FinOps hub template

This document provides a detailed summary of what's included in the FinOps hubs deployment template. You can use this as a guide for tuning your deployment or to inform customizations you can make to the template to meet your organizational needs. This document explains the required prerequisites to deploy the template, input parameters you can customize, resources that will be deployed, and the template outputs. Template outputs can be used to connect to your hub instances in Power BI, Data Explorer, or other tools.

FinOps hubs includes many resources to offer a secure and scalable FinOps platform. The main resources you will interact with include:

  • Data Explorer (Kusto) as a scalable datastore for advanced analytics (optional).
  • Storage account (Data Lake Storage Gen2) as a staging area for data ingestion.
  • Data Factory instance to manage data ingestion and cleanup.


To use the template, you need to create Cost Management exports to publish data to the msexports container in the included storage account. For more information, see Create a new hub.


Ensure the following prerequisites are met before you deploy the template:

  • You must have the following permissions to create the deployed resources.

    Resource Minimum Azure RBAC
    Deploy and configure Data Factory¹ Data Factory Contributor
    Deploy Key Vault¹ Key Vault Contributor
    Configure Key Vault secrets¹ Key Vault Administrator
    Create managed identity¹ Managed Identity Contributor
    Deploy and configure storage¹ Storage Account Contributor
    Assign managed identity to resources¹ Managed Identity Operator
    Create deployment scripts¹ Custom role containing only the Microsoft.Resources/deploymentScripts/write and Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups/write permissions as allowed actions or, alternatively, Contributor, which includes these permissions and all the above roles
    Assign permissions to managed identities¹ Role Based Access Control Administrator or, alternatively, Owner, which includes this role and all the above roles
    Create a subscription or resource group cost export² Cost Management Contributor
    Create an EA billing cost export² Enterprise Reader, Department Reader, or Enrollment Account Owner (Learn more)
    Create an MCA billing cost export² Contributor
    Read blob data in storage³ Storage Blob Data Contributor

    ¹ It's sufficient to assign hubs resources deployment permissions on the resource group scope.
    ² Cost Management permissions must be assigned on the scope where you want to export your costs from.
    ³ Blob data permissions are required to access exported cost data from Power BI or other client tools.

  • The Microsoft.EventGrid resource provider must be registered in your subscription. For more information, see Register a resource provider.


    If you forget this step, the deployment will succeed, but the pipeline trigger will not be started and data will not be ready. For more information, see Troubleshooting Power BI reports.


Here are the parameters you can use to customize the deployment:

Parameter Type Description Default value
hubName String Optional. Name of the hub. Used to ensure unique resource names. "finops-hub"
location String Optional. Azure location where all resources should be created. See Same as deployment
storageSku String Optional. Storage SKU to use. LRS = Lowest cost, ZRS = High availability. Note Standard SKUs are not available for Data Lake gen2 storage. Allowed: Premium_LRS, Premium_ZRS. "Premium_LRS"
dataExplorerName String Optional. Name of the Azure Data Explorer cluster to use for advanced analytics. If empty, Azure Data Explorer will not be deployed. Required to use with Power BI if you have more than $2-5M/mo in costs being monitored. Default: "" (do not use).
dataExplorerSkuName String Optional. Name of the Azure Data Explorer SKU. Default: "Dev(No SLA)_Standard_E2a_v4".
dataExplorerSkuTier String Optional. SKU tier for the Azure Data Explorer cluster. Use Basic for the lowest cost with no SLA (due to a single node). Use Standard for high availability and improved performance. Allowed values: Basic, Standard. Default: "Basic".
dataExplorerSkuCapacity Int Optional. Number of nodes to use in the cluster. Allowed values: 1 for the Basic SKU tier and 2-1000 for Standard. Default: 1.
tags Object Optional. Tags to apply to all resources. We will also add the cm-resource-parent tag for improved cost roll-ups in Cost Management.
tagsByResource Object Optional. Tags to apply to resources based on their resource type. Resource type specific tags will be merged with tags for all resources.
scopesToMonitor Array Optional. List of scope IDs to monitor and ingest cost for.
exportRetentionInDays Int Optional. Number of days of data to retain in the msexports container. 0
ingestionRetentionInMonths Int Optional. Number of months of data to retain in the ingestion container. 13
dataExplorerLogRetentionInDays Int Optional. Number of days of data to retain in the Data Explorer *_log tables. 0
dataExplorerFinalRetentionInMonths Int Optional. Number of months of data to retain in the Data Explorer *_final_v* tables. 13
remoteHubStorageUri String Optional. Storage account to push data to for ingestion into a remote hub.
remoteHubStorageKey String Optional. Storage account key to use when pushing data to a remote hub.
enablePublicAccess string Optional. Disable public access to the data lake (storage firewall). False
virtualNetworkAddressPrefix String Optional. IP Address range for the private virtual network used by FinOps hubs. /26 is recommended to avoid wasting IPs. Internally, the following subnets will be created: /28 for private endpoints, another /28 subnet for temporary deployment scripts (container instances), and /27 for Azure Data Explorer, if enabled. ''


The following resources are created in the target resource group during deployment.

Resources use the following naming convention: <hubName>-<purpose>-<unique-suffix>. Names are adjusted to account for length and character restrictions. The <unique-suffix> is used to ensure resource names are globally unique where required.

  • <hubName>store<unique-suffix> storage account (Data Lake Storage Gen2)
    • Blob containers:
      • msexports – Temporarily stores Cost Management exports.
      • ingestion – Stores ingested data.


        In the future, we will use this container to stage external data outside of Cost Management. - config – Stores hub metadata and configuration settings. Files:

        • settings.json – Hub settings.
        • schemas/focuscost_1.0.json – FOCUS 1.0 schema definition for parquet conversion.
        • schemas/focuscost_1.0-preview(v1).json – FOCUS 1.0-preview schema definition for parquet conversion.
        • schemas/pricesheet_2023-05-01_ea.json – Price sheet EA schema definition version 2023-05-01 for parquet conversion.
        • schemas/pricesheet_2023-05-01_mca.json – Price sheet MCA schema definition version 2023-05-01 for parquet conversion.
        • schemas/reservationdetails_2023-03-01.json – Reservation details schema definition version 2023-03-01 for parquet conversion.
        • schemas/reservationrecommendations_2023-05-01_ea.json – Reservation recommendations EA schema definition version 2023-05-01 for parquet conversion.
        • schemas/reservationrecommendations_2023-05-01_mca.json – Reservation recommendations MCA schema definition version 2023-05-01 for parquet conversion.
        • schemas/reservationtransactions_2023-05-01_ea.json – Reservation transactions EA schema definition version 2023-05-01 for parquet conversion.
        • schemas/reservationtransactions_2023-05-01_mca.json – Reservation transactions MCA schema definition version 2023-05-01 for parquet conversion.
  • <hubName>script<unique-suffix> storage account (Data Lake Storage Gen2) for deployment scripts.
  • <hubName>-engine-<unique-suffix> Data Factory instance
    • Pipelines:
      • config_InitializeHub – Initializes (or updates) the FinOps hub instance after deployment.
      • config_ConfigureExports – Creates Cost Management exports for all scopes.
      • config_StartBackfillProcess – Runs the backfill job for each month based on retention settings.
      • config_RunBackfillJob – Creates and triggers exports for all defined scopes for the specified date range.
      • config_StartExportProcess – Gets a list of all Cost Management exports configured for this hub based on the scopes defined in settings.json, then runs each export using the config_RunExportJobs pipeline.
      • config_RunExportJobs – Runs the specified Cost Management exports.
      • msexports_ExecuteETL – Queues the msexports_ETL_ingestion pipeline to account for Data Factory pipeline trigger limits.
      • msexports_ETL_ingestion – Converts Cost Management exports into parquet and removes historical data duplicated in each day's export.
      • ingestion_ExecuteETL – Queues the ingestion_ETL_dataExplorer pipeline to account for Data Factory pipeline trigger limits.
      • ingestion_ETL_dataExplorer – Ingests parquet data into an Azure Data Explorer cluster.
    • Triggers:
      • config_SettingsUpdated – Triggers the config_ConfigureExports pipeline when settings.json is updated.
      • config_DailySchedule – Triggers the config_RunExportJobs pipeline daily for the current month's cost data.
      • config_MonthlySchedule – Triggers the config_RunExportJobs pipeline monthly for the previous month's cost data.
      • msexports_ManifestAdded – Triggers the msexports_ExecuteETL pipeline when Cost Management exports complete.
      • ingestion_ManifestAdded – Triggers the ingestion_ExecuteETL pipeline when manifest.json files are added (handled by the msexports_ETL_ingestion pipeline).
    • Managed Private Endpoints
      • <hubName>store<unique-suffix> - Managed private endpoint for storage account.
      • <hubName>-vault-<unique-suffix> - Managed private endpoint for Azure Key Vault.
  • <hubName>-vault-<unique-suffix> Key Vault instance
    • Secrets:
      • Data Factory system managed identity
  • <dataExplorerName> Data Explorer cluster
    • Hub database – Public-facing functions to abstract internals.
      • Includes 2 sets of functions:
        • Dataset-specific functions for the latest supported FOCUS version (for example, Costs, Prices).
        • Dataset-specific functions for each supported FOCUS version (for example, Costs_v1_0 for FOCUS 1.0). These functions are provided for backwards compatibility. All functions return all data aligned to the targeted FOCUS version.
      • Datasets include: Costs, Prices.
      • Supported FOCUS versions include: v1_0.
    • Ingestion database – Stores ingested data.
      • Settings:
        • HubSettingsLog table – Stores a history of high-level configuration changes (for example, versions, scopes).
        • HubSettings function – Gets the latest version of the hub instance settings.
        • HubScopes function – Gets the currently configured scopes for this hub instance.
      • Open data:
        • PricingUnits table – PricingUnits mapping file from the FinOps toolkit. Used for data normalization and cleanup.
        • Regions table – Regions mapping file from the FinOps toolkit. Used for data normalization and cleanup.
        • ResourceTypes table – ResourceTypes mapping file from the FinOps toolkit. Used for data normalization and cleanup.
        • Services table – Services mapping file from the FinOps toolkit. Used for data normalization and cleanup.
        • resource_type function – Simple function to map internal resource type IDs to display names based on the ResourceTypes mapping file.
          • Use this function to map a single values and join with the ResourceTypes table to update many rows or map other values.
      • Datasets:
        • <dataset>_raw table – Raw data directly from the ingestion source. Uses a union schema for data from multiple sources.
        • <dataset>_transform_vX_Y function – Normalizes and cleans raw data to align to the targeted FOCUS version using open data tables as needed.
        • <dataset>_final_vX_Y table – Clean version of the corresponding raw table aligned to the targeted FOCUS version. Populated via an update policy that uses the corresponding transform function when data is ingested into raw tables.

In addition to the preceding information, the following resources are created to automate the deployment process. The deployment scripts should be deleted automatically. However, don't delete the managed identities as it might cause errors when upgrading to the next release.

  • Managed identities:
  • Deployment scripts (automatically deleted after a successful deployment):
    • <datafactory>_deleteOldResources – Deletes unused resources from previous FinOps hubs deployments.
    • <datafactory>_stopTriggers – Stops all triggers in the hub using the triggerManager identity.
    • <datafactory>_startTriggers – Starts all triggers in the hub using the triggerManager identity.
    • <storage>_uploadSettings – Uploads the settings.json file using the blobManager identity.


Here are the outputs generated by the deployment:

Output Type Description Value
name String Name of the resource group.
location String Azure resource location resources were deployed to.
dataFactoryName String Name of the Data Factory.
storageAccountId String Resource ID of the deployed storage account.
storageAccountName String Name of the storage account created for the hub instance. This must be used when connecting FinOps toolkit Power BI reports to your data.
storageUrlForPowerBI String URL to use when connecting custom Power BI reports to your data.
clusterId String Resource ID of the Data Explorer cluster.
clusterUri String URI of the Data Explorer cluster.
ingestionDbName String Name of the Data Explorer database used for ingesting data.
hubDbName String Name of the Data Explorer database used for querying data.
managedIdentityId String Object ID of the Data Factory managed identity. This will be needed when configuring managed exports.
managedIdentityTenantId String Azure AD tenant ID. This will be needed when configuring managed exports.

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