
Sdílet prostřednictvím

TTD Event Objects


TTD Event objects are used to give information about important events that happened during a time travel trace.


Property Description
Type Describes the type of event that happened. Possible values are: ThreadCreated, ThreadTerminated, ModuleLoaded, ModuleUnloaded, Exception


Object Description
Position A position object that describes the position the event occurred.
Module* A module object containing information about the module that was loaded or unloaded.
Thread* A thread object containing information about the thread that was created or terminated.
Exception* An exception object containing information about the exception that was hit.

* - Existence of these child objects depends on the type of event

Example Usage

0:000> dx -r2 @$curprocess.TTD.Events.Where(t => t.Type == "Exception").Select(e => e.Exception)
@$curprocess.TTD.Events.Where(t => t.Type == "Exception").Select(e => e.Exception)                
    [0x0]            : Exception of type CPlusPlus at PC: 0X777663B0
        Position         : 13B7:0 [Time Travel]
        Type             : CPlusPlus
        ProgramCounter   : 0x777663b0
        Code             : 0xe06d7363
        Flags            : 0x1
        RecordAddress    : 0x0
    [0x1]            : Exception of type Hardware at PC: 0XF1260D0
        Position         : BC0F:0 [Time Travel]
        Type             : Hardware
        ProgramCounter   : 0xf1260d0
        Code             : 0x80000003
        Flags            : 0x0
        RecordAddress    : 0x0

See Also

Time Travel Debugging - Introduction to Time Travel Debugging objects

Time Travel Debugging - Overview

dx (Display Debugger Object Model Expression)