
Sdílet prostřednictvím

D3DKMT_PRESENT structure (d3dkmthk.h)

The D3DKMT_PRESENT structure describes the present operation.


typedef struct _D3DKMT_PRESENT {
  union {
    [in] D3DKMT_HANDLE hDevice;
    [in] D3DKMT_HANDLE hContext;
  [in] HWND                           hWindow;
  [in] D3DKMT_HANDLE                  hSource;
  [in] D3DKMT_HANDLE                  hDestination;
  [in] UINT                           Color;
  [in] RECT                           DstRect;
  [in] RECT                           SrcRect;
  [in] UINT                           SubRectCnt;
  [in] const RECT                     *pSrcSubRects;
  [in] UINT                           PresentCount;
  [in] D3DDDI_FLIPINTERVAL_TYPE       FlipInterval;
  [in] D3DKMT_PRESENTFLAGS            Flags;
  [in] ULONG                          BroadcastContextCount;
       D3DKMT_HANDLE                  BroadcastContext[D3DDDI_MAX_BROADCAST_CONTEXT];
  [in] HANDLE                         PresentLimitSemaphore;
  [in] D3DKMT_PRESENTHISTORYTOKEN     PresentHistoryToken;
       D3DKMT_PRESENT_RGNS            *pPresentRegions;
  union {
         D3DKMT_HANDLE hAdapter;
         D3DKMT_HANDLE hIndirectContext;
       UINT                           Duration;
       D3DKMT_HANDLE                  *BroadcastSrcAllocation;
       D3DKMT_HANDLE                  *BroadcastDstAllocation;
       UINT                           PrivateDriverDataSize;
       PVOID                          pPrivateDriverData;
       BOOLEAN                        bOptimizeForComposition;


[in] hDevice

A D3DKMT_HANDLE data type that represents a kernel-mode handle to the device to present to. A device handle is supplied to the D3DKMTPresent function in the union that D3DKMT_PRESENT contains for compatibility with Microsoft Direct3D version 10.

[in] hContext

A D3DKMT_HANDLE data type that represents a kernel-mode handle to the device context to present to.

[in] hWindow

A handle to the window that the bit-block transfer (bitblt) applies to. A value of NULL indicates the desktop window. The value in hWindow can be NULL unless the Blt or ColorFill bit-field flag is specified in the Flags member.

[in] VidPnSourceId

The zero-based identification number of the video present source in a path of a video present network (VidPN) topology on which to restrict displaying, if the RestrictVidPnSource bit-field flag is set in the Flags member.

If the RestrictVidPnSource bit-field flag is set and the hWindow member is NULL, the VidPnSourceId member indicates which output the full-screen bitblt is directed to If RestrictVidPnSource is set and hWindow is non-NULL, VidPnSourceId indicates to which output to restrict the windowed bit-block transfer.

[in] hSource

A D3DKMT_HANDLE data type that represents a kernel-mode handle to the system memory or primary allocation to present from, if the ColorFill bit-field flag is not set in the Flags member.

[in] hDestination

A D3DKMT_HANDLE data type that represents a kernel-mode handle to the destination allocation. hDestination can be zero if the destination is unknown.

The handle in hDestination is valid only if the Blt bit-field flag is set in the Flags member.

If the handle in the hDestination member is nonzero, the hDestination and hWindow handles must refer to two different primary allocations of the same size, the device in the hDevice member must own the video present source that is identified by the VidPnSourceId member, and the SrcRectValid bit-field flag must be set in the Flags member.

[in] Color

The ARGB 32-bit (see the D3DDDIFORMAT enumeration) color-fill or color-key value . A value for color fill is set when the ColorFill bit-field flag is set in the Flags member. A value for color key is set when either the SrcColorKey or DstColorKey bit-field flag is set in the Flags member. Note that only one of the ColorFill, SrcColorKey, and DstColorKey bit-field flags is set at any time.

If the primary format is palettized RGB, Color contains the palette index rather than the D3DDDIFMT_A8R8G8B8 value from D3DDDIFORMAT.

[in] DstRect

The optional destination RECT for the bitblt. The destination RECT is used only if the DstRectValid bit-field flag is set in the Flags member.

[in] SrcRect

The optional source RECT for the bitblt. The source RECT is used only if the SrcRectValid bit-field flag is set in the Flags member.

[in] SubRectCnt

The number of subrectangular regions that pSrcSubRects points to that are specified when presenting.

[in] pSrcSubRects

A pointer to an array of subrectangular regions (RECTs) that are specified when presenting.

[in] PresentCount

The number of present operations that can be queued for the device that is specified by hDevice.

[in] FlipInterval

A D3DDDI_FLIPINTERVAL_TYPE-typed value that indicates the flip interval (that is, if the flip occurs after zero, one, two, three, or four vertical syncs).

[in] Flags

A D3DKMT_PRESENTFLAGS structure that identifies, in bit-field flags, how to display. Note that the ColorFill, SrcColorKey, and DstColorKey bit-field flags are mutually exclusive.

[in] BroadcastContextCount

The number of additional contexts in the array that BroadcastContext specifies.


An array of D3DKMT_HANDLE data types that represent kernel-mode handles to the additional contexts to broadcast the current present operation to. The D3DDDI_MAX_BROADCAST_CONTEXT constant, which is defined as 64, defines the maximum number of contexts that the OpenGL ICD can broadcast the current present operation to.

Broadcasting is supported only for flip operations. To broadcast a flip operation, the display miniport driver must support memory mapped I/O (MMIO)-based flips. To indicate support of MMIO flips, the display miniport driver sets the FlipOnVSyncMmIo bit-field flag in the FlipCaps member of the DXGK_DRIVERCAPS structure when its DxgkDdiQueryAdapterInfo function is called.

The original context that the hContext member specifies and that the OpenGL ICD presents to is not an element in the BroadcastContext array. For example, if the BroadcastContext array contains one element, the OpenGL ICD sends the present operation to the owning context (hContext) and broadcasts to that one additional context.

[in] PresentLimitSemaphore

The handle to the present-limit semaphore.

Supported starting with Windows 7.

[in] PresentHistoryToken

A D3DKMT_PRESENTHISTORYTOKEN structure that identifies the type of present operation.

Supported starting with Windows 7.


A pointer to a D3DKMT_PRESENT_RGNS structure that identifies dirty and move regions.

Supported starting with Windows 8.


A handle to the graphics adapter.


The indirect adapter context for redirecting through the DoD present path. This member is valid only if the PresentIndirect flag is set.


Per-present duration. Valid only when the DurationValid flag is set.


Linked display adapter for the source.


Linked display adapter for the destination.


Private driver data size.


Pointer to a buffer that contains optional private driver data.


Indicates whether the device is optimized for composition.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista
Header d3dkmthk.h (include D3dkmthk.h)

See also

