Sdílet prostřednictvím

SMS_Driver Server WMI Class

Applies To: System Center Configuration Manager 2007, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R2, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R3, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP1, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP2

The SMS_Driver Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) class is an SMS Provider server class, in Configuration Manager, that represents device drivers in the driver catalog that can be installed as part of a task sequence in an operating system deployment.

The following syntax is simplified from Managed Object Format (MOF) code and includes all inherited properties.

Class SMS_Driver : SMS_ConfigurationItemBaseClass
      String ApplicabilityCondition;
      String CategoryInstance_UniqueIDs[];
      UInt32 CI_ID;
      String CI_UniqueID;
      UInt32 CIType_ID;
      UInt32 CIVersion;
      String ContentSourcePath;
      String CreatedBy;
      DateTime DateCreated;
      DateTime DateLastModified;
      Boolean DriverBootCritical;
      String DriverClass;
      DateTime DriverDate;
      String DriverINFFile;
      String DriverProvider;
      Boolean DriverSigned;
      String DriverSigner;
      String DriverType;
      String DriverVersion;
      DateTime EffectiveDate;
      UInt32 EULAAccepted;
      Boolean EULAExists;
      DateTime EULASignoffDate;
      String EULASignoffUser;
      Boolean IsBundle;
      Boolean IsDigest;
      Boolean IsEnabled;
      Boolean IsExpired;
      Boolean IsHidden;
      Boolean IsQuarantined;
      Boolean IsSuperseded;
      Boolean IsUserDefined;
      String LastModifiedBy;
      String LocalizedCategoryInstanceNames[];
      String LocalizedDescription;
      String LocalizedDisplayName;
      SMS_CI_LocalizedEulas LocalizedEulas[];
      SMS_CI_LocalizedProperties LocalizedInformation[];
      String LocalizedInformativeURL;
      UInt32 LocalizedPropertyLocaleID;
      String ModelName;
      UInt32 PermittedUses;
      SMS_SDMPackageLocalizedData SDMPackageLocalizedData[];
      UInt32 SDMPackageVersion;
      String SDMPackageXML;
      String SourceSite;


The following table shows the methods in SMS_Driver.

Method Description

CreateFromINF Method in Class SMS_Driver

Creates an SMS_Driver object based on information from the specified source path and INF file.

CreateFromOEM Method in Class SMS_Driver

Creates a set of SMS_Driver objects referenced by the specified Txtsetup.oem file.


  • ContentSourcePath
    Data type: String

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    The location of the driver files. When a driver is added to a driver package or a boot image the SMS Provider copies files from this location. The path must be a Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path accessible by the SMS Provider, for example, \\smsserver\drivers\microsoft\vmscsi, as the path for INF files.

  • DriverBootCritical
    Data type: Boolean

    Access type: Read-only

    Qualifiers: [read]

    true if the driver is boot-critical. A mass storage driver imported from a txtsetup.oem file that needs to be installed before booting into a pre-Windows Vista operating system.

  • DriverClass
    Data type: String

    Access type: Read-only

    Qualifiers: [read]

    The class of device that the driver supports (such as Net or Display) as reported by the driver's INF file.

  • DriverDate
    Data type: DateTime

    Access type: Read-only

    Qualifiers: [read]

    Date and time when the driver was written as reported by the INF file.

  • DriverINFFile
    Data type: String

    Access type: Read-only

    Qualifiers: [not_null, read]

    Relative path and file name of the driver INF file, relative to ContentSourcePath.

  • DriverProvider
    Data type: String

    Access type: Read-only

    Qualifiers: [read]

    The name of the company or author of the driver file as reported in the INF file. This property does not necessarily reflect the device manufacturer.

  • DriverSigned
    Data type: Boolean

    Access type: Read-only

    Qualifiers: [read]

    true if the driver source file is digitally signed by a recognized authority. For example, the Windows Hardware Quality Lab.

  • DriverSigner
    Data type: String

    Access type: Read-only

    Qualifiers: [read]

    The name of the digital signer if the driver source file is signed.

  • DriverType
    Data type: String

    Access type: Read-only

    Qualifiers: [not_null, read]

    The type of driver. Currently the only valid value for this is INF.

  • DriverVersion
    Data type: String

    Access type: Read-only

    Qualifiers: [read]

    Version number of the driver, as specified by the driver provider.

  • LocalizedEulas
    Data type: SMS_CI_LocalizedEulas Array

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: [lazy]

    Not used.

  • LocalizedInformation
    Data type: SMS_CI_LocalizedProperties Array

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: [lazy]

    Language-specific localized information about the driver:

    • String DisplayName

    • String Description

    • String InformativeURL

    • UInt32 LocaleID

    This property is used to change the display name and description for a driver that supports multiple languages.


Class qualifiers for this class include:

  • Secured

For more information about both the class qualifiers and the property qualifiers included in the Properties section, see Configuration Manager Class and Property Qualifiers.

Configuration Manager uses a driver catalog to manage the different computers, devices, and associated Windows device drivers that it supports. For more information, see

You can create an SMS_Driver object by using the CreateFromINF Method in Class SMS_Driver and CreateFromOEM Method in Class SMS_Driver methods. You use CreateFromINF Method in Class SMS_Driver to create an SMS_Driver Object from a Windows driver INF file. For more information see, How to Import a Windows Driver Described by an INF File into Configuration Manager. You use CreateFromOEM Method in Class SMS_Driver to create an SMS_Driver object from a Txtsetup.oem file.

Drivers share many of the abstract qualities of configuration items but you cannot use drivers like configuration items. For example, they cannot be assigned to baselines.

Drivers can be arranged into categories by adding the relevant category identifier to the SMS_Driver Server WMI ClassCategoryInstance_UniqueIDs array property. For more information, see How to Add a Category to a Windows Driver.

When you use the Configuration Manager server WMI classes in your application or script, remember that each driver must be added to at least one driver package (SMS_DriverPackage Server WMI Class) before it can be installed on a client. For more information, see How to Create a Driver Package for a Windows Driver in Configuration Manager. Mass storage drivers may also be added to a boot image package, represented by SMS_BootImagePackage Server WMI Class. How to Add a Windows Driver to a Configuration Manager Boot Image Package.


Runtime Requirements

For more information, see Configuration Manager Server Runtime Requirements.

Development Requirements

For more information, see Configuration Manager Server Development Requirements.

See Also


SMS_ConfigurationItemBaseClass Server WMI Class


Operating System Deployment Server WMI Classes
SMS_DriverPackage Server WMI Class
SMS_Driver_Details Server WMI Class
SMS_TaskSequence Server WMI Class
Configuration Manager Operating System Deployment
Operating System Deployment Driver Management
About Operating System Deployment Task Sequences
How to Add a Windows Driver to a Configuration Manager Boot Image Package
How to Import a Windows Driver Described by an INF File into Configuration Manager
About Operating System Deployment Driver Management