = "filename = 'Files/' + Constant.filename; tablename = 'Tables/' + Constant.tablename"; # the content of the main executable file, please replace this with the real content of the main executable file
mainExecutableFileSizeInBytes = 83; # the size of the main executable file in bytes, this value should match the size of the mainFileContents
onelakePatchRequestHeaders = {
"Authorization": f"Bearer {onelakeStorageToken}",
"Content-Type" : "text/plain"
onelakeAppendMainFileResponse = requests.patch(onelakeRequestMainFileAppendUrl, data = mainFileContents, headers=onelakePatchRequestHeaders)
if onelakeAppendMainFileResponse.status_code == 202:
# Request was successful
print(f"Successfully Accepted Main File '{mainExecutableFile}' append data.")
# with previous step, the content of the main executable file is appended to the file in OneLake, now we need to flush the file
flushAction = "flush";
### Main File flush
onelakeRequestMainFileFlushUrl = f"{onelakeEndPoint}/{mainSubFolder}/{mainExecutableFile}?position={mainExecutableFileSizeInBytes}&action={flushAction}"
onelakeFlushMainFileResponse = requests.patch(onelakeRequestMainFileFlushUrl, headers=onelakePatchRequestHeaders)
if onelakeFlushMainFileResponse.status_code == 200:
print(f"Successfully Flushed Main File '{mainExecutableFile}' contents.")
Følg den samme proces for at uploade de andre lib-filer, hvis det er nødvendigt.
Opdater elementet Spark Job Definition med URL-adressen til OneLake for hoveddefinitionsfilen og andre lib-filer
Indtil nu har vi oprettet et Spark Job Definition-element med en indledende tilstand, uploadet hoveddefinitionsfilen og andre lib-filer. Det sidste trin er at opdatere Spark Job Definition-elementet for at angive URL-egenskaberne for hoveddefinitionsfilen og andre lib-filer. Slutpunktet for opdatering af elementet Spark Job Definition er https://api.fabric.microsoft.com/v1/workspaces/{workspaceId}/items/{sjdartifactid}
. Det samme "workspaceId" og "sjdartifactid" fra tidligere trin skal bruges. Her er kodestykket til opdatering af spark jobdefinitionselementet:
mainAbfssPath = f"abfss://{workspaceId}@onelake.dfs.fabric.microsoft.com/{sjdartifactid}/Main/{mainExecutableFile}" # the workspaceId and sjdartifactid are the same as previous steps, the mainExecutableFile is the name of the main executable file
libsAbfssPath = f"abfss://{workspaceId}@onelake.dfs.fabric.microsoft.com/{sjdartifactid}/Libs/{libsFile}" # the workspaceId and sjdartifactid are the same as previous steps, the libsFile is the name of the libs file
defaultLakehouseId = 'defaultLakehouseid'; # replace this with the real default lakehouse id
updateRequestBodyJson = {
# Encode the bytes as a Base64-encoded string
base64EncodedUpdateSJDPayload = json_to_base64(updateRequestBodyJson)
# Print the Base64-encoded string
print("Base64-encoded JSON payload for SJD Update:")
# Define the API URL
updateSjdUrl = f"https://api.fabric.microsoft.com//v1/workspaces/{workspaceId}/items/{sjdartifactid}/updateDefinition"
updatePayload = base64EncodedUpdateSJDPayload
payloadType = "InlineBase64"
path = "SparkJobDefinitionV1.json"
format = "SparkJobDefinitionV1"
Type = "SparkJobDefinition"
# Define the headers with Bearer authentication
bearerToken = "breadcrumb"; # replace this token with the real AAD token
headers = {
"Authorization": f"Bearer {bearerToken}",
"Content-Type": "application/json" # Set the content type based on your request
# Define the payload data for the POST request
payload_data = {
"displayName": "sjdCreateTest11",
"Type": Type,
"definition": {
"format": format,
"parts": [
"path": path,
"payload": updatePayload,
"payloadType": payloadType
# Make the POST request with Bearer authentication
response = requests.post(updateSjdUrl, json=payload_data, headers=headers)
if response.status_code == 200:
print("Successfully updated SJD.")
For at opsummere hele processen skal både Fabric REST API og OneLake API oprette og opdatere et Element i Spark Job Definition. Fabric REST API bruges til at oprette og opdatere Spark Job Definition-elementet, OneLake-API'en bruges til at uploade hoveddefinitionsfilen og andre lib-filer. Den primære definitionsfil og andre lib-filer uploades først til OneLake. Derefter angives URL-egenskaberne for hoveddefinitionsfilen og andre biblioteksfiler i elementet Spark Job Definition.