IIdentityAuthority Interface
Manages identity keys for code objects.
interface IIdentityAuthority : IUnknown {
HRESULT AreDefinitionsEqual (
[in] DWORD dwFlags,
[in] IDefinitionIdentity *pDefinition1,
[in] IDefinitionIdentity *pDefinition2,
[out] BOOL *pfEqual
HRESULT AreReferencesEqual (
[in] DWORD dwFlags,
[in] IReferenceIdentity *pReference1,
[in] IReferenceIdentity *pReference2,
[out] BOOL *pfEqual
HRESULT AreTextualDefinitionsEqual (
[in] DWORD dwFlags,
[in] LPCWSTR pszIdentityLeft,
[in] LPCWSTR pszIdentityRight,
[out] BOOL *pfEqual
HRESULT AreTextualReferencesEqual (
[in] DWORD dwFlags,
[in] LPCWSTR pszIdentityLeft,
[in] LPCWSTR pszIdentityRight,
[out] BOOL *pfEqual
HRESULT CreateDefinition (
[retval][out] IDefinitionIdentity **ppNewIdentity
HRESULT CreateReference (
[retval][out] IReferenceIdentity **ppNewIdentity
HRESULT DefinitionToText (
[in] DWORD dwFlags,
[in] IDefinitionIdentity *pIDefinitionIdentity,
[out] LPWSTR *ppszFormattedIdentity
HRESULT DefinitionToTextBuffer (
[in] DWORD dwFlags,
[in] IDefinitionIdentity *pIDefinitionIdentity,
[in] ULONG cchBufferSize,
[in, out, length_is(cchBufferSize),
size_is(pcchBufferRequired)] WCHAR wchBuffer[],
[out] ULONG *pcchBufferRequired
HRESULT DoesDefinitionMatchReference (
[in] DWORD dwFlags,
[in] IDefinitionIdentity *pIDefinitionIdentity,
[in] IReferenceIdentity *pIReferenceIdentity,
[out] BOOL *pfMatches
HRESULT DoesTextualDefinitionMatchTextualReference (
[in] DWORD dwFlags,
[in] LPCWSTR pszDefinition,
[in] LPCWSTR pszReference,
[out] BOOL *pfMatches
HRESULT GenerateDefinitionKey (
[in] DWORD dwFlags,
[in] IDefinitionIdentity *pIDefinitionIdentity,
[out] LPWSTR *ppszKeyForm
HRESULT GenerateReferenceKey (
[in] DWORD dwFlags,
[in] IReferenceIdentity *pIReferenceIdentity,
[out] LPWSTR *ppszKeyForm
HRESULT HashDefinition (
[in] DWORD dwFlags,
[in] IDefinitionIdentity *pIDefinitionIdentity,
[out] ULONGLONG *pullPseudoKey
HRESULT HashReference (
[in] DWORD dwFlags,
[in] IReferenceIdentity *pIReferenceIdentity,
[out] ULONGLONG *pullPseudoKey
HRESULT ReferenceToText (
[in] DWORD dwFlags,
[in] IReferenceIdentity *pIReferenceIdentity,
[out] LPWSTR *ppszFormattedIdentity
HRESULT ReferenceToTextBuffer (
[in] DWORD dwFlags,
[in] IReferenceIdentity *pIReferenceIdentity,
[in] ULONG cchBufferSize,
[in, out, length_is(cchBufferSize),
size_is(pcchBufferRequired)] WCHAR wchBuffer[],
[out] ULONG *pcchBufferRequired
HRESULT TextToDefinition (
[in] DWORD dwFlags,
[in] LPCWSTR pszIdentity,
[out] IDefinitionIdentity **ppIDefinitionIdentity
HRESULT TextToReference (
[in] DWORD dwFlags,
[in] LPCWSTR pszIdentity,
[out] IReferenceIdentity **ppIReferenceIdentity
Method |
Description |
IIdentityAuthority::AreDefinitionsEqual |
Gets a value that indicates whether the two specified IDefinitionIdentity instances are equal. |
IIdentityAuthority::AreReferencesEqual |
Gets a value that indicates whether the two specified IReferenceIdentity instances are equal. |
IIdentityAuthority::AreTextualDefinitionsEqual |
Gets a value that indicates whether the two specified string definition identity representations are equal. |
IIdentityAuthority::AreTextualReferencesEqual |
Gets a value that indicates whether the two specified string reference identity representations are equal. |
IIdentityAuthority::CreateDefinition |
Gets a pointer to a new IDefinitionIdentity instance that represents the code object in the current scope. |
IIdentityAuthority::CreateReference |
Gets a pointer to a new IReferenceIdentity instance that represents the code object in the current scope. |
IIdentityAuthority::DefinitionToText |
Gets a formatted string version of the specified IDefinitionIdentity. |
IIdentityAuthority::DefinitionToTextBuffer |
Fills the specified wide character buffer with a string version of the specified IDefinitionIdentity. |
IIdentityAuthority::DoesDefinitionMatchReference |
Gets a value that indicates whether the specified IDefinitionIdentity and IReferenceIdentity instances refer to the same code object. |
IIdentityAuthority::DoesTextualDefinitionMatchTextualReference |
Gets a value that indicates whether the specified strings refer to the same code object. |
IIdentityAuthority::GenerateDefinitionKey |
Gets a pointer to a newly created string key for the specified IDefinitionIdentity. |
IIdentityAuthority::GenerateReferenceKey |
Gets a pointer to a newly created string key for the specified IReferenceIdentity. |
IIdentityAuthority::HashDefinition |
Gets a hash value for the specified IDefinitionIdentity. |
IIdentityAuthority::HashReference |
Gets a hash value for the specified IreferenceIdentity. |
IIdentityAuthority::ReferenceToText |
Gets a formatted string version of the specified IReferenceIdentity. |
IIdentityAuthority::ReferenceToTextBuffer |
Fills the specified wide character buffer with a string version of the specified IReferenceIdentity. |
IIdentityAuthority::TextToDefinition |
Gets an interface pointer to an IDefinitionIdentity instance generated from the specified formatted string. |
IIdentityAuthority::TextToReference |
Gets an interface pointer to an IReferenceIdentity instance generated from the specified formatted string. |
Platforms: See .NET Framework System Requirements.
Header: Isolation.h
.NET Framework Versions: 3.5 SP1, 3.5, 3.0 SP1, 3.0, 2.0 SP1, 2.0