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AuthorizationCodeReceivedContext Class


This Context can be used to be informed when an 'AuthorizationCode' is received over the OpenIdConnect protocol.

public ref class AuthorizationCodeReceivedContext : Microsoft::AspNetCore::Authentication::OpenIdConnect::BaseOpenIdConnectContext
public ref class AuthorizationCodeReceivedContext : Microsoft::AspNetCore::Authentication::RemoteAuthenticationContext<Microsoft::AspNetCore::Authentication::OpenIdConnect::OpenIdConnectOptions ^>
public class AuthorizationCodeReceivedContext : Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.OpenIdConnect.BaseOpenIdConnectContext
public class AuthorizationCodeReceivedContext : Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.RemoteAuthenticationContext<Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.OpenIdConnect.OpenIdConnectOptions>
type AuthorizationCodeReceivedContext = class
    inherit BaseOpenIdConnectContext
type AuthorizationCodeReceivedContext = class
    inherit RemoteAuthenticationContext<OpenIdConnectOptions>
Public Class AuthorizationCodeReceivedContext
Inherits BaseOpenIdConnectContext
Public Class AuthorizationCodeReceivedContext
Inherits RemoteAuthenticationContext(Of OpenIdConnectOptions)


AuthorizationCodeReceivedContext(HttpContext, AuthenticationScheme, OpenIdConnectOptions, AuthenticationProperties)

Creates a AuthorizationCodeReceivedContext

AuthorizationCodeReceivedContext(HttpContext, OpenIdConnectOptions)

Creates a AuthorizationCodeReceivedContext



The configured communication channel to the identity provider for use when making custom requests to the token endpoint.


Indicates if the developer choose to handle (or skip) the code redemption. If true then the handler will not attempt to redeem the code. See HandleCodeRedemption and TokenEndpointResponse.

HandledResponse (Inherited from BaseControlContext)
HttpContext (Inherited from BaseContext)

The context.

(Inherited from BaseContext<TOptions>)

Gets or sets the JwtSecurityToken that was received in the authentication response, if any.

Options (Inherited from BaseOpenIdConnectContext)

Gets the authentication options associated with the scheme.

(Inherited from BaseContext<TOptions>)

Gets the ClaimsPrincipal containing the user claims.

(Inherited from RemoteAuthenticationContext<TOptions>)

Gets or sets the AuthenticationProperties.

(Inherited from RemoteAuthenticationContext<TOptions>)

Gets or sets the OpenIdConnectMessage.

ProtocolMessage (Inherited from BaseOpenIdConnectContext)
Request (Inherited from BaseContext)

The request.

(Inherited from BaseContext<TOptions>)
Response (Inherited from BaseContext)

The response.

(Inherited from BaseContext<TOptions>)

The HandleRequestResult which is used by the handler.

(Inherited from HandleRequestContext<TOptions>)

The authentication scheme.

(Inherited from BaseContext<TOptions>)
Skipped (Inherited from BaseControlContext)
State (Inherited from BaseControlContext)

Gets or set the Ticket to return if this event signals it handled the event.

(Inherited from BaseControlContext)

The request that will be sent to the token endpoint and is available for customization.


If the developer chooses to redeem the code themselves then they can provide the resulting tokens here. This is the same as calling HandleCodeRedemption. If set then the handler will not attempt to redeem the code. An IdToken is required if one had not been previously received in the authorization response. An access token is optional if the handler is to contact the user-info endpoint.


CheckEventResult(AuthenticateResult) (Inherited from BaseControlContext)

Indicates that authentication failed.

(Inherited from RemoteAuthenticationContext<TOptions>)

Indicates that authentication failed.

(Inherited from RemoteAuthenticationContext<TOptions>)

Tells the handler to skip the code redemption process. The developer may have redeemed the code themselves, or decided that the redemption was not required. If tokens were retrieved that are needed for further processing then call one of the overloads that allows providing tokens. An IdToken is required if one had not been previously received in the authorization response. An access token can optionally be provided for the handler to contact the user-info endpoint. Calling this is the same as setting TokenEndpointResponse.


Tells the handler to skip the code redemption process. The developer may have redeemed the code themselves, or decided that the redemption was not required. If tokens were retrieved that are needed for further processing then call one of the overloads that allows providing tokens. An IdToken is required if one had not been previously received in the authorization response. An access token can optionally be provided for the handler to contact the user-info endpoint. Calling this is the same as setting TokenEndpointResponse.

HandleCodeRedemption(String, String)

Tells the handler to skip the code redemption process. The developer may have redeemed the code themselves, or decided that the redemption was not required. If tokens were retrieved that are needed for further processing then call one of the overloads that allows providing tokens. An IdToken is required if one had not been previously received in the authorization response. An access token can optionally be provided for the handler to contact the user-info endpoint. Calling this is the same as setting TokenEndpointResponse.


Discontinue all processing for this request and return to the client. The caller is responsible for generating the full response. Set the Ticket to trigger SignIn.

(Inherited from BaseControlContext)

Discontinue all processing for this request and return to the client. The caller is responsible for generating the full response.

(Inherited from HandleRequestContext<TOptions>)

Discontinue processing the request in the current handler.

(Inherited from HandleRequestContext<TOptions>)

Discontinue processing the request in the current middleware and pass control to the next one. SignIn will not be called.

(Inherited from BaseControlContext)

Calls success creating a ticket with the Principal and Properties.

(Inherited from RemoteAuthenticationContext<TOptions>)

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