IDefinitionIdentity Interface
Represents the unique signature of the code that defines the application in the current scope.
interface IDefinitionIdentity : IUnknown {
[in] SIZE_T cDeltas,
[in, size_is(cDeltas)]
const IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE prgDeltas[],
[out, retval] IDefinitionIdentity **ppIDefinitionIdentity
HRESULT EnumAttributes (
HRESULT GetAttribute (
[in, unique] LPCWSTR pszNamespace,
[in] LPCWSTR pszName,
[out, retval] LPWSTR *ppszValue
HRESULT SetAttribute (
[in, unique] LPCWSTR pszNamespace,
[in] LPCWSTR pszName,
[in, unique] LPCWSTR pszValue
Method |
Description |
IDefinitionIdentity::Clone |
Gets an interface pointer to a new IDefinitionIdentity object that is identical to this IDefinitionIdentity, except for the specified attribute changes. |
IDefinitionIdentity::EnumAttributes |
Gets an interface pointer to an IEnumIDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE object that contains the attributes associated with this IDefinitionIdentity. |
IDefinitionIdentity::GetAttribute |
Gets the value of the attribute with the specified name in the specified namespace. |
IDefinitionIdentity::SetAttribute |
Sets the attribute that has the specified name in the specified namespace to the specified value. |
Platforms: See .NET Framework System Requirements.
Header: Isolation.h
.NET Framework Versions: 3.5 SP1, 3.5, 3.0 SP1, 3.0, 2.0 SP1, 2.0