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HttpClientTests Class

  • java.lang.Object

public abstract class HttpClientTests

Generic test suite for HttpClient.

Field Summary

Modifier and Type Field and Description
protected static final String ECHO_RESPONSE

Constructor Summary

Constructor Description

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
void asyncCompletableHeadRequest()

Tests that a HEAD request is sent correctly.

void asyncDeleteRequest()

Tests that a DELETE request is sent correctly.

void asyncGetRequestWithAnything()

Tests that a response with a return type of HttpBinJson is correctly handled.

void asyncGetRequestWithHeaderParametersAndAnything()

Tests that a request with header parameters (HeaderParam) is correctly handled.

void asyncGetRequestWithNoReturn()

Tests that a response with no return type is correctly handled.

void asyncGetRequestWithQueryParametersAndAnything()

Tests that a request with query parameters (QueryParam) that need encoding is correctly handled.

void asyncHeadBooleanRequest()

Tests that a HEAD request is sent correctly.

void asyncHeadersRequest()

Tests that a request with Headers adds the headers to the request correctly.

void asyncHeadRequest()

Tests that a HEAD request is sent correctly.

void asyncHttpsHeadersRequest()

Tests that a request with Headers adds the headers to the request correctly.

void asyncPatchRequest()

Tests that a PATCH request is sent correctly.

void asyncPostRequestWithStringBody()

Tests that a request with an octet-stream body is correctly handled.

void asyncPutRequestWithBinaryDataBodyAndEqualContentLength()

Tests that a request with an octet-stream body where the body length is equal to the content length is correctly handled.

void asyncPutRequestWithBinaryDataBodyAndLessThanContentLength()

Tests that a request with an octet-stream body where the body length is less than the content length is correctly handled.

void asyncPutRequestWithBinaryDataBodyAndMoreThanContentLength()

Tests that a request with an octet-stream body where the body length is greater than the content length is correctly handled.

void asyncPutRequestWithBodyAndEqualContentLength()

Tests that a request with an octet-stream body where the body length is equal to the content length is correctly handled.

void asyncPutRequestWithBodyAndLessThanContentLength()

Tests that a request with an octet-stream body where the body length is less than the content length is correctly handled.

void asyncPutRequestWithBodyAndMoreThanContentLength()

Tests that a request with an octet-stream body where the body length is greater than the content length is correctly handled.

void asyncPutRequestWithIntBody()

Tests that a request with an octet-stream body where th body is a single value binary is correctly handled.

void asyncPutRequestWithStreamBinaryDataBodyAndLessThanContentLength()

LengthValidatingInputStream in rest proxy relies on reader reaching EOF.

void asyncPutRequestWithStreamBinaryDataBodyAndMoreThanContentLength()

LengthValidatingInputStream in rest proxy relies on reader reaching EOF.

void asyncPutRequestWithUnexpectedResponse()

Tests that an unexpected response is handled correctly.

void asyncPutRequestWithUnexpectedResponseAndDeterminedExceptionType()

Tests that a status code specific unexpected response is handled correctly.

void asyncPutRequestWithUnexpectedResponseAndExceptionType()

Tests that a specific unexpected response is handled correctly.

void asyncPutRequestWithUnexpectedResponseAndFallthroughExceptionType()

Tests that an unexpected response that falls through to the default type is handled correctly.

void asyncPutRequestWithUnexpectedResponseAndNoFallthroughExceptionType()

Tests that an unexpected response that falls through without a default type falls back to a global default is handled correctly.

void asyncRequestWithByteArrayReturnType()

Tests that the response body is correctly returned as a byte array.

void asyncRequestWithByteArrayReturnTypeAndParameterizedHostAndPath()

Tests that the response body is correctly returned as a byte array.

void asyncRequestWithMultipleHostParams()

Tests that a request with multiple host parameters is correctly handled.

void binaryDataUploadTest()

This test verifies that a File-based BinaryData is uploaded correctly.

void bomWithDifferentHeader()

Tests that a response with a byte order marker and 'Content-Type' header will defer to using the BOM encoding.

void bomWithSameHeader()

Tests that a response with a byte order marker and 'Content-Type' header will defer to using the BOM encoding.

void bufferedResponseCanBeReadMultipleTimes()

Tests that buffered response is indeed buffered, i.e.

void canAccessResponseBody()

Tests that unbuffered response body can be accessed.

void canSendByteArrayBinaryData(BinaryData requestBody, byte[] expectedResponseBody, HttpClientTests.BinaryDataTestConsumer consumer)

Tests that send random bytes in various forms to an endpoint that echoes bytes back to sender.

void canSendByteBufferBinaryData(BinaryData requestBody, byte[] expectedResponseBody, HttpClientTests.BinaryDataTestConsumer consumer)

Tests that send random bytes in various forms to an endpoint that echoes bytes back to sender.

void canSendFileBinaryData(BinaryData requestBody, byte[] expectedResponseBody, HttpClientTests.BinaryDataTestConsumer consumer)

Tests that send random bytes in various forms to an endpoint that echoes bytes back to sender.

void canSendKnownLengthNoBufferAsyncFluxBinaryData(BinaryData requestBody, byte[] expectedResponseBody, HttpClientTests.BinaryDataTestConsumer consumer)

Tests that send random bytes in various forms to an endpoint that echoes bytes back to sender.

void canSendKnownLengthNoBufferFluxBinaryData(BinaryData requestBody, byte[] expectedResponseBody, HttpClientTests.BinaryDataTestConsumer consumer)

Tests that send random bytes in various forms to an endpoint that echoes bytes back to sender.

void canSendObjectBinaryData(BinaryData requestBody, byte[] expectedResponseBody, HttpClientTests.BinaryDataTestConsumer consumer)

Tests that send random bytes in various forms to an endpoint that echoes bytes back to sender.

void canSendSliceFileBinaryData(BinaryData requestBody, byte[] expectedResponseBody, HttpClientTests.BinaryDataTestConsumer consumer)

Tests that send random bytes in various forms to an endpoint that echoes bytes back to sender.

void canSendStreamBinaryData(BinaryData requestBody, byte[] expectedResponseBody, HttpClientTests.BinaryDataTestConsumer consumer)

Tests that send random bytes in various forms to an endpoint that echoes bytes back to sender.

void canSendStringBinaryData(BinaryData requestBody, byte[] expectedResponseBody, HttpClientTests.BinaryDataTestConsumer consumer)

Tests that send random bytes in various forms to an endpoint that echoes bytes back to sender.

void canSendUnknownLengthNoBufferAsyncFluxBinaryData(BinaryData requestBody, byte[] expectedResponseBody, HttpClientTests.BinaryDataTestConsumer consumer)

Tests that send random bytes in various forms to an endpoint that echoes bytes back to sender.

void canSendUnknownLengthNoBufferFluxBinaryData(BinaryData requestBody, byte[] expectedResponseBody, HttpClientTests.BinaryDataTestConsumer consumer)

Tests that send random bytes in various forms to an endpoint that echoes bytes back to sender.

protected abstract HttpClient createHttpClient()

Get the HTTP client that will be used for each test.

protected T createService(Class<T> serviceClass)
protected T createService(Class<T> serviceClass, HttpClient httpClient)
void eagerlyConvertedHeadersAreHttpHeaders()

Tests that eagerly converting implementation HTTP headers to azure-core HttpHeaders is done.

void fluxUploadTest()

This test verifies that a File-based Flux is uploaded correctly.

void getByteArrayAsyncWithNoExpectedResponses()

Tests that the response body is correctly returned as a byte array.

protected abstract int getPort()


Get the dynamic port the server is using to properly route the request.

protected URL getRequestUrl(String requestPath)

Gets the request URL for given path.

protected abstract String getServerUri(boolean secure)

Gets the dynamic URI the server is using to properly route the request.

void headerResponse()

Tests that a response with a 'Content-Type' header encodes using the specified charset.

void invalidHeaderResponse()

Tests that a response with a 'Content-Type' containing an invalid or unsupported charset encodes using UTF-8.

protected boolean isSecure()

Get a flag indicating if communication should be secured or not (https or http).

void plainResponse()

Tests that a response without a byte order mark or a 'Content-Type' header encodes using UTF-8.

void postUrlForm()

This test verifies that the form parameters are encoded when the encoded flag is set to false.

void postUrlFormEncoded()

This test verifies that the form parameters aren't encoded when the encoded flag is set to true.

void rawFluxDownloadTest()

This test verifies that a raw Flux is downloaded correctly.

void requestOptionsAddAHeader()

This test verifies that add header adds a header to the request.

void requestOptionsChangesBody()

This test verifies that the body is overridden by the request options.

void requestOptionsChangesBodyAndContentLength()

This test verifies that the body and content length header is overridden by the request options.

void requestOptionsSetsAHeader()

This test verifies that set header overrides any previously added headers with the same name.

void segmentUploadTest()

This test verifies that a File-based Flux with a range is uploaded correctly.

void service16Put()

Tests that a request with an octet-stream body where the body is a byte array is correctly handled.

void service16PutAsync()

Tests that a request with an octet-stream body where the body is a byte array is correctly handled.

void service18GetStatus200()

This test verifies that a response with a 200 status code does not throw if the status code wasn't expected.

void service18GetStatus200WithExpectedResponse200()

This test verifies that a response with a 200 status code does not throw if the status code was expected.

void service18GetStatus300()

This test verifies that a response with a non-200 status code does throw if the status code wasn't expected.

void service18GetStatus300WithExpectedResponse300()

This test verifies that a response with a non-200 status code does not throw if the status code was expected.

void service18GetStatus400()

This test verifies that a response with a non-200 status code does throw if the status code wasn't expected.

void service18GetStatus400WithExpectedResponse400()

This test verifies that a response with a non-200 status code does not throw if the status code was expected.

void service18GetStatus500()

This test verifies that a response with a non-200 status code does throw if the status code wasn't expected.

void service18GetStatus500WithExpectedResponse500()

This test verifies that a response with a non-200 status code does not throw if the status code was expected.

void service19PutWithBodyParamApplicationJsonContentTypeAndByteArrayBodyWithEmptyBody()

This test verifies a byte array application-json that is empty is sent correctly.

void service19PutWithBodyParamApplicationJsonContentTypeAndByteArrayBodyWithNonEmptyBody()

This test verifies a byte array application-json is sent correctly.

void service19PutWithBodyParamApplicationJsonContentTypeAndByteArrayBodyWithNullBody()

This test verifies a byte array application-json that is null is sent correctly.

void service19PutWithBodyParamApplicationJsonContentTypeAndCharsetAndStringBodyWithEmptyBody()

This test verifies a String application-json with charset that is null is sent correctly.

void service19PutWithBodyParamApplicationJsonContentTypeAndCharsetAndStringBodyWithNonEmptyBody()

This test verifies a String application-json with charset is sent correctly.

void service19PutWithBodyParamApplicationJsonContentTypeAndCharsetAndStringBodyWithNullBody()

This test verifies a String application-json with charset that is empty is sent correctly.

void service19PutWithBodyParamApplicationJsonContentTypeAndStringBodyWithEmptyBody()

This test verifies a String application-json that is empty is sent correctly.

void service19PutWithBodyParamApplicationJsonContentTypeAndStringBodyWithNonEmptyBody()

This test verifies a String application-json is sent correctly.

void service19PutWithBodyParamApplicationJsonContentTypeAndStringBodyWithNullBody()

This test verifies a String application-json that is null is sent correctly.

void service19PutWithBodyParamApplicationOctetStreamContentTypeAndByteArrayBodyWithEmptyBody()

This test verifies a byte array octet-stream that is empty is sent correctly.

void service19PutWithBodyParamApplicationOctetStreamContentTypeAndByteArrayBodyWithNonEmptyBody()

This test verifies a byte array octet-stream is sent correctly.

void service19PutWithBodyParamApplicationOctetStreamContentTypeAndByteArrayBodyWithNullBody()

This test verifies a byte array octet-stream that is null is sent correctly.

void service19PutWithBodyParamApplicationOctetStreamContentTypeAndStringBodyWithEmptyBody()

This test verifies a String octet-stream that is empty is sent correctly.

void service19PutWithBodyParamApplicationOctetStreamContentTypeAndStringBodyWithNonEmptyBody()

This test verifies a String octet-stream is sent correctly.

void service19PutWithBodyParamApplicationOctetStreamContentTypeAndStringBodyWithNullBody()

This test verifies a String octet-stream that is null is sent correctly.

void service19PutWithHeaderApplicationJsonContentTypeAndByteArrayBodyWithEmptyBody()

This test verifies a byte array application-json with ignored content type that is empty is sent correctly.

void service19PutWithHeaderApplicationJsonContentTypeAndByteArrayBodyWithNonEmptyBody()

This test verifies a byte array application-json with ignored content type is sent correctly.

void service19PutWithHeaderApplicationJsonContentTypeAndByteArrayBodyWithNullBody()

This test verifies a byte array application-json with ignored content type that is null is sent correctly.

void service19PutWithHeaderApplicationJsonContentTypeAndCharsetAndStringBodyWithEmptyBody()

This test verifies a String octet-stream with an ignored content type that is empty is sent correctly.

void service19PutWithHeaderApplicationJsonContentTypeAndCharsetAndStringBodyWithNonEmptyBody()

This test verifies a String octet-stream with an ignored content type is sent correctly.

void service19PutWithHeaderApplicationJsonContentTypeAndCharsetAndStringBodyWithNullBody()

This test verifies a String octet-stream with an ignored content type that is null is sent correctly.

void service19PutWithHeaderApplicationJsonContentTypeAndStringBodyWithEmptyBody()

This test verifies a String application-json that is empty is sent correctly.

void service19PutWithHeaderApplicationJsonContentTypeAndStringBodyWithNonEmptyBody()

This test verifies a String application-json is sent correctly.

void service19PutWithHeaderApplicationJsonContentTypeAndStringBodyWithNullBody()

This test verifies a String application-json that is null is sent correctly.

void service19PutWithHeaderApplicationOctetStreamContentTypeAndByteArrayBodyWithEmptyBody()

This test verifies a byte array octet-stream with an ignored content type that is empty is sent correctly.

void service19PutWithHeaderApplicationOctetStreamContentTypeAndByteArrayBodyWithNonEmptyBody()

This test verifies a byte array octet-stream with an ignored content type is sent correctly.

void service19PutWithHeaderApplicationOctetStreamContentTypeAndByteArrayBodyWithNullBody()

This test verifies a byte array octet-stream with an ignored content type that is null is sent correctly.

void service19PutWithHeaderApplicationOctetStreamContentTypeAndStringBodyWithEmptyBody()

This test verifies a String octet-stream with an ignored content type that is empty is sent correctly.

void service19PutWithHeaderApplicationOctetStreamContentTypeAndStringBodyWithNonEmptyBody()

This test verifies a String octet-stream with an ignored content type is sent correctly.

void service19PutWithHeaderApplicationOctetStreamContentTypeAndStringBodyWithNullBody()

This test verifies a String octet-stream with an ignored content type that is null is sent correctly.

void service19PutWithNoContentTypeAndByteArrayBodyWithEmptyBody()

This test verifies a byte array octet-stream that is empty is sent correctly.

void service19PutWithNoContentTypeAndByteArrayBodyWithNonEmptyBody()

This test verifies a byte array octet-stream is sent correctly.

void service19PutWithNoContentTypeAndByteArrayBodyWithNullBody()

This test verifies a byte array octet-stream that is null is sent correctly.

void service19PutWithNoContentTypeAndStringBodyWithEmptyBody()

This test verifies a String octet-stream that is empty is sent correctly.

void service19PutWithNoContentTypeAndStringBodyWithNonEmptyBody()

This test verifies a String octet-stream is sent correctly.

void service19PutWithNoContentTypeAndStringBodyWithNullBody()

This test verifies a String octet-stream that is null is sent correctly.

void service20GetBytes100BodyAndHeaders()

This test verifies that a byte array body with deserialized headers are handled correctly.

void service20GetBytes100OnlyHeaders()

This test verifies a deserialized body and deserialized headers are handled correctly.

void service20GetBytesOnlyHeaders()

This test verifies that a void body, even if data is returned, with deserialized headers are handled correctly.

void service20GetBytesOnlyStatus()

This test verifies that a void body, even if data is returned, with void deserialized headers are handled correctly.

void service20GetResponseBody()

This test verifies a String-based octet-stream is sent correctly.

void service20GetVoidResponse()

This test verifies that a void response is handled correctly.

void service20PutBodyAndHeaders()

This test verifies that deserialized headers are handled correctly.

void service20PutOnlyHeaders()

This test verifies that a void body with deserialized headers are handled correctly.

void service21GetBytes100()

This test verifies that a byte array is downloaded correctly.

void service22GetBytes()

This test verifies that the response body is returned as a byte array.

void service23GetBytes()

This test verifies that the response body is returned as a byte array.

void service24Put()

This test verifies that the header collection sets headers correctly.

void shouldBufferResponse()

Tests that client returns buffered response if requested via azure-eagerly-read-response Context flag.

void simpleDownloadTest(Context context)

This test verifies that a StreamResponse is downloaded correctly.

void simpleDownloadTestAsync(Context context)

This test verifies that a StreamResponse is downloaded correctly.

void streamResponseCanTransferBody(Context context)

This test verifies that a StreamResponse transfers correctly.

void streamResponseCanTransferBodyAsync(Context context)

This test verifies that a StreamResponse transfers correctly.

void syncDeleteRequest()

Tests that a DELETE request is sent correctly.

void syncGetRequestWithAnything()

Tests that a response with a return type of HttpBinJson is correctly handled.

void syncGetRequestWithAnythingWithEncodedPathParam()

Tests that a request with a path parameter (PathParam) that is already encoded is correctly handled.

void syncGetRequestWithAnythingWithEncodedPathParamWithPercent20()

Tests that a request with a path parameter (PathParam) that is already encoded is correctly handled.

void syncGetRequestWithAnythingWithEncodedPathParamWithPlus()

Tests that a request with a path parameter (PathParam) that is already encoded is correctly handled.

void syncGetRequestWithAnythingWithPathParam()

Tests that a request with a path parameter (PathParam) is correctly handled.

void syncGetRequestWithAnythingWithPathParamWithPlus()

Tests that a request with a path parameter (PathParam) that needs encoding is correctly handled.

void syncGetRequestWithAnythingWithPathParamWithSpace()

Tests that a request with a path parameter (PathParam) that needs encoding is correctly handled.

void syncGetRequestWithAnythingWithPlus()

Tests that a request with a path containing a plus (+) is correctly handled.

void syncGetRequestWithHeaderParametersAndAnythingReturn()

Tests that a request with header parameters (HeaderParam) is correctly handled.

void syncGetRequestWithNoReturn()

Tests that a response with no return type is correctly handled.

void syncGetRequestWithNullHeader()

Tests that a request with header parameters (HeaderParam) where a value is null is correctly handled.

void syncGetRequestWithNullQueryParameter()

Tests that a request with query parameters (QueryParam) that need encoding where a value is null is correctly handled.

void syncGetRequestWithQueryParametersAndAnything()

Tests that a request with query parameters (QueryParam) that need encoding is correctly handled.

void syncGetRequestWithQueryParametersAndAnythingWithEncodedWithPercent20()

Tests that a request with query parameters (QueryParam) where some need encoding and some are already encoded is correctly handled.

void syncGetRequestWithQueryParametersAndAnythingWithPercent20()

Tests that a request with query parameters (QueryParam) that need encoding is correctly handled.

void syncHeadBooleanRequest()

Tests that a HEAD request is sent correctly.

void syncHeadersRequest()

Tests that a request with Headers adds the headers to the request correctly.

void syncHeadRequest()

Tests that a HEAD request is sent correctly.

void syncPatchRequest()

Tests that a PATCH request is sent correctly.

void syncPostRequestWithNullBody()

Tests that a request with an octet-stream body where the body is null is correctly handled.

void syncPostRequestWithStringBody()

Tests that a request with an octet-stream body is correctly handled.

void syncPutRequestWithBodyAndEqualContentLength()

Tests that a request with an octet-stream body where the body length is equal to the content length is correctly handled.

void syncPutRequestWithBodyLessThanContentLength()

Tests that a request with an octet-stream body where the body length is less than the content length is correctly handled.

void syncPutRequestWithBodyMoreThanContentLength()

Tests that a request with an octet-stream body where the body length is greater than the content length is correctly handled.

void syncPutRequestWithIntBody()

Tests that a request with an octet-stream body where th body is a single value binary is correctly handled.

void syncPutRequestWithUnexpectedResponse()

Tests that an unexpected response is handled correctly.

void syncPutRequestWithUnexpectedResponseAndDeterminedExceptionType()

Tests that a status code specific unexpected response is handled correctly.

void syncPutRequestWithUnexpectedResponseAndExceptionType()

Tests that a specific unexpected response is handled correctly.

void syncPutRequestWithUnexpectedResponseAndFallthroughExceptionType()

Tests that an unexpected response that falls through to the default type is handled correctly.

void syncPutRequestWithUnexpectedResponseAndNoFallthroughExceptionType()

Tests that an unexpected response that falls through without a default type falls back to a global default is handled correctly.

void syncRequestWithByteArrayReturnType()

Tests that the response body is correctly returned as a byte array.

void syncRequestWithByteArrayReturnTypeAndParameterizedHostAndPath()

Tests that the response body is correctly returned as a byte array.

void syncRequestWithEmptyByteArrayReturnTypeAndParameterizedHostAndPath()

Tests that the response body is correctly returned as a byte array.

void syncRequestWithMultipleHostParams()

Tests that a request with multiple host parameters is correctly handled.

void syncVoidHeadRequest()

Tests that a HEAD request is sent correctly.

void unexpectedHttpOk()

This test verifies that an unexpected 200 response is handled correctly.

void utf16BeBomResponse()

Tests that a response with a byte order mark encodes using the specified charset.

void utf16LeBomResponse()

Tests that a response with a byte order mark encodes using the specified charset.

void utf32BeBomResponse()

Tests that a response with a byte order mark encodes using the specified charset.

void utf32LeBomResponse()

Tests that a response with a byte order mark encodes using the specified charset.

void utf8BomResponse()

Tests that a response with a byte order mark encodes using the specified charset.

void voidDoesNotEagerlyReadResponse(BiConsumer<String,HttpClientTests.Service28> executable)

This test verifies that the response body is not eagerly read when the response is void.

void voidErrorReturnsErrorBody(BiConsumer<String,HttpClientTests.Service29> executable)

This test verifies that the error response body is returned when the response is void.

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object

Field Details


protected static final String ECHO_RESPONSE

Constructor Details


public HttpClientTests()

Method Details


public void asyncCompletableHeadRequest()

Tests that a HEAD request is sent correctly.


public void asyncDeleteRequest()

Tests that a DELETE request is sent correctly.


public void asyncGetRequestWithAnything()

Tests that a response with a return type of HttpBinJson is correctly handled.


public void asyncGetRequestWithHeaderParametersAndAnything()

Tests that a request with header parameters (HeaderParam) is correctly handled.


public void asyncGetRequestWithNoReturn()

Tests that a response with no return type is correctly handled.


public void asyncGetRequestWithQueryParametersAndAnything()

Tests that a request with query parameters (QueryParam) that need encoding is correctly handled.


public void asyncHeadBooleanRequest()

Tests that a HEAD request is sent correctly.


public void asyncHeadersRequest()

Tests that a request with Headers adds the headers to the request correctly.


public void asyncHeadRequest()

Tests that a HEAD request is sent correctly.


public void asyncHttpsHeadersRequest()

Tests that a request with Headers adds the headers to the request correctly.


public void asyncPatchRequest()

Tests that a PATCH request is sent correctly.


public void asyncPostRequestWithStringBody()

Tests that a request with an octet-stream body is correctly handled.


public void asyncPutRequestWithBinaryDataBodyAndEqualContentLength()

Tests that a request with an octet-stream body where the body length is equal to the content length is correctly handled.


public void asyncPutRequestWithBinaryDataBodyAndLessThanContentLength()

Tests that a request with an octet-stream body where the body length is less than the content length is correctly handled.


public void asyncPutRequestWithBinaryDataBodyAndMoreThanContentLength()

Tests that a request with an octet-stream body where the body length is greater than the content length is correctly handled.


public void asyncPutRequestWithBodyAndEqualContentLength()

Tests that a request with an octet-stream body where the body length is equal to the content length is correctly handled.


public void asyncPutRequestWithBodyAndLessThanContentLength()

Tests that a request with an octet-stream body where the body length is less than the content length is correctly handled.


public void asyncPutRequestWithBodyAndMoreThanContentLength()

Tests that a request with an octet-stream body where the body length is greater than the content length is correctly handled.


public void asyncPutRequestWithIntBody()

Tests that a request with an octet-stream body where th body is a single value binary is correctly handled.


public void asyncPutRequestWithStreamBinaryDataBodyAndLessThanContentLength()

LengthValidatingInputStream in rest proxy relies on reader reaching EOF. This test specifically targets InputStream to assert this behavior.


public void asyncPutRequestWithStreamBinaryDataBodyAndMoreThanContentLength()

LengthValidatingInputStream in rest proxy relies on reader reaching EOF. This test specifically targets InputStream to assert this behavior.


public void asyncPutRequestWithUnexpectedResponse()

Tests that an unexpected response is handled correctly.


public void asyncPutRequestWithUnexpectedResponseAndDeterminedExceptionType()

Tests that a status code specific unexpected response is handled correctly.


public void asyncPutRequestWithUnexpectedResponseAndExceptionType()

Tests that a specific unexpected response is handled correctly.


public void asyncPutRequestWithUnexpectedResponseAndFallthroughExceptionType()

Tests that an unexpected response that falls through to the default type is handled correctly.


public void asyncPutRequestWithUnexpectedResponseAndNoFallthroughExceptionType()

Tests that an unexpected response that falls through without a default type falls back to a global default is handled correctly.


public void asyncRequestWithByteArrayReturnType()

Tests that the response body is correctly returned as a byte array.


public void asyncRequestWithByteArrayReturnTypeAndParameterizedHostAndPath()

Tests that the response body is correctly returned as a byte array.


public void asyncRequestWithMultipleHostParams()

Tests that a request with multiple host parameters is correctly handled.


public void binaryDataUploadTest()

This test verifies that a File-based BinaryData is uploaded correctly.



- If the file resource cannot be found.


public void bomWithDifferentHeader()

Tests that a response with a byte order marker and 'Content-Type' header will defer to using the BOM encoding.


public void bomWithSameHeader()

Tests that a response with a byte order marker and 'Content-Type' header will defer to using the BOM encoding.


public void bufferedResponseCanBeReadMultipleTimes()

Tests that buffered response is indeed buffered, i.e. content can be accessed many times.



- When IO fails.


public void canAccessResponseBody()

Tests that unbuffered response body can be accessed.



- When IO fails.


public void canSendByteArrayBinaryData(BinaryData requestBody, byte[] expectedResponseBody, HttpClientTests.BinaryDataTestConsumer consumer)

Tests that send random bytes in various forms to an endpoint that echoes bytes back to sender.


requestBody - The BinaryData that contains random bytes.
expectedResponseBody - The expected bytes in the echo response.
consumer - The consumer that sends the request and validates the response.


public void canSendByteBufferBinaryData(BinaryData requestBody, byte[] expectedResponseBody, HttpClientTests.BinaryDataTestConsumer consumer)

Tests that send random bytes in various forms to an endpoint that echoes bytes back to sender.


requestBody - The BinaryData that contains random bytes.
expectedResponseBody - The expected bytes in the echo response.
consumer - The consumer that sends the request and validates the response.


public void canSendFileBinaryData(BinaryData requestBody, byte[] expectedResponseBody, HttpClientTests.BinaryDataTestConsumer consumer)

Tests that send random bytes in various forms to an endpoint that echoes bytes back to sender.


requestBody - The BinaryData that contains random bytes.
expectedResponseBody - The expected bytes in the echo response.
consumer - The consumer that sends the request and validates the response.


public void canSendKnownLengthNoBufferAsyncFluxBinaryData(BinaryData requestBody, byte[] expectedResponseBody, HttpClientTests.BinaryDataTestConsumer consumer)

Tests that send random bytes in various forms to an endpoint that echoes bytes back to sender.


requestBody - The BinaryData that contains random bytes.
expectedResponseBody - The expected bytes in the echo response.
consumer - The consumer that sends the request and validates the response.


public void canSendKnownLengthNoBufferFluxBinaryData(BinaryData requestBody, byte[] expectedResponseBody, HttpClientTests.BinaryDataTestConsumer consumer)

Tests that send random bytes in various forms to an endpoint that echoes bytes back to sender.


requestBody - The BinaryData that contains random bytes.
expectedResponseBody - The expected bytes in the echo response.
consumer - The consumer that sends the request and validates the response.


public void canSendObjectBinaryData(BinaryData requestBody, byte[] expectedResponseBody, HttpClientTests.BinaryDataTestConsumer consumer)

Tests that send random bytes in various forms to an endpoint that echoes bytes back to sender.


requestBody - The BinaryData that contains random bytes.
expectedResponseBody - The expected bytes in the echo response.
consumer - The consumer that sends the request and validates the response.


public void canSendSliceFileBinaryData(BinaryData requestBody, byte[] expectedResponseBody, HttpClientTests.BinaryDataTestConsumer consumer)

Tests that send random bytes in various forms to an endpoint that echoes bytes back to sender.


requestBody - The BinaryData that contains random bytes.
expectedResponseBody - The expected bytes in the echo response.
consumer - The consumer that sends the request and validates the response.


public void canSendStreamBinaryData(BinaryData requestBody, byte[] expectedResponseBody, HttpClientTests.BinaryDataTestConsumer consumer)

Tests that send random bytes in various forms to an endpoint that echoes bytes back to sender.


requestBody - The BinaryData that contains random bytes.
expectedResponseBody - The expected bytes in the echo response.
consumer - The consumer that sends the request and validates the response.


public void canSendStringBinaryData(BinaryData requestBody, byte[] expectedResponseBody, HttpClientTests.BinaryDataTestConsumer consumer)

Tests that send random bytes in various forms to an endpoint that echoes bytes back to sender.


requestBody - The BinaryData that contains random bytes.
expectedResponseBody - The expected bytes in the echo response.
consumer - The consumer that sends the request and validates the response.


public void canSendUnknownLengthNoBufferAsyncFluxBinaryData(BinaryData requestBody, byte[] expectedResponseBody, HttpClientTests.BinaryDataTestConsumer consumer)

Tests that send random bytes in various forms to an endpoint that echoes bytes back to sender.


requestBody - The BinaryData that contains random bytes.
expectedResponseBody - The expected bytes in the echo response.
consumer - The consumer that sends the request and validates the response.


public void canSendUnknownLengthNoBufferFluxBinaryData(BinaryData requestBody, byte[] expectedResponseBody, HttpClientTests.BinaryDataTestConsumer consumer)

Tests that send random bytes in various forms to an endpoint that echoes bytes back to sender.


requestBody - The BinaryData that contains random bytes.
expectedResponseBody - The expected bytes in the echo response.
consumer - The consumer that sends the request and validates the response.


protected abstract HttpClient createHttpClient()

Get the HTTP client that will be used for each test. This will be called once per test.


The HTTP client to use for each test.


protected T createService(Class serviceClass)




protected T createService(Class serviceClass, HttpClient httpClient)




public void eagerlyConvertedHeadersAreHttpHeaders()

Tests that eagerly converting implementation HTTP headers to azure-core HttpHeaders is done.


public void fluxUploadTest()

This test verifies that a File-based Flux is uploaded correctly.



- If the file resource cannot be found.


public void getByteArrayAsyncWithNoExpectedResponses()

Tests that the response body is correctly returned as a byte array.


protected abstract int getPort()


Get the dynamic port the server is using to properly route the request.


The HTTP port is using.


protected URL getRequestUrl(String requestPath)

Gets the request URL for given path.


requestPath - The path.


The request URL for given path.


protected abstract String getServerUri(boolean secure)

Gets the dynamic URI the server is using to properly route the request.


secure - Flag indicating if the URI should be for a secure connection or not.


The URI the server is using.


public void headerResponse()

Tests that a response with a 'Content-Type' header encodes using the specified charset.


public void invalidHeaderResponse()

Tests that a response with a 'Content-Type' containing an invalid or unsupported charset encodes using UTF-8.


protected boolean isSecure()

Get a flag indicating if communication should be secured or not (https or http).


A flag indicating if communication should be secured or not (https or http).


public void plainResponse()

Tests that a response without a byte order mark or a 'Content-Type' header encodes using UTF-8.


public void postUrlForm()

This test verifies that the form parameters are encoded when the encoded flag is set to false.


public void postUrlFormEncoded()

This test verifies that the form parameters aren't encoded when the encoded flag is set to true.


public void rawFluxDownloadTest()

This test verifies that a raw Flux is downloaded correctly.


public void requestOptionsAddAHeader()

This test verifies that add header adds a header to the request.


public void requestOptionsChangesBody()

This test verifies that the body is overridden by the request options.


public void requestOptionsChangesBodyAndContentLength()

This test verifies that the body and content length header is overridden by the request options.


public void requestOptionsSetsAHeader()

This test verifies that set header overrides any previously added headers with the same name.


public void segmentUploadTest()

This test verifies that a File-based Flux with a range is uploaded correctly.



- If the file resource cannot be found.


public void service16Put()

Tests that a request with an octet-stream body where the body is a byte array is correctly handled.


public void service16PutAsync()

Tests that a request with an octet-stream body where the body is a byte array is correctly handled.


public void service18GetStatus200()

This test verifies that a response with a 200 status code does not throw if the status code wasn't expected.


public void service18GetStatus200WithExpectedResponse200()

This test verifies that a response with a 200 status code does not throw if the status code was expected.


public void service18GetStatus300()

This test verifies that a response with a non-200 status code does throw if the status code wasn't expected.


public void service18GetStatus300WithExpectedResponse300()

This test verifies that a response with a non-200 status code does not throw if the status code was expected.


public void service18GetStatus400()

This test verifies that a response with a non-200 status code does throw if the status code wasn't expected.


public void service18GetStatus400WithExpectedResponse400()

This test verifies that a response with a non-200 status code does not throw if the status code was expected.


public void service18GetStatus500()

This test verifies that a response with a non-200 status code does throw if the status code wasn't expected.


public void service18GetStatus500WithExpectedResponse500()

This test verifies that a response with a non-200 status code does not throw if the status code was expected.


public void service19PutWithBodyParamApplicationJsonContentTypeAndByteArrayBodyWithEmptyBody()

This test verifies a byte array application-json that is empty is sent correctly.


public void service19PutWithBodyParamApplicationJsonContentTypeAndByteArrayBodyWithNonEmptyBody()

This test verifies a byte array application-json is sent correctly.


public void service19PutWithBodyParamApplicationJsonContentTypeAndByteArrayBodyWithNullBody()

This test verifies a byte array application-json that is null is sent correctly.


public void service19PutWithBodyParamApplicationJsonContentTypeAndCharsetAndStringBodyWithEmptyBody()

This test verifies a String application-json with charset that is null is sent correctly.


public void service19PutWithBodyParamApplicationJsonContentTypeAndCharsetAndStringBodyWithNonEmptyBody()

This test verifies a String application-json with charset is sent correctly.


public void service19PutWithBodyParamApplicationJsonContentTypeAndCharsetAndStringBodyWithNullBody()

This test verifies a String application-json with charset that is empty is sent correctly.


public void service19PutWithBodyParamApplicationJsonContentTypeAndStringBodyWithEmptyBody()

This test verifies a String application-json that is empty is sent correctly.


public void service19PutWithBodyParamApplicationJsonContentTypeAndStringBodyWithNonEmptyBody()

This test verifies a String application-json is sent correctly.


public void service19PutWithBodyParamApplicationJsonContentTypeAndStringBodyWithNullBody()

This test verifies a String application-json that is null is sent correctly.


public void service19PutWithBodyParamApplicationOctetStreamContentTypeAndByteArrayBodyWithEmptyBody()

This test verifies a byte array octet-stream that is empty is sent correctly.


public void service19PutWithBodyParamApplicationOctetStreamContentTypeAndByteArrayBodyWithNonEmptyBody()

This test verifies a byte array octet-stream is sent correctly.


public void service19PutWithBodyParamApplicationOctetStreamContentTypeAndByteArrayBodyWithNullBody()

This test verifies a byte array octet-stream that is null is sent correctly.


public void service19PutWithBodyParamApplicationOctetStreamContentTypeAndStringBodyWithEmptyBody()

This test verifies a String octet-stream that is empty is sent correctly.


public void service19PutWithBodyParamApplicationOctetStreamContentTypeAndStringBodyWithNonEmptyBody()

This test verifies a String octet-stream is sent correctly.


public void service19PutWithBodyParamApplicationOctetStreamContentTypeAndStringBodyWithNullBody()

This test verifies a String octet-stream that is null is sent correctly.


public void service19PutWithHeaderApplicationJsonContentTypeAndByteArrayBodyWithEmptyBody()

This test verifies a byte array application-json with ignored content type that is empty is sent correctly.


public void service19PutWithHeaderApplicationJsonContentTypeAndByteArrayBodyWithNonEmptyBody()

This test verifies a byte array application-json with ignored content type is sent correctly.


public void service19PutWithHeaderApplicationJsonContentTypeAndByteArrayBodyWithNullBody()

This test verifies a byte array application-json with ignored content type that is null is sent correctly.


public void service19PutWithHeaderApplicationJsonContentTypeAndCharsetAndStringBodyWithEmptyBody()

This test verifies a String octet-stream with an ignored content type that is empty is sent correctly.


public void service19PutWithHeaderApplicationJsonContentTypeAndCharsetAndStringBodyWithNonEmptyBody()

This test verifies a String octet-stream with an ignored content type is sent correctly.


public void service19PutWithHeaderApplicationJsonContentTypeAndCharsetAndStringBodyWithNullBody()

This test verifies a String octet-stream with an ignored content type that is null is sent correctly.


public void service19PutWithHeaderApplicationJsonContentTypeAndStringBodyWithEmptyBody()

This test verifies a String application-json that is empty is sent correctly.


public void service19PutWithHeaderApplicationJsonContentTypeAndStringBodyWithNonEmptyBody()

This test verifies a String application-json is sent correctly.


public void service19PutWithHeaderApplicationJsonContentTypeAndStringBodyWithNullBody()

This test verifies a String application-json that is null is sent correctly.


public void service19PutWithHeaderApplicationOctetStreamContentTypeAndByteArrayBodyWithEmptyBody()

This test verifies a byte array octet-stream with an ignored content type that is empty is sent correctly.


public void service19PutWithHeaderApplicationOctetStreamContentTypeAndByteArrayBodyWithNonEmptyBody()

This test verifies a byte array octet-stream with an ignored content type is sent correctly.


public void service19PutWithHeaderApplicationOctetStreamContentTypeAndByteArrayBodyWithNullBody()

This test verifies a byte array octet-stream with an ignored content type that is null is sent correctly.


public void service19PutWithHeaderApplicationOctetStreamContentTypeAndStringBodyWithEmptyBody()

This test verifies a String octet-stream with an ignored content type that is empty is sent correctly.


public void service19PutWithHeaderApplicationOctetStreamContentTypeAndStringBodyWithNonEmptyBody()

This test verifies a String octet-stream with an ignored content type is sent correctly.


public void service19PutWithHeaderApplicationOctetStreamContentTypeAndStringBodyWithNullBody()

This test verifies a String octet-stream with an ignored content type that is null is sent correctly.


public void service19PutWithNoContentTypeAndByteArrayBodyWithEmptyBody()

This test verifies a byte array octet-stream that is empty is sent correctly.


public void service19PutWithNoContentTypeAndByteArrayBodyWithNonEmptyBody()

This test verifies a byte array octet-stream is sent correctly.


public void service19PutWithNoContentTypeAndByteArrayBodyWithNullBody()

This test verifies a byte array octet-stream that is null is sent correctly.


public void service19PutWithNoContentTypeAndStringBodyWithEmptyBody()

This test verifies a String octet-stream that is empty is sent correctly.


public void service19PutWithNoContentTypeAndStringBodyWithNonEmptyBody()

This test verifies a String octet-stream is sent correctly.


public void service19PutWithNoContentTypeAndStringBodyWithNullBody()

This test verifies a String octet-stream that is null is sent correctly.


public void service20GetBytes100BodyAndHeaders()

This test verifies that a byte array body with deserialized headers are handled correctly.


public void service20GetBytes100OnlyHeaders()

This test verifies a deserialized body and deserialized headers are handled correctly.


public void service20GetBytesOnlyHeaders()

This test verifies that a void body, even if data is returned, with deserialized headers are handled correctly.


public void service20GetBytesOnlyStatus()

This test verifies that a void body, even if data is returned, with void deserialized headers are handled correctly.


public void service20GetResponseBody()

This test verifies a String-based octet-stream is sent correctly.


public void service20GetVoidResponse()

This test verifies that a void response is handled correctly.


public void service20PutBodyAndHeaders()

This test verifies that deserialized headers are handled correctly.


public void service20PutOnlyHeaders()

This test verifies that a void body with deserialized headers are handled correctly.


public void service21GetBytes100()

This test verifies that a byte array is downloaded correctly.


public void service22GetBytes()

This test verifies that the response body is returned as a byte array.


public void service23GetBytes()

This test verifies that the response body is returned as a byte array.


public void service24Put()

This test verifies that the header collection sets headers correctly.


public void shouldBufferResponse()

Tests that client returns buffered response if requested via azure-eagerly-read-response Context flag.


public void simpleDownloadTest(Context context)

This test verifies that a StreamResponse is downloaded correctly.


context - The context to use.


public void simpleDownloadTestAsync(Context context)

This test verifies that a StreamResponse is downloaded correctly.


context - The context to use.


public void streamResponseCanTransferBody(Context context)

This test verifies that a StreamResponse transfers correctly.


context - The context to use.



- If an IO error occurs.


public void streamResponseCanTransferBodyAsync(Context context)

This test verifies that a StreamResponse transfers correctly.


context - The context to use.



- If an IO error occurs.


public void syncDeleteRequest()

Tests that a DELETE request is sent correctly.


public void syncGetRequestWithAnything()

Tests that a response with a return type of HttpBinJson is correctly handled.


public void syncGetRequestWithAnythingWithEncodedPathParam()

Tests that a request with a path parameter (PathParam) that is already encoded is correctly handled.


public void syncGetRequestWithAnythingWithEncodedPathParamWithPercent20()

Tests that a request with a path parameter (PathParam) that is already encoded is correctly handled.


public void syncGetRequestWithAnythingWithEncodedPathParamWithPlus()

Tests that a request with a path parameter (PathParam) that is already encoded is correctly handled.


public void syncGetRequestWithAnythingWithPathParam()

Tests that a request with a path parameter (PathParam) is correctly handled.


public void syncGetRequestWithAnythingWithPathParamWithPlus()

Tests that a request with a path parameter (PathParam) that needs encoding is correctly handled.


public void syncGetRequestWithAnythingWithPathParamWithSpace()

Tests that a request with a path parameter (PathParam) that needs encoding is correctly handled.


public void syncGetRequestWithAnythingWithPlus()

Tests that a request with a path containing a plus (+) is correctly handled.


public void syncGetRequestWithHeaderParametersAndAnythingReturn()

Tests that a request with header parameters (HeaderParam) is correctly handled.


public void syncGetRequestWithNoReturn()

Tests that a response with no return type is correctly handled.


public void syncGetRequestWithNullHeader()

Tests that a request with header parameters (HeaderParam) where a value is null is correctly handled.


public void syncGetRequestWithNullQueryParameter()

Tests that a request with query parameters (QueryParam) that need encoding where a value is null is correctly handled.


public void syncGetRequestWithQueryParametersAndAnything()

Tests that a request with query parameters (QueryParam) that need encoding is correctly handled.


public void syncGetRequestWithQueryParametersAndAnythingWithEncodedWithPercent20()

Tests that a request with query parameters (QueryParam) where some need encoding and some are already encoded is correctly handled.


public void syncGetRequestWithQueryParametersAndAnythingWithPercent20()

Tests that a request with query parameters (QueryParam) that need encoding is correctly handled.


public void syncHeadBooleanRequest()

Tests that a HEAD request is sent correctly.


public void syncHeadersRequest()

Tests that a request with Headers adds the headers to the request correctly.


public void syncHeadRequest()

Tests that a HEAD request is sent correctly.


public void syncPatchRequest()

Tests that a PATCH request is sent correctly.


public void syncPostRequestWithNullBody()

Tests that a request with an octet-stream body where the body is null is correctly handled.


public void syncPostRequestWithStringBody()

Tests that a request with an octet-stream body is correctly handled.


public void syncPutRequestWithBodyAndEqualContentLength()

Tests that a request with an octet-stream body where the body length is equal to the content length is correctly handled.


public void syncPutRequestWithBodyLessThanContentLength()

Tests that a request with an octet-stream body where the body length is less than the content length is correctly handled.


public void syncPutRequestWithBodyMoreThanContentLength()

Tests that a request with an octet-stream body where the body length is greater than the content length is correctly handled.


public void syncPutRequestWithIntBody()

Tests that a request with an octet-stream body where th body is a single value binary is correctly handled.


public void syncPutRequestWithUnexpectedResponse()

Tests that an unexpected response is handled correctly.


public void syncPutRequestWithUnexpectedResponseAndDeterminedExceptionType()

Tests that a status code specific unexpected response is handled correctly.


public void syncPutRequestWithUnexpectedResponseAndExceptionType()

Tests that a specific unexpected response is handled correctly.


public void syncPutRequestWithUnexpectedResponseAndFallthroughExceptionType()

Tests that an unexpected response that falls through to the default type is handled correctly.


public void syncPutRequestWithUnexpectedResponseAndNoFallthroughExceptionType()

Tests that an unexpected response that falls through without a default type falls back to a global default is handled correctly.


public void syncRequestWithByteArrayReturnType()

Tests that the response body is correctly returned as a byte array.


public void syncRequestWithByteArrayReturnTypeAndParameterizedHostAndPath()

Tests that the response body is correctly returned as a byte array.


public void syncRequestWithEmptyByteArrayReturnTypeAndParameterizedHostAndPath()

Tests that the response body is correctly returned as a byte array.


public void syncRequestWithMultipleHostParams()

Tests that a request with multiple host parameters is correctly handled.


public void syncVoidHeadRequest()

Tests that a HEAD request is sent correctly.


public void unexpectedHttpOk()

This test verifies that an unexpected 200 response is handled correctly.


public void utf16BeBomResponse()

Tests that a response with a byte order mark encodes using the specified charset.


public void utf16LeBomResponse()

Tests that a response with a byte order mark encodes using the specified charset.


public void utf32BeBomResponse()

Tests that a response with a byte order mark encodes using the specified charset.


public void utf32LeBomResponse()

Tests that a response with a byte order mark encodes using the specified charset.


public void utf8BomResponse()

Tests that a response with a byte order mark encodes using the specified charset.


public void voidDoesNotEagerlyReadResponse(BiConsumer executable)

This test verifies that the response body is not eagerly read when the response is void.


executable - The executable to test.


public void voidErrorReturnsErrorBody(BiConsumer executable)

This test verifies that the error response body is returned when the response is void.


executable - The executable to test.

Applies to