add Element for providers for healthMonitoring (ASP.NET Settings Schema)
Specifies the name of the provider and the class that implements the provider.
<configuration> Element
system.web Element (ASP.NET Settings Schema)
healthMonitoring Element (ASP.NET Settings Schema)
providers Element for healthMonitoring (ASP.NET Settings Schema)
add Element for providers for healthMonitoring (ASP.NET Settings Schema)
<!-- Default, WMIWebEventProvider and WebEventProvider syntax -->
name="provider name"
type="type reference" />
<!-- SQL Implementation Provider syntax -->
<add name="SqlEventProvider"
type="System.Web.Management.SqlWebEventProvider, System.Web,
Version=1.2.3300.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a"
bufferMode="string" />
<!-- Simple Mail Event and Templated Mail Web Event Providers syntax -->
<add name="MailEventProvider"
to="string; string"
cc="string; string"
bcc="string; string"
subjectPrefix="email subject prefix"
bodyHeader="email body header"
bodyFooter="email body footer"
template="string" (cannot be specified with the header/footer/separator)
bufferMode="string" />
Attributes and Elements
The following sections describe attributes, child elements, and parent elements.
Attribute |
Description |
bcc |
Optional String attribute. Applies to the SimpleMailWebEventProvider and TemplatedMailWebEventProvider classes only. Defines a semicolon (;)–separated list of recipient addresses to include in the blind copy (bcc) list. |
bodyFooter |
Optional String attribute. Applies to the SimpleMailWebEventProvider attributes only. Specifies text to include at the bottom of the e-mail body in the simple e-mail format. Note This attribute cannot be used with the template attribute. |
bodyHeader |
Optional String attribute. Applies to the SimpleMailWebEventProvider attribute only. Specifies text to include at the top of the e-mail body in the simple e-mail format. Note This attribute cannot be used with the template attribute. |
buffer |
Required Boolean attribute. Applies to the SqlWebEventProvider class only. Specifies whether the provider uses buffering or immediately sends each event to the recipient. The default is false. |
bufferMode |
Optional String attribute. Applies to the SQLWebEventProvider attribute only. Specifies the name of the buffering mode that is used by the provider, if the provider is in the buffered mode. The name must reference one of the existing buffering modes that are present in the BufferModesCollection collection; otherwise, an exception is thrown. This attribute must be present, if buffering is turned on. |
cc |
Optional String attribute. Applies to the SimpleMailWebEventProvider and TemplatedMailWebEventProvider attributes only. Defines a semicolon (;)–separated list of recipient addresses to go into the copy (cc:) list. |
commandTimeout |
Optional Int32 attribute. Applies to the SQLWebEventProvider attribute only. Specifies the number of seconds before a command that is issued to the membership data source times out. This time-out is used by the SQL provider when it creates SqlCommand objects. By default, this attribute is not set in the ASP.NET configuration. Therefore, the ADO.NET default of 30 seconds is used. If this attribute is set, the SQL provider must use the configured time-out value for all SQL commands that are issued to the database. A System.Configuration.Provider.ProviderException exception is thrown, if validation fails. The default is 30 (the ADO.NET default). |
connectionStringName |
Required String attribute. Applies to the SQLWebEventProvider attribute only. Specifies the string to use to connect to the database. |
detailedTemplateErrors |
Optional Boolean attribute. Applies to the TemplatedMailWebEventProvider attribute only. Specifies whether exception details are sent in an e-mail message when an error occurs during template compilation or run time. The default is false. |
from |
Optional String attribute. Applies to the SimpleMailWebEventProvider and TemplatedMailWebEventProvider attributes only. Specifies the address of the sender. This attribute is inherited from the SMTP mail configuration section, if it is not specified. |
maxEventDetailLength |
Optional Int32 attribute. Applies to the SQLWebEventProvider attribute only. Specifies the maximum length, in characters, of the event detail that is allowed for each event, as follows:
Note If the event detail length is not limited, this attribute is a potential vulnerability. |
maxEventLengthForSimpleMessage |
Optional Int32 attribute. Applies to the SimpleMailWebEventProvider and TemplatedMailWebEventProvider attributes only. Specifies the maximum length, in characters, of the event detail that is allowed for each event, as follows:
Note If the message size is not limited, this attribute is a potential vulnerability. The default is 5000 characters. |
maxSizeForSimpleMessage |
Optional Int32 attribute. Applies to the SimpleMailWebEventProvider and TemplatedMailWebEventProvider attributes only. Specifies the maximum size, in bytes, of the notification messages that are sent by the provider. If Infinite, no mail splitting is performed in the simple mode. Note This attribute can cause messages to be discarded by the e-mail system and is a potential vulnerability. The default is 1024 KB. |
maxEventCountForTemplateMessage |
Optional Int32 attribute. Applies to the SimpleMailWebEventProvider and TemplatedMailWebEventProvider attributes only. Specifies the maximum number of events in each notification message that is sent by the provider when in templated mode. If Infinite, no mail splitting is performed. Note This attribute can cause messages to be discarded by the e-mail system and is a potential vulnerability. The default is 100. |
maxMessagesPerNotification |
Optional Int32 attribute. Applies to the SimpleMailWebEventProvider and TemplatedMailWebEventProvider attributes only. Specifies the maximum number of messages between which events can be split per notification. If Infinite, no limit is specified. Note This attribute can cause an e-mail flood and is a potential vulnerability. The default is 100. |
name |
Required String attribute. Specifies the provider-friendly name. |
priority |
Optional String attribute. Applies to the SimpleMailWebEventProvider and TemplatedMailWebEventProvider attributes only. Sets the priority of the e-mail messages and is a member of the MailPriority enumeration. The default is Normal. |
separator |
Optional String attribute. Applies to the SimpleMailWebEventProvider attribute only. Specifies text to include between each event and after each section header in the simple e-mail format. Note This attribute cannot be used with the template attribute. |
smtpAddresses |
Required String attribute. Applies to the SimpleMailWebEventProvider attribute only. Specifies a comma-separated list of e-mail addresses to which event notifications are sent. If different sets of e-mail addresses will be used for different profiles events, multiple instances of the provider can be configured. |
subjectPrefix |
Optional String attribute. Applies to the SimpleMailWebEventProvider and TemplatedMailWebEventProvider attributes only. Specifies the string that gets prepended to the e-mail subject and allows the e-mail messages to have a custom subject for each instance of the provider. Note This attribute cannot be used with the template attribute. |
template |
Optional String attribute. Applies to the TemplatedMailWebEventProvider attribute only. Specifies the user-provided template page (.aspx) to use to create the message body for each notification. Note This attribute cannot be used with the bodyHeader, bodyFooter, and separator attributes. |
to |
Optional String attribute. Applies to the SimpleMailWebEventProvider and TemplatedMailWebEventProvider attributes only. Defines a semicolon-separated list of recipient addresses that will go into the to (to:) list. |
type |
Required String attribute. Specifies a fully qualified assembly reference to a class that implements the System.Configuration.Provider.ProviderBase class. |
Child Elements
Parent Elements
Element |
Description |
configuration |
Specifies the root element in every configuration file that is used by the common language runtime and the .NET Framework applications. |
system.web |
Specifies the root element for the ASP.NET configuration section. |
healthMonitoring |
Configures an application for health monitoring. |
providers |
Defines the health monitoring providers that are responsible for event processing. |
If additional name/value pairs are present, the provider must process the name/value pairs.
Default Configuration
The following default add element is configured in the root Web.config file in the .NET Framework version 2.0.
<add name="EventLogProvider" type="System.Web.Management.EventLogWebEventProvider,
PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" />
<add ConnectionStringName="LocalSqlServer" maxEventDetailsLength="1073741823"
buffer="false" bufferMode="Notification" name="SqlWebEventProvider"
Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" />
<add name="WmiWebEventProvider" type="System.Web.Management.WmiWebEventProvider,
PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" />
The following code example shows how to add a provider.
<add name="WmiEventProvider"
<add name="SampleEventProvider"
Element Information
Configuration section handler |
Configuration member |
Configurable locations |
Machine.config Root-level Web.config Application-level Web.config |
Requirements |
Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) version 5.0, 5.1, or 6.0 The Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 |
See Also
How to: Lock ASP.NET Configuration Settings
ASP.NET Health Monitoring Overview
ASP.NET Configuration Overview
ASP.NET Web Server Controls and Browser Capabilities
Securing ASP.NET Configuration
ASP.NET Configuration Scenarios
healthMonitoring Element (ASP.NET Settings Schema)
providers Element for healthMonitoring (ASP.NET Settings Schema)
remove Element for providers for healthMonitoring (ASP.NET Settings Schema)
clear Element for providers for healthMonitoring (ASP.NET Settings Schema)
Other Resources
ASP.NET Configuration Settings