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Deep link to an application

Deep links in Microsoft Teams are powerful tools that allow users to navigate directly to specific content or actions within an app. Deep links are configured to perform various actions such as opening a tab, initiating an app install dialog, or browsing within the app.


This topic reflects version 2.0.x of the Microsoft Teams JavaScript client library (TeamsJS). If you are using an earlier version, refer to the TeamsJS library overview for guidance on the differences between the latest TeamsJS and earlier versions.

Here are some of the scenarios where you can use a deep link:

  • App installation: You can use deep links that allow users to know more about an app and install it in different scopes.
  • Bots and connectors: You can use deep links in bots and connectors messages to inform users about changes to your tab or its items.
  • Navigate to specific page: You can create deep links that allow users to navigate to specific pages within your app.
  • Custom app: You can generate deep links for a custom app. However, if an app in the Microsoft Teams Store shares the same app ID as the custom app ID, the deep link opens the app from Teams Store instead of the custom app.
  • For mobile: You can also create a deep link to an app for mobile after your app is approved for the Teams mobile client. For the deep link to work on Teams iOS, you need the Apple App Store Connect Team ID. For more information, see how to update Apple App Store Connect Team ID.

Deep links allow app users to open an app install dialog to know any information about the app or install it in different contexts. You can create a deep link to an app in the following ways:

With deep link, you can open an app installation dialog directly from your Teams client using the app ID.


<your-app-id> is your application ID (fxxxxxxx-0xxx-4xxx-8xxx-cxxxxxxxxxxx).

App ID for different types of apps

The following table lists the different types of app IDs used for different types of apps for deep links:

Type of app Type of app ID
Custom app uploaded in Teams Manifest ID
Apps submitted to org catalog Org catalog ID
Apps submitted to Teams Store Store ID

For more information, see how to find ID based on the app manifest ID.

Apps can use the Microsoft Teams JavaScript client library (TeamsJS) to initiate the app install dialog, eliminating the need for manual deep link generation. Here's an example of how to trigger the app install dialog using TeamsJS within your app:

// Open an app install dialog from your tab
if(appInstallDialog.isSupported()) {
    const dialogPromise = appInstallDialog.openAppInstallDialog({ appId: "<appId>" });
      then((result) => {/*Successful operation*/}).
      catch((error) => {/*Unsuccessful operation*/});
else { /* handle case where capability isn't supported */ }

For more information, see appInstallDialog.

App users can browse content in Teams from your tab using TeamsJS. You can use a deep link to browse within your app if your tab needs to connect users with other content in Teams, such as a channel, message, another tab, or to open a scheduling dialog. In a few instances, navigation can also be accomplished using TeamsJS, and we recommend using the typed capabilities of TeamsJS wherever possible.

You can configure deep links to browse within your app in the following ways:

Personal tabs have a personal scope, while channel and group tabs use team or group scopes. The two tab types have slightly different syntax since only the configurable tab has a channel property associated with its context object. For more information on tab scopes, see app manifest.

For creating a deep link in a bot, connector, or message extension card, use the following format:


  • If the bot sends a message containing a TextBlock with a deep link, then a new browser tab is opened when the user selects the link. This happens in Chrome and in the Teams desktop app when they're running on Linux.

  • If the bot sends the same deep link URL into an Action.OpenUrl, then the Teams tab opens in the current browser tab when the user selects the link.

Query parameters

Parameter name Description
appId The ID from Microsoft Teams admin center.

Example: fe4a8eba-2a31-4737-8e33-e5fae6fee194
entityId The ID of the tab, which you provided when configuring the tab. When generating a URL for deep linking, continue to use entity ID as a parameter name in the URL. When configuring the tab, the context object refers to the entityId as page.id.

Example: Tasklist 123
entityWebUrl or subEntityWebUrl An optional field with a fallback URL to use if the client doesn't support rendering the tab.

Example: https://tasklist.example.com/123
entityLabel or subEntityLabel A label for the item in your tab to use when displaying the deep link.

Example: Task List 123 or Task 456
context.subEntityId An ID for the item within the tab. When generating a URL for deep linking, continue to use subEntityId as the parameter name in the URL. When configuring the tab, the context object refers to the subEntityId as page.subPageId.

Example: Task 456
context.channelId Microsoft Teams channel ID that is available from the tab context. This property is available only in configurable tabs with a scope of team. It isn't available in static tabs, which has a personal scope.

Example: 19:cbe3683f25094106b826c9cada3afbe0@thread.skype
context.chatId Chat ID that is available from the tab context for group and meeting chat.

Example: 17:b42de192376346a7906a7dd5cb84b673@thread.v2
context.contextType Chat is the only supported contextType for meetings.

Example: chat
openInMeeting Use openInMeeting to control the user experience when the target tab is associated with a meeting. If user interacts with the deep link in an ongoing meeting experience, Teams opens the app in the in-meeting side panel. Set this value to false to always open the app in the meeting chat tab rather than the side panel, regardless of the meeting status. Teams ignores any value other than false.

Example: false


  • Ensure that all the query parameters and the white spaces are properly URI encoded. Following is an example of URI encoded query parameters:

    var encodedWebUrl = encodeURIComponent('https://tasklist.example.com/123/456&label=Task 456');
    var encodedContext = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify({"subEntityId": "task456"}));
    var taskItemUrl = 'https://teams.microsoft.com/l/entity/fe4a8eba-2a31-4737-8e33-e5fae6fee194/tasklist123?webUrl=' + encodedWebUrl + '&context=' + encodedContext;
  • Deep link to a Teams app with encoded URI isn't supported in Outlook.

For more information on how to get the query parameters for the built-in tab types, see configure the built-in tab types in Microsoft Teams.

You can configure deep links in your app through TeamsJS to allow users to browse different pages within your app. The navigation behavior of a Teams app extended across Microsoft 365 Office is dependent on two factors:

  1. The target that the deep link points to.
  2. The host where the Teams app is running.

If the Teams app is running within the host where the deep link is targeted, your app opens directly within the host. However, if the Teams app is running in a different host from where the deep link is targeted, the app first opens in the browser.

Support for deep links in TeamsJS

TeamsJS enables Teams apps extended across Outlook and Microsoft 365 to check if the host supports the capability you're attempting to use. To check a host's support of a capability, you can use the isSupported() function associated with the namespace of the API. TeamsJS organizes APIs into capabilities by way of namespaces. For example, before using an API in the pages namespace, you can check the returned Boolean value from pages.isSupported() and take the appropriate action within the context of your app and app's UI. For more information, see building tabs and other hosted experiences with the TeamsJS library.

The following code demonstrates how to navigate to a specific entity within your Teams app:

You can trigger navigation from your tab using the pages.navigateToApp() function as shown in the following code:

if (pages.isSupported()) {
  const navPromise = pages.navigateToApp({ appId: <appId>, pageId: <pageId>, webUrl: <webUrl>, subPageId: <subPageId>, channelId:<channelId>});
     then((result) => {/*Successful navigation*/}).
     catch((error) => {/*Failed navigation*/});
else { /* handle case where capability isn't supported */ }

The pages capability of the TeamsJS library provides support for navigation between tabs within an app. Specifically, the pages.currentApp namespace offers a function navigateTo(NavigateWithinAppParams) to allow navigation to a specific tab within the current app and a function navigateToDefaultPage() to navigate to the first tab defined in the app's manifest. The following code illustrates how to navigate to a specific and default tab:

The following code illustrates how to navigate to a specific tab:

if (pages.currentApp.isSupported()) {
    const navPromise = pages.currentApp.navigateTo({pageId: <pageId>, subPageId: <subPageId>});
        then((result) => {/*Successful navigation*/}).
        catch((error) => {/*Failed navigation*/});
else {/*Handle situation where capability isn't supported*/
    const navPromise = pages.navigateToApp({appId: <appId>, pageId: <pageId>});
        then((result) => {/*Successful navigation*/}).
        catch((error) => {/*Failed navigation*/});


The tab app navigation is supported only in new Teams client.

Configure back button navigation

When an app has multiple tabs, a user can use the Microsoft 365 host app's back button to go backwards through the navigational history. However, the history doesn't include the actions a user performs within a tab. If you want to enhance the back button experience, you can maintain your own internal navigation stack and configure a custom handler for back button selections. This can be accomplished through the registerBackButtonHandler() function in the pages.backStack namespace.

After you register the handler, it helps you to address the navigational request before the system takes action. If the handler is able to manage the request, it should return true so that the system knows no further action is necessary. If the internal stack is empty, it should return false so that the system can call the navigateBack() function instead and take the appropriate action.

Return focus to host app

After the user starts using elements within a tab, by default, the focus remains with the elements of your iFrame until the user selects outside of it. If the iFrame is a part of the user navigating with keyboard shortcuts (the Tab key or the F6 key), you can focus on the host app. You can focus on the host app by using the pages.returnFocus() function. The returnFocus() function accepts a Boolean indicating the direction to advance focus within the host app; true for forward and false for backwards. Generally, forward highlights the search bar and backwards highlights the app bar.

You can allow app users to browse to a personal chat with the application by configuring the deep link manually.


appId is your application ID. For more information, see app ID for different types of apps.

You can share deep links to entities in Teams apps to navigate to the content and information within your tab app. For example, if your tab app contains a task list, team members can create and share links to individual tasks. When the app user selects the link, it navigates to your tab that focuses on the specific item.

Add a copy link action to each item in whatever way best suits your UI. When the user takes this action, call pages.shareDeepLink() to display a dialog containing a link that the user can copy to the clipboard. When you make this call, pass an ID for your item. You get it back in context when the link is followed, and your tab is reloaded.

pages.shareDeepLink({ subPageId: <subPageId>, subPageLabel: <subPageLabel>, subPageWebUrl: <subPageWebUrl> })

You must replace the following parameters with the appropriate information:

Parameter name Description
subPageId A unique identifier for the item within your page to which you're deep linking.
subPageLabel A label for the item to use for displaying the deep link.
subPageWebUrl A fallback URL to use if the client can't render the page.

For more information, see pages.shareDeepLink().


  • This deep link is different from the links provided by the Copy link to tab menu item, which only generates a deep link that points to this tab.
  • shareDeepLink doesn't work on Teams mobile platforms.

Deep links for SharePoint Framework (SPFx) tabs allow users to navigate directly to specific tabs within a SharePoint site or Teams app. This enhances user experience by providing quick access to relevant content and functionality.

You can use the following deep link format in a bot, connector, or message extension card:



  • When a bot sends a TextBlock message with a deep link, a new browser tab opens when users select the link. This happens in Chrome and Microsoft Teams desktop app running on Linux.
  • If the bot sends the same deep link URL in an Action.OpenUrl, the Teams tab opens in the current browser when the user selects the link. No new browser tab is opened.

Query parameters

Value Description
APP_ID Your manifest ID.

Example: fxxxxxxx-0xxx-4xxx-8xxx-cxxxxxxxxxxx
entityID The item ID that you provided when configuring the tab.

Example: tasklist123
entityWebUrl A fallback URL to use if the client doesn't support rendering of the tab.

Example: https://tasklist.example.com/123 or https://tasklist.example.com/list123/task456
entityName A label for the item in your tab to use when displaying the deep link.

Example: Task List 123 or Task 456

A dialog deep link is a serialization of the TaskInfo object with two other details, the APP_ID and optionally the BOT_APP_ID.

  • https://teams.microsoft.com/l/task/APP_ID?url=<TaskInfo.url>&height=<TaskInfo.height>&width=<TaskInfo.width>&title=<TaskInfo.title>&completionBotId=BOT_APP_ID

  • https://teams.microsoft.com/l/task/APP_ID?card=<TaskInfo.card>&height=<TaskInfo.height>&width=<TaskInfo.width>&title=<TaskInfo.title>&completionBotId=BOT_APP_ID

For the data types and allowable values for <TaskInfo.url>, <TaskInfo.card>, <TaskInfo.height>, <TaskInfo.width>, and <TaskInfo.title>, see TaskInfo object.


Encode the deep link URL when using the card parameter, for example, JavaScript encodeURI() function.

The following table provides information on APP_ID and BOT_APP_ID:

Value Type Required Description
APP_ID string Yes - For third-party apps, use the app id from manifest or the APP_ID from Teams admin center as they're identical.

- For custom apps or custom apps built for your org (LOB apps), use the APP_ID from Teams admin center or use the Graph API.

- The validDomains array in the manifest for APP_ID must contain the domain for url if url is present in the deep-link URL. The app ID is already known when a dialog is invoked from a tab or a bot, which is why it isn't included in TaskInfo.
BOT_APP_ID string No If a value for completionBotId is specified, the result object is sent using a task/submit invoke message to the specified bot. Specify BOT_APP_ID must be specified as a bot in the app's manifest, which you can't send to any bot.


APP_ID and BOT_APP_ID can be the same in many cases, if an app has a recommended bot to use as an app's ID and if there is one.

You can also generate a deep link to share the app to stage and start or join a meeting.

For deep links to share content to stage, see deep link to share content to stage in meetings.


  • Generating a deep link to share content to stage in meetings is available only in public developer preview.
  • Deep link to share content to stage in meeting is supported in Teams desktop client only.

You can generate a deep link to the meeting side panel in a meeting.

Use the following format for a deep link to the meeting side panel:


By default, a deep link opens in a meeting side panel. To open a deep link directly in an app rather than the meeting side panel, add openInMeeting=false as shown in the following deep link format:


For more information, see deep link to a tab.

A deep link doesn't open in the meeting side panel in the following scenarios:

  • There's no active meeting.
  • The app doesn't have sidePanel context declared in the app manifest.
  • openInMeeting is set to false in the deep link.
  • The deep link is selected outside of the meeting window or component.
  • The deep link doesn't match the current meeting, for example, if the deep link is created from another meeting.

You can invoke Stageview through a deep link from your tab by wrapping the deep link URL in the app.openLink(url) API. The deep link can also be passed through an OpenURL action in the card. The openMode property defined in the API determines the Stageview response. For more information, see invoke Stageview through deep link.

Best practices

  • Deep links work properly only if the tab was configured using the library v0.4 or later, as it has an entity ID. Deep links to tabs without entity IDs still go to the tab but can't provide the sub`EntityId to the tab.
  • In Microsoft Windows, Teams can't handle deep links exceeding 2048 characters due to the INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH limit in Windows ShellExecuteEx API.
  • When creating a deep link, ensure that the path to the Teams client and other metadata fit within this limit.
  • If your deep link contains large data, include a unique identifier in the link that your app can use to fetch the necessary data from your backend service.

Code sample

Sample name Description .NET Node.js TypeScript
Deep link consuming subEntityId This sample shows how to use a deep link from a bot chat to a tab consuming the subEntityId. It also shows deep links for:
- Navigating to an app
- Navigating to a chat
- Open a profile dialog
- Open a scheduling dialog
View View NA
Tab app navigation This sample shows how to navigate between tabs within the app. NA View NA
Tab deep link pass values This sample shows how to use a dynamic deep links for transmitting values to both tab and standalone web apps. NA NA View