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Microsoft.Office.Core Namespace

The types and members of the Microsoft.Office.Core namespace provide support for interoperability between the COM object model of Microsoft Office 2010 and managed applications that automate Office 2010.


  Class Description
Public class _CommandBarButtonEvents_SinkHelper Reserved for internal use.
Public class _CommandBarComboBoxEvents_SinkHelper Reserved for internal use.
Public class _CommandBarsEvents_SinkHelper Reserved for internal use.
Public class _CustomTaskPaneEvents_SinkHelper Reserved for internal use.
Public class _CustomXMLPartEvents_SinkHelper
Public class _CustomXMLPartsEvents_SinkHelper
Public class CommandBarButtonClass Reserved for internal use.
Public class CommandBarComboBoxClass Reserved for internal use.
Public class CommandBarsClass Reserved for internal use.
Public class CustomTaskPaneClass
Public class CustomXMLPartClass
Public class CustomXMLPartsClass
Public class CustomXMLSchemaCollectionClass
Public class IMsoEnvelopeVBEvents_SinkHelper Reserved for internal use.
Public class MsoEnvelopeClass Reserved for internal use.


  Interface Description
Public interface _CommandBarActiveX Reserved for internal use.
Public interface _CommandBarButton Represents a button control on a command bar.
Public interface _CommandBarButtonEvents Reserved for internal use.
Public interface _CommandBarButtonEvents_Event Events interface for Microsoft Office CommandBarButton object events.
Public interface _CommandBarComboBox Represents a combo box control on a command bar.
Public interface _CommandBarComboBoxEvents Reserved for internal use.
Public interface _CommandBarComboBoxEvents_Event Events interface for Microsoft Office CommandBarComboBox object events.
Public interface _CommandBars A collection of CommandBar objects that represent the command bars in the container application.
Public interface _CommandBarsEvents Reserved for internal use.
Public interface _CommandBarsEvents_Event Events interface for Microsoft Office CommandBars object events.
Public interface _CustomTaskPane Represents a custom task pane in the container application.
Public interface _CustomTaskPaneEvents Reserved for internal use.
Public interface _CustomTaskPaneEvents_Event
Public interface _CustomXMLPart Represents a single _CustomXMLPart in a _CustomXMLParts collection.
Public interface _CustomXMLPartEvents
Public interface _CustomXMLPartEvents_Event
Public interface _CustomXMLParts Represents a collection of _CustomXMLPart objects.
Public interface _CustomXMLPartsEvents
Public interface _CustomXMLPartsEvents_Event
Public interface _CustomXMLSchemaCollection Represents a collection of CustomXMLSchema objects attached to a data stream.
Public interface _IMsoDispObj Reserved for internal use.
Public interface _IMsoOleAccDispObj Reserved for internal use.
Public interface Adjustments Reserved for internal use.
Public interface AnswerWizard Represents the Answer Wizard in a Microsoft Office application.
Public interface AnswerWizardFiles The AnswerWizardFiles collection contains all of the Answer Wizard files (with the file name extension .AW) available to the active Microsoft Office application.
Public interface Assistant Represents the Microsoft Office Assistant.
Public interface Axes A collection of all the Axis objects in the specified chart.
Public interface Balloon Represents the balloon where the Office Assistant displays information.
Public interface BalloonCheckbox Represents a checkbox in the Office Assistant balloon.
Public interface BalloonCheckboxes A collection of BalloonCheckbox objects that represent all the check boxes in the Office Assistant balloon.
Public interface BalloonLabel Represents a label in the Office Assistant balloon.
Public interface BalloonLabels A collection of BalloonLabel objects that represent all the labels in the Office Assistant balloon.
Public interface BulletFormat2 Represents bullet formatting.
Public interface CalloutFormat Reserved for internal use.
Public interface CanvasShapes Reserved for internal use.
Public interface ChartColorFormat Represents the color of a one-color object or the foreground or background color of an object with a gradient or patterned fill.
Public interface ChartFillFormat Used only with charts. Represents fill formatting for chart elements.
Public interface ChartFont
Public interface ChartGroups A collection of all the ChartGroup objects in the specified chart.
Public interface ChartPoint
Public interface ColorFormat Reserved for internal use.
Public interface COMAddIn Represents a COM add-in in the Microsoft Office host application.
Public interface COMAddIns A collection of COMAddIns objects that provide information about a COM add-in registered in the Windows Registry.
Public interface CommandBar Represents a command bar in the container application.
Public interface CommandBarButton Represents a button control on a command bar.
Public interface CommandBarComboBox Represents a combo box control on a command bar.
Public interface CommandBarControl Represents a command bar control.
Public interface CommandBarControls A collection of CommandBarControl objects that represent the command bar controls on a command bar.
Public interface CommandBarPopup Represents a pop-up control on a command bar.
Public interface CommandBars A collection of CommandBar objects that represent the command bars in the container application.
Public interface ConnectorFormat Reserved for internal use.
Public interface ContactCard Represents a Microsoft Office system contact card.
Public interface Crop An object used to remove a portion of an image.
Public interface CustomTaskPane
Public interface CustomTaskPaneEvents
Public interface CustomXMLNode Represents an XML node in a tree in a document. The CustomXMLNode object is a member of the CustomXMLNodes collection.
Public interface CustomXMLNodes Contains a collection of CustomXMLNode objects representing the XML nodes in a document.
Public interface CustomXMLPart
Public interface CustomXMLParts
Public interface CustomXMLPrefixMapping Represents a namespace prefix.
Public interface CustomXMLPrefixMappings Represents a collection of CustomXMLPrefixMapping objects.
Public interface CustomXMLSchema Represents a schema in a _CustomXMLSchemaCollection collection.
Public interface CustomXMLSchemaCollection
Public interface CustomXMLValidationError Represents a single validation error in a CustomXMLValidationErrors collection.
Public interface CustomXMLValidationErrors Represents a collection of CustomXMLValidationError objects.
Public interface DiagramNode Reserved for internal use.
Public interface DiagramNodeChildren Reserved for internal use.
Public interface DiagramNodes Reserved for internal use.
Public interface DocumentInspector Represents a Document Inspector module in a DocumentInspectors collection.
Public interface DocumentInspectors Represents a collection of DocumentInspector objects.
Public interface DocumentLibraryVersion The DocumentLibraryVersion object represents a single saved version of a shared document that has versioning enabled and that is stored in a document library on the server.
Public interface DocumentLibraryVersions The DocumentLibraryVersions object represents a collection of DocumentLibraryVersion objects.
Public interface DocumentProperties A collection of DocumentProperty objects.
Public interface DocumentProperty Represents a custom or built-in document property of a container document.
Public interface EffectParameter Describes a single Picture Effect parameter.
Public interface EffectParameters Represents a collection of EffectParameter objects.
Public interface EncryptionProvider Provides the methods for setting up permissions, applying the cryptography of the underlying encryption and decryption, and user authentication.
Public interface FileDialog Provides file dialog box functionality similar to the functionality of the standard Open and Save dialog boxes found in Microsoft Office applications.
Public interface FileDialogFilter Represents a file filter in a file dialog box displayed through the FileDialog object.
Public interface FileDialogFilters A collection of FileDialogFilter objects that represent the types of files that can be selected in a file dialog box that is displayed using the FileDialog object.
Public interface FileDialogSelectedItems A collection of String values that correspond to the paths of the files or folders that a user has selected from a file dialog box displayed through the FileDialog object.
Public interface FileSearch Represents the functionality of the Open dialog box accessible by the File menu.
Public interface FileTypes A collection of values of the type MsoFileType that determine which types of files are returned by the Execute method of the FileSearch object.
Public interface FillFormat Reserved for internal use.
Public interface Font2 Contains font attributes (for example, font name, font size, and color) for an object.
Public interface FoundFiles Represents the list of files returned from a file search.
Public interface FreeformBuilder Reserved for internal use.
Public interface GlowFormat Represents a glow effect around an Office graphic.
Public interface GradientStop Represents one gradient stop.
Public interface GradientStops Contains a collection of GradientStop objects.
Public interface GridLines
Public interface GroupShapes Reserved for internal use.
Public interface HTMLProject Represents a top-level project branch, as in the Project Explorer in the Microsoft Script Editor.
Public interface HTMLProjectItem Represents an individual project item that’s a project item branch in the Project Explorer in the Microsoft Script Editor.
Public interface HTMLProjectItems A collection of HTMLProjectItem objects that represent the HTML project items contained in the HTMLProject object.
Public interface IAccessible Reserved for internal use.
Public interface IAssistance Provides a means for developers to create a customized help experience for users within Microsoft Office.
Public interface IBlogExtensibility An object that provides the ability to manipulate blog entries.
Public interface IBlogPictureExtensibility Represents an object that provides the ability to manipulate blog images.
Public interface ICommandBarButtonEvents Reserved for internal use.
Public interface ICommandBarComboBoxEvents Reserved for internal use.
Public interface ICommandBarsEvents Reserved for internal use.
Public interface IConverter
Public interface IConverterApplicationPreferences
Public interface IConverterPreferences
Public interface IConverterUICallback
Public interface ICTPFactory Used to create a custom task pane.
Public interface ICustomTaskPaneConsumer An interface that provides access to the CTPFactoryAvailable(ICTPFactory) method that is used to create an instance of a custom task pane.
Public interface ICustomXMLPartEvents
Public interface ICustomXMLPartsEvents
Public interface IDocumentInspector Represents the interface through which the methods of a IDocumentInspector object are accessed.
Public interface IFind
Public interface IFoundFiles
Public interface ILicAgent Reserved for internal use.
Public interface ILicValidator Reserved for internal use.
Public interface ILicWizExternal Reserved for internal use.
Public interface IMsoAxis
Public interface IMsoAxisTitle
Public interface IMsoBorder
Public interface IMsoCharacters
Public interface IMsoChart
Public interface IMsoChartArea
Public interface IMsoChartData
Public interface IMsoChartFormat
Public interface IMsoChartGroup
Public interface IMsoChartTitle
Public interface IMsoContactCard Represents a Contact card.
Public interface IMsoCorners
Public interface IMsoDataLabel
Public interface IMsoDataLabels
Public interface IMsoDataTable
Public interface IMsoDiagram Reserved for internal use.
Public interface IMsoDispCagNotifySink Reserved for internal use.
Public interface IMsoDisplayUnitLabel
Public interface IMsoDownBars
Public interface IMsoDropLines
Public interface IMsoEnvelopeVB Provides access to functionality that lets you send documents as emails directly from Microsoft Office applications.
Public interface IMsoEnvelopeVBEvents Reserved for internal use.
Public interface IMsoEnvelopeVBEvents_Event Events interface for Microsoft Office MsoEnvelope object events.
Public interface IMsoErrorBars
Public interface IMsoEServicesDialog Reserved for internal use.
Public interface IMsoFloor
Public interface IMsoHiLoLines
Public interface IMsoHyperlinks
Public interface IMsoInterior
Public interface IMsoLeaderLines
Public interface IMsoLegend
Public interface IMsoLegendKey
Public interface IMsoPlotArea
Public interface IMsoSeries
Public interface IMsoSeriesLines
Public interface IMsoTickLabels
Public interface IMsoTrendline
Public interface IMsoUpBars
Public interface IMsoWalls
Public interface IRibbonControl Represents the object passed into every Ribbon user interface (UI) control's callback procedure.
Public interface IRibbonExtensibility The interface through which the Ribbon user interface (UI) communicates with a COM add-in to customize the UI.
Public interface IRibbonUI The object that is returned by the onLoad procedure specified on the customUI tag. The object contains methods for invalidating control properties and for refreshing the user interface.
Public interface LanguageSettings Returns information about the language settings in a Microsoft Office application.
Public interface LegendEntries
Public interface LegendEntry
Public interface LineFormat Reserved for internal use.
Public interface MetaProperties Represents a collection of properties describing the metadata stored in a document.
Public interface MetaProperty Represents a single property in a collection of properties describing the metadata stored in a document.
Public interface MsoDebugOptions Reserved for internal use.
Public interface MsoDebugOptions_UT
Public interface MsoDebugOptions_UTManager
Public interface MsoDebugOptions_UTRunResult
Public interface MsoDebugOptions_UTs
Public interface MsoEnvelope Provides access to functionality that lets you send documents as emails directly from Microsoft Office applications.
Public interface NewFile The NewFile object represents items listed on the New Item task pane available in several Microsoft Office applications.
Public interface ODSOColumn Represents a field in a data source.
Public interface ODSOColumns A collection of ODSOColumn objects that represent the data fields in a mail merge data source.
Public interface ODSOFilter Represents a filter to be applied to an attached mail merge data source.
Public interface ODSOFilters Represents all the filters to apply to the data source attached to the mail merge publication.
Public interface OfficeDataSourceObject Represents the mail merge data source in a mail merge operation.
Public interface OfficeTheme Represents a Microsoft Office theme.
Public interface ParagraphFormat2 Represents the paragraph formatting of a text range.
Public interface Permission Use the Permission object to restrict permissions to the active document and to return or set specific permissions settings.
Public interface PickerDialog Provides dialog user interface functionality for picking people or picking data.
Public interface PickerField Represents the field definitions of sub-items in a PickerResult object. Each PickerField object represents a column definition of a Picker dialog.
Public interface PickerFields A collection of PickerField objects. Each PickerField object represents a column definition of Picker dialog.
Public interface PickerProperties A collection of PickerProperty objects.
Public interface PickerProperty Represents an object for passing a custom property.
Public interface PickerResult Represents a resolved or selected item of data.
Public interface PickerResults A collection of PickerResult objects.
Public interface PictureEffect Represents a picture effect.
Public interface PictureEffects Represents a collection of PictureEffect objects.
Public interface PictureFormat Reserved for internal use.
Public interface Points A collection of all the ChartPoint objects in the specified series in a chart.
Public interface PolicyItem Represents an item within a ServerPolicy object that contains the settings for one policy.
Public interface PropertyTest Represents a single file search criterion.
Public interface PropertyTests A collection of PropertyTest objects that represent all the search criteria of a file search. Search criteria are listed in the Advanced Find dialog box (File menu, Open command, Advanced Find button).
Public interface ReflectionFormat Represents the reflection effect in Office graphics.
Public interface Ruler2 Represents the ruler for the text in the specified shape or for all text in the specified text style. Contains tab stops and the indentation settings for text outline levels.
Public interface RulerLevel2 Contains first-line indent and hanging indent information for an outline level.
Public interface RulerLevels2 A collection of all the RulerLevel2 objects on the specified ruler.
Public interface ScopeFolder Corresponds to a searchable folder.
Public interface ScopeFolders A collection of ScopeFolder objects.
Public interface Script Represents a block of HTML script in a Microsoft Word document, on a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, or on a Microsoft PowerPoint slide.
Public interface Scripts A collection of Script objects that represent the collection of HTML scripts in the specified document.
Public interface SearchFolders A collection of ScopeFolder objects that determines which folders are searched when the Execute method of the FileSearch object is called.
Public interface SearchScope Corresponds to a type of folder tree that can be searched by using the FileSearch object.
Public interface SearchScopes A collection of SearchScope objects.
Public interface SeriesCollection
Public interface ServerPolicy Represents a policy specified for a document type stored on a server running Office SharePoint Server 2007.
Public interface ShadowFormat Reserved for internal use.
Public interface Shape Reserved for internal use.
Public interface ShapeNode Reserved for internal use.
Public interface ShapeNodes Reserved for internal use.
Public interface ShapeRange Reserved for internal use.
Public interface Shapes Reserved for internal use.
Public interface SharedWorkspace A SharedWorkspace object allows the developer to add the active document to a Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services document workspace on the server and to manage other objects in the shared workspace.
Public interface SharedWorkspaceFile The SharedWorkspaceFile object represents a file saved in a shared document workspace.
Public interface SharedWorkspaceFiles A collection of the SharedWorkspaceFile objects in the current shared workspace.
Public interface SharedWorkspaceFolder The SharedWorkspaceFolder object represents a folder in a shared document workspace.
Public interface SharedWorkspaceFolders A collection of the SharedWorkspaceFolder objects in the current shared workspace.
Public interface SharedWorkspaceLink The SharedWorkspaceLink object represents a URL link saved in a shared document workspace.
Public interface SharedWorkspaceLinks A collection of the SharedWorkspaceLink objects in the current shared workspace.
Public interface SharedWorkspaceMember The SharedWorkspaceMember object represents a user who has rights in a shared document workspace.
Public interface SharedWorkspaceMembers A collection of the SharedWorkspaceMember objects in the current shared workspace.
Public interface SharedWorkspaceTask The SharedWorkspaceTask object represents a task in a shared document workspace.
Public interface SharedWorkspaceTasks A collection of the SharedWorkspaceTask objects in the current shared workspace.
Public interface Signature Corresponds to a digital signature that is attached to a document.
Public interface SignatureInfo Represents the information used to create a digital or in-document signature.
Public interface SignatureProvider Represents a signature provider add-in.
Public interface SignatureSet A collection of Signature objects that correspond to the digital signatures attached to a document.
Public interface SignatureSetup Represents the information used to set up a signature packet.
Public interface SmartArt The top level class for interacting with a SmartArt graphic. Specifies constants that define the types of SmartArt nodes.
Public interface SmartArtColor Represents the color scheme for the SmartArt diagram.
Public interface SmartArtColors A collection of SmartArt color styles.
Public interface SmartArtLayout Represents a SmartArt diagram.
Public interface SmartArtLayouts Represents a collection of SmartArt layout diagrams.
Public interface SmartArtNode A single semantic node within the data model of a SmartArt graphic.
Public interface SmartArtNodes Represents a collection of nodes within a SmartArt diagram.
Public interface SmartArtQuickStyle Represents a SmartArt quick style
Public interface SmartArtQuickStyles Represents a collection of SmartArt quick styles.
Public interface SmartDocument The SmartDocument property of the Microsoft Office Word 2003 Document object and the Microsoft Office Excel 2003 Workbook object returns a SmartDocument object.
Public interface SoftEdgeFormat Represents the soft edges effect in Office graphics.
Public interface Sync Use the Sync object to manage the synchronization of the local and server copies of a shared document stored in a Windows SharePoint Services document workspace.
Public interface TabStop2 Represents a single tab stop. The TabStop2 object is a member of the TabStops2 collection.
Public interface TabStops2 The collection of TabStop2 objects.
Public interface TextColumn2
Public interface TextEffectFormat Reserved for internal use.
Public interface TextFrame Reserved for internal use.
Public interface TextFrame2
Public interface TextRange2 Represents the text frame in a Shape or ShapeRange objects.
Public interface ThemeColor Represents a color in the color scheme of a Microsoft Office 2007 theme.
Public interface ThemeColorScheme Represents the color scheme of a Microsoft Office 2007 theme.
Public interface ThemeEffectScheme Represents the effects scheme of a Microsoft Office 2007 theme.
Public interface ThemeFont Represents a container for the font schemes of a Microsoft Office 2007 theme.
Public interface ThemeFonts Represents a collection of major and minor fonts in the font scheme of a Microsoft Office 2007 theme.
Public interface ThemeFontScheme Represents the font scheme of a Microsoft Office 2007 theme.
Public interface ThreeDFormat Reserved for internal use.
Public interface Trendlines
Public interface UserPermission The UserPermission object associates a set of permissions on the active document with a single user and an optional expiration date.
Public interface WebComponent Reserved for internal use.
Public interface WebComponentFormat Reserved for internal use.
Public interface WebComponentProperties Reserved for internal use.
Public interface WebComponentWindowExternal Reserved for internal use.
Public interface WebPageFont Represents the default font used when documents are saved as Web pages for a particular character set.
Public interface WebPageFonts A collection of WebPageFont objects that describe the proportional font, proportional font size, fixed-width font, and fixed-width font size used when documents are saved as Web pages.
Public interface WorkflowTask Represents a single workflow task in a WorkflowTasks collection.
Public interface WorkflowTasks Represents a collection of WorkflowTask objects.
Public interface WorkflowTemplate Represents one of the workflows available for the current document.
Public interface WorkflowTemplates Represents a collection of WorkflowTemplate objects.


  Delegate Description
Public delegate _CommandBarButtonEvents_ClickEventHandler A Delegate type used to add an event handler for the Click event. The Click event occurs when the user clicks a CommandBarButton object.
Public delegate _CommandBarComboBoxEvents_ChangeEventHandler A Delegate type used to add an event handler for the Change event. The Change event occurs when the end user changes the selection in a command bar combo box.
Public delegate _CommandBarsEvents_OnUpdateEventHandler A Delegate type used to add an event handler for the OnUpdate event. The OnUpdate event occurs when any change is made to a command bar.
Public delegate _CustomTaskPaneEvents_DockPositionStateChangeEventHandler Reserved for internal use.
Public delegate _CustomTaskPaneEvents_VisibleStateChangeEventHandler
Public delegate _CustomXMLPartEvents_NodeAfterDeleteEventHandler
Public delegate _CustomXMLPartEvents_NodeAfterInsertEventHandler
Public delegate _CustomXMLPartEvents_NodeAfterReplaceEventHandler
Public delegate _CustomXMLPartsEvents_PartAfterAddEventHandler
Public delegate _CustomXMLPartsEvents_PartAfterLoadEventHandler
Public delegate _CustomXMLPartsEvents_PartBeforeDeleteEventHandler
Public delegate IMsoEnvelopeVBEvents_EnvelopeHideEventHandler A Delegate type used to add an event handler for the EnvelopeHide event. The EnvelopeHide event occurs when the user interface (UI) that corresponds to the MsoEnvelope object is hidden.
Public delegate IMsoEnvelopeVBEvents_EnvelopeShowEventHandler A Delegate type used to add an event handler for the EnvelopeShow event. The EnvelopeShow event occurs when the user interface (UI) that corresponds to the MsoEnvelope object is displayed.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration CertificateDetail Provides information about the digital certificate.
Public enumeration CertificateVerificationResults Provides the results of verifying a digital certificate.
Public enumeration ContentVerificationResults Provides the status of verifying whether the content of a document has changed.
Public enumeration DocProperties Reserved for internal use.
Public enumeration EncryptionCipherMode
Public enumeration EncryptionProviderDetail
Public enumeration MailFormat Specifies the format for an e-mail message. These formats correspond to the formats supported by Microsoft Outlook for e-mail messages.
Public enumeration MsoAlertButtonType Specifies the buttons to be displayed when issuing an alert to the user with the DoAlert method of the Assistant object.
Public enumeration MsoAlertCancelType Specifies behavior when the user cancels an alert. Only msoAlertCancelDefault is currently supported.
Public enumeration MsoAlertDefaultType Specifies which button is set as the default when calling the DoAlert method of the Assistant object.
Public enumeration MsoAlertIconType Specifies which icon, if any, to display with an alert.
Public enumeration MsoAlignCmd Defines how to align specified objects relative to one another.
Public enumeration MsoAnimationType Specifies the animation action for the Office Assistant.
Public enumeration MsoAppLanguageID Specifies a language setting in a Microsoft Office application.
Public enumeration MsoArrowheadLength Specifies the length of the arrowhead at the end of a line.
Public enumeration MsoArrowheadStyle Specifies the style of the arrowhead at the end of a line.
Public enumeration MsoArrowheadWidth Specifies the width of the arrowhead at the end of a line.
Public enumeration MsoAutomationSecurity Specifies the security mode an application uses when programmatically opening files.
Public enumeration MsoAutoShapeType Specifies the shape type for an AutoShape object.
Public enumeration MsoAutoSize Determines the type of automatic sizing allowed.
Public enumeration MsoBackgroundStyleIndex Indicates the background style for an object.
Public enumeration MsoBalloonButtonType Indicates which button the user clicked in a balloon.
Public enumeration MsoBalloonErrorType Specifies what error occurred in a balloon.
Public enumeration MsoBalloonType Specifies the type of label used in a balloon.
Public enumeration MsoBarPosition Specifies the position or behavior of a command bar.
Public enumeration MsoBarProtection Specifies how a command bar is protected from user customization.
Public enumeration MsoBarRow Specifies whether a command bar is in the first row or last row relative to other command bars in the same docking area.
Public enumeration MsoBarType Specifies the type of the command bar.
Public enumeration MsoBaselineAlignment
Public enumeration MsoBevelType Indicates the bevel type of a ThreeDFormat object.
Public enumeration MsoBlackWhiteMode Specifies how a shape appears when viewed in black-and-white mode.
Public enumeration MsoBlogCategorySupport
Public enumeration MsoBlogImageType
Public enumeration MsoBulletType
Public enumeration MsoButtonSetType Specifies the type of button to be displayed at the bottom of an Office Assistant balloon.
Public enumeration MsoButtonState Specifies the appearance of a command bar button control.
Public enumeration MsoButtonStyle Specifies the style of a command bar button.
Public enumeration MsoButtonStyleHidden Reserved for internal use.
Public enumeration MsoCalloutAngleType Specifies the size of the angle between the callout line and the side of the callout text box.
Public enumeration MsoCalloutDropType Specifies starting position of the callout line relative to the text bounding box.
Public enumeration MsoCalloutType Specifies the type of callout line.
Public enumeration MsoCharacterSet Specifies the character set to be used when rendering text.
Public enumeration MsoChartElementType
Public enumeration MsoClipboardFormat
Public enumeration MsoColorType Specifies the color type.
Public enumeration MsoComboStyle Specifies whether the command bar combo box includes a label or not.
Public enumeration MsoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkType Specifies whether the command bar button is a hyperlink. If the command bar button is a hyperlink, further specifies whether the hyperlink should launch another application such as the browser or insert a picture at the active selection point.
Public enumeration MsoCondition Defines the condition for comparison between a file and a specified property in a file search.
Public enumeration MsoConnector Specifies the connector between two similar property test values.
Public enumeration MsoConnectorType Specifies a type of connector.
Public enumeration MsoContactCardAddressType
Public enumeration MsoContactCardStyle
Public enumeration MsoContactCardType
Public enumeration MsoControlOLEUsage Specifies the OLE client and OLE server roles in which a command bar control is used when two Microsoft Office applications are merged.
Public enumeration MsoControlType Specifies the type of the command bar control.
Public enumeration MsoCTPDockPosition Specifies the docking behavior of the custom task pane.
Public enumeration MsoCTPDockPositionRestrict Specifies retrictions on the docking behavior of the custom task pane.
Public enumeration MsoCustomXMLNodeType Specifies the node type.
Public enumeration MsoCustomXMLValidationErrorType Indicates how validation errors will be cleared or generated.
Public enumeration MsoDateTimeFormat Specifies the format of a date/time data type.
Public enumeration MsoDiagramNodeType Specifies type of diagram node.
Public enumeration MsoDiagramType Specifies the type of diagram.
Public enumeration MsoDistributeCmd Specifies how to evenly distribute a collection of shapes.
Public enumeration MsoDocInspectorStatus Represents the results of running a Document Inspector module.
Public enumeration MsoDocProperties Specifies the data type for a document property.
Public enumeration MsoEditingType Specifies the editing type of a node.
Public enumeration MsoEncoding Specifies the document encoding (code page or character set) for the Web browser to use when a user views a saved document.
Public enumeration MsoExtraInfoMethod Specifies how to use the value specified in the ExtraInfo property of the FollowHyperlink method.
Public enumeration MsoExtrusionColorType Specifies whether the extrusion color is based on the extruded shape's fill (the front face of the extrusion) and automatically changes when the shape's fill changes, or whether the extrusion color is independent of the shape's fill.
Public enumeration MsoFarEastLineBreakLanguageID Specifies the language to use to determine which line break level is used when the line break control option is turned on.
Public enumeration MsoFeatureInstall Specifies how the application handles calls to methods and properties that require features not yet installed.
Public enumeration MsoFileDialogType Specifies the type of a FileDialog object.
Public enumeration MsoFileDialogView Specifies the view presented to the user in a file dialog box.
Public enumeration MsoFileFindListBy This enumeration applies to the Macintosh only and should not be used.
Public enumeration MsoFileFindOptions This enumeration applies to the Macintosh only and should not be used.
Public enumeration MsoFileFindSortBy This enumeration applies to the Macintosh only and should not be used.
Public enumeration MsoFileFindView Specifies view to use for a file find process.
Public enumeration MsoFileNewAction Specifies action to take when a user clicks an item in the task pane.
Public enumeration MsoFileNewSection Specifies the task pane section to which to add a file or where the file reference exists.
Public enumeration MsoFileType Specifies a type of file.
Public enumeration MsoFileValidationMode
Public enumeration MsoFillType Specifies a shape's fill type.
Public enumeration MsoFilterComparison Specifies how the Column and CompareTo properties are compared for an ODSOFilter object.
Public enumeration MsoFilterConjunction Specifies how a filter criterion relates to other filter criteria.
Public enumeration MsoFlipCmd Specifies whether a shape should be flipped horizontally or vertically.
Public enumeration MsoFontLanguageIndex Represents one of the three language fonts contained in the ThemeFonts collection
Public enumeration MsoGradientColorType Specifies the type of gradient used in a shape's fill.
Public enumeration MsoGradientStyle Specifies the style for a gradient fill.
Public enumeration MsoHorizontalAnchor Specifies the horizontal alignment of text in a text frame.
Public enumeration MsoHTMLProjectOpen Specifies the view in which an HTML project or project item is opened.
Public enumeration MsoHTMLProjectState Specifies the current state of an HTMLProject object.
Public enumeration MsoHyperlinkType Specifies the type of hyperlink.
Public enumeration MsoIconType Specifies an icon type to show in a Balloon object.
Public enumeration MsoIodGroup
Public enumeration MsoLanguageID Specifies which language to use.
Public enumeration MsoLanguageIDHidden Reserved for internal use.
Public enumeration MsoLastModified Specifies the period of time to filter files by the date last modified. Used with the LastModified property of the FileSearch object.
Public enumeration MsoLightRigType Indicates the effects lighting for an object.
Public enumeration MsoLineDashStyle Specifies the dash style for a line.
Public enumeration MsoLineStyle Specifies the style for a line.
Public enumeration MsoMenuAnimation Specifies animation style for Microsoft Office command bars.
Public enumeration MsoMetaPropertyType Specifies the metadata property type.
Public enumeration MsoMixedType This enumeration has been deprecated and should not be used.
Public enumeration MsoModeType Specifies the mode type for a Balloon object.
Public enumeration MsoMoveRow This enumeration has been deprecated and should not be used.
Public enumeration MsoNumberedBulletStyle
Public enumeration MsoOLEMenuGroup Specifies the menu group that a command bar pop-up control belongs to when the menu groups of the OLE server are merged with the menu groups of an OLE client (that is, when an object of the container application type is embedded in another application).
Public enumeration MsoOrgChartLayoutType Indicates how to format the child nodes in an organization chart.
Public enumeration MsoOrgChartOrientation Specifies orientation of an organization chart.
Public enumeration MsoOrientation Specifies orientation of an object when it is displayed or printed.
Public enumeration MsoParagraphAlignment Specifies paragraph alignment for a text block.
Public enumeration MsoPathFormat Specifies the format of a file or folder path.
Public enumeration MsoPatternType Specifies the fill pattern used in a shape.
Public enumeration MsoPermission Specifies an Information Rights Management (IRM) permission type for a document.
Public enumeration MsoPickerField
Public enumeration MsoPictureColorType Specifies the color transformation applied to a picture.
Public enumeration MsoPictureEffectType
Public enumeration MsoPresetCamera Indicates the effects camera type used by the specified object.
Public enumeration MsoPresetExtrusionDirection Specifies the direction that the extrusion's sweep path takes away from the extruded shape (the front face of the extrusion).
Public enumeration MsoPresetGradientType Specifies which predefined gradient to use to fill a shape.
Public enumeration MsoPresetLightingDirection Specifies the location of lighting on an extruded (three-dimensional) shape relative to the shape.
Public enumeration MsoPresetLightingSoftness Specifies the intensity of light used on a shape.
Public enumeration MsoPresetMaterial Specifies the extrusion surface material.
Public enumeration MsoPresetTextEffect Specifies what text effect to use on a WordArt object.
Public enumeration MsoPresetTextEffectShape Specifies shape of WordArt text.
Public enumeration MsoPresetTexture Specifies texture to be used to fill a shape.
Public enumeration MsoPresetThreeDFormat Specifies an extrusion (three-dimensional) format.
Public enumeration MsoReflectionType
Public enumeration MsoRelativeNodePosition Specifies where a node is added to a diagram relative to existing nodes.
Public enumeration MsoScaleFrom Specifies which part of the shape retains its position when the shape is scaled.
Public enumeration MsoScreenSize Specifies the ideal screen resolution to be used to view a document in a Web browser.
Public enumeration MsoScriptLanguage Specifies scripting language of the active script.
Public enumeration MsoScriptLocation Specifies the location of the script anchor within a document.
Public enumeration MsoSearchIn Indicates the area in which the Execute method of the FileSearch object searches for files.
Public enumeration MsoSegmentType Specifies the type for a segment.
Public enumeration MsoShadowStyle Specifies the type of shadowing effect.
Public enumeration MsoShadowType Specifies the type of shadow displayed with a shape.
Public enumeration MsoShapeStyleIndex Indicates the line and shape style.
Public enumeration MsoShapeType Specifies the type of a shape or range of shapes.
Public enumeration MsoSharedWorkspaceTaskPriority Specifies the priority for a shared workspace task.
Public enumeration MsoSharedWorkspaceTaskStatus Specifies the status of a shared workspace task.
Public enumeration MsoSignatureSubset Specifies properties of the signature subset. These settings act as filters for signature sets.
Public enumeration MsoSmartArtNodePosition
Public enumeration MsoSmartArtNodeType
Public enumeration MsoSoftEdgeType Specifies the type of soft edge effect.
Public enumeration MsoSortBy Specifies sort order for files in a FileSearch object's FoundFiles collection.
Public enumeration MsoSortOrder Specifies whether files in a FileSearch object's FoundFiles collection should be sorted in ascending or descending order.
Public enumeration MsoSyncAvailableType Specifies whether and under what circumstances synchronization is available for the document.
Public enumeration MsoSyncCompareType Specifies how comparison between local copy and server copy should be done in a synchronization process.
Public enumeration MsoSyncConflictResolutionType Specifies how conflicts should be resolved when synchronizing a shared document.
Public enumeration MsoSyncErrorType Specifies a document synchronization error.
Public enumeration MsoSyncEventType Specifies the return value of a Sync event.
Public enumeration MsoSyncStatusType Specifies the status of the synchronization of the local copy of the active document with the server copy.
Public enumeration MsoSyncVersionType Specifies which version of a shared document to open alongside the currently open local version.
Public enumeration MsoTabStopType
Public enumeration MsoTargetBrowser Specifies target browser for documents viewed in a Web browser.
Public enumeration MsoTextCaps Specifies the capitalization of the text.
Public enumeration MsoTextChangeCase Specifies the capitalization of text.
Public enumeration MsoTextCharWrap Indicates the type of text wrap.
Public enumeration MsoTextDirection
Public enumeration MsoTextEffectAlignment Specifies alignment for WordArt text.
Public enumeration MsoTextFontAlign Indicates the text alignment scheme used for an object.
Public enumeration MsoTextOrientation Specifies orientation for text.
Public enumeration MsoTextStrike Indicates the number of times a character is printed to darken the image.
Public enumeration MsoTextTabAlign Indicates the text alignment against tab stops or line breaks. The default value is msoTabAlignLeft.
Public enumeration MsoTextUnderlineType Indicates the type of underline for text.
Public enumeration MsoTextureAlignment
Public enumeration MsoTextureType Specifies the texture type for the selected fill.
Public enumeration MsoThemeColorIndex Indicates the Office theme color.
Public enumeration MsoThemeColorSchemeIndex Indicates the color scheme for an Office theme.
Public enumeration MsoTriState Specifies a tri-state Boolean value.
Public enumeration MsoVerticalAnchor Specifies the vertical alignment of text in a text frame.
Public enumeration MsoWarpFormat Indicates various image warping formats.
Public enumeration MsoWizardActType Specifies the change to the Office Assistant Help session.
Public enumeration MsoWizardMsgType Specifies context under which a wizard's callback procedure is called.
Public enumeration MsoZOrderCmd Specifies where in the z-order a shape should be moved relative to other shapes.
Public enumeration OutSpaceSlabStyle
Public enumeration RibbonControlSize
Public enumeration SignatureDetail Indicates additional information about a signature.
Public enumeration SignatureLineImage Indicates the signature line image.
Public enumeration SignatureProviderDetail Specifies properties of a signature provider.
Public enumeration SignatureType Specifies properties of a signature.
Public enumeration XlAxisCrosses Specifies the point on the specified axis where the other axis crosses.
Public enumeration XlAxisGroup Specifies the type of axis group.
Public enumeration XlAxisType Specifies the axis type.
Public enumeration XlBarShape Specifies the shape used with the 3-D bar or column chart.
Public enumeration XlBorderWeight Specifies the weight of the border around a range.
Public enumeration XlCategoryType Specifies the type of the category axis.
Public enumeration XlChartElementPosition Specifies the position of the chart element.
Public enumeration XlChartItem Specifies the type of the chart item.
Public enumeration XlChartOrientation
Public enumeration XlChartPictureType Specifies how pictures are displayed on a column, bar picture chart, or legend key.
Public enumeration XlChartSplitType Specifies the values displayed in the second chart in a pie chart or a bar of pie chart.
Public enumeration XlChartType Specifies the chart type.
Public enumeration XlColorIndex Specifies the color of a selected feature such as border, font, or fill.
Public enumeration XlConstants Specifies global constants used in Microsoft Excel.
Public enumeration XlDataLabelPosition Indicates the position of data labels relative to the data markers.
Public enumeration XlDataLabelsType Specifies the type of data label to apply. The default is typically xlDataLabelsShowValue.
Public enumeration XlDisplayBlanksAs Specifies how blank cells are plotted on a chart.
Public enumeration XlDisplayUnit Indicates numeric units of measurement.
Public enumeration XlEndStyleCap Specifies the end style for error bars.
Public enumeration XlErrorBarDirection Specifies which axis values are to receive error bars.
Public enumeration XlErrorBarInclude Specifies which error-bar parts to include.
Public enumeration XlErrorBarType Specifies the range marked by error bars.
Public enumeration XlHAlign Specifies the horizontal alignment for the object.
Public enumeration XlLegendPosition Specifies the position of the legend on a chart.
Public enumeration XlMarkerStyle Specifies the marker style for a point or series in a line chart, scatter chart, or radar chart.
Public enumeration XlPieSliceIndex
Public enumeration XlPieSliceLocation
Public enumeration XlPivotFieldOrientation Specifies the location of the field in a PivotTable report.
Public enumeration XlReadingOrder
Public enumeration XlRowCol Specifies whether the values corresponding to a particular data series are in rows or columns.
Public enumeration XlScaleType Specifies the scale type of the value axis.
Public enumeration XlSizeRepresents Indicates what the size measurement is in relation to.
Public enumeration XlTickLabelOrientation Specifies the text orientation for tick-mark labels.
Public enumeration XlTickLabelPosition Specifies the position of tick-mark labels on the specified axis.
Public enumeration XlTickMark Specifies the position of major and minor tick marks for an axis.
Public enumeration XlTimeUnit Indicates units of time measurement.
Public enumeration XlTrendlineType Specifies how the trendline that smoothes out fluctuations in the data is calculated.
Public enumeration XlUnderlineStyle Specifies the type of underline applied to a font.
Public enumeration XlVAlign Specifies the vertical alignment for the object.