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SharedWorkspace Members

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A SharedWorkspace object allows the developer to add the active document to a Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services document workspace on the server and to manage other objects in the shared workspace.

The SharedWorkspace type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property Application (Inherited from _IMsoDispObj.)
Public property Application Returns an Application object that represents the container application for the object.
Public property Connected Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether or not the active document is currently saved in and connected to a shared workspace.
Public property Creator (Inherited from _IMsoDispObj.)
Public property Creator Returns a 32-bit integer that indicates the application in which the specified object was created.
Public property Files Returns a SharedWorkspaceFiles collection that represents the list of files stored in the document library associated with the current shared workspace.
Public property Folders Returns a SharedWorkspaceFolders collection that represents the list of subfolders in the document library associated with the current shared workspace.
Public property LastRefreshed Returns the date and time when the Refresh method was most recently called.
Public property Links Returns a SharedWorkspaceLinks collection that represents the list of links saved in the current shared workspace.
Public property Members Returns a SharedWorkspaceMembers collection that represents the list of members in the current shared workspace.
Public property Name Returns or sets the name of the specified object.
Public property Parent Returns the Parent object for the specified object.
Public property SourceURL Designates the location of the public copy of a shared document to which changes should be published after the document has been revised in a separate document workspace.
Public property Tasks Returns a SharedWorkspaceTaskscollection that represents the list of tasks in the current shared workspace.
Public property URL Returns the top-level Uniform Resource Locator (URL) of the shared workspace.



  Name Description
Public method CreateNew Creates a new document workspace on the server and adds the active document to the new shared workspace.
Public method Delete Deletes the current shared workspace and all data within it.
Public method Disconnect Disconnects the local copy of the active document from the shared workspace.
Public method Refresh Refreshes the local cache of the SharedWorkspace object's files, folders, links, members, and tasks from the server.
Public method RemoveDocument Removes the active document from the shared workspace.


See Also


SharedWorkspace Interface

Microsoft.Office.Core Namespace