onlineMeeting resource type
Namespace: microsoft.graph
APIs under the /beta
version in Microsoft Graph are subject to change. Use of these APIs in production applications is not supported. To determine whether an API is available in v1.0, use the Version selector.
Contains information about a meeting, including the URL used to join a meeting, the attendees list, and the description.
This resource supports subscribing to change notifications. For more information, see subscribe to online meetings.
Inherits from onlineMeetingBase.
Microsoft Graph online meeting APIs that support Microsoft Teams live events are deprecated and stopped returning data on September 30, 2024. New Microsoft Graph APIs will replace these APIs in spring of 2025. For more information, see Retirement of Teams live events API on Microsoft Graph.
Method | Return Type | Description |
Create | onlineMeeting | Create an online meeting. |
Get | onlineMeeting | Read the properties and relationships of an onlineMeeting object. |
Update | onlineMeeting | Update the properties of an onlineMeeting object. |
Delete | None | Delete an onlineMeeting object. |
Create or get | onlineMeeting | Create an online meeting with a custom, external ID. If the meeting already exists, retrieve its properties. |
List transcripts | callTranscript collection | Retrieve the list of transcripts of an onlineMeeting. |
List recordings | callRecording collection | Retrieve the list of callRecording objects associated with an onlineMeeting. |
- A bearer token is required for the
header for all the methods listed in the previous table. For details about how to get thetoken
for theAuthorization
header, see Get access on behalf of a user. - The expiry time for online meetings is set to 60 days after the meeting's start or end time. If the meeting is updated or activated before it expires, the expiry time will be extended by another 60 days.
Property | Type | Description |
allowAttendeeToEnableCamera | Boolean | Indicates whether attendees can turn on their camera. Inherited from onlineMeetingBase. |
allowAttendeeToEnableMic | Boolean | Indicates whether attendees can turn on their microphone. Inherited from onlineMeetingBase. |
allowBreakoutRooms | Boolean | Indicates whether breakout rooms are enabled for the meeting. Inherited from onlineMeetingBase. |
allowedLobbyAdmitters | allowedLobbyAdmitterRoles | Specifies the users who can admit from the lobby. Possible values are: organizerAndCoOrganizersAndPresenters , organizerAndCoOrganizers , unknownFutureValue . Inherited from onlineMeetingBase. |
allowedPresenters | onlineMeetingPresenters | Specifies who can be a presenter in a meeting. Possible values are: everyone , organization , roleIsPresenter , organizer , unknownFutureValue . Inherited from onlineMeetingBase. |
allowLiveShare | meetingLiveShareOptions | Indicates whether live share is enabled for the meeting. Possible values are: enabled , disabled , unknownFutureValue . Inherited from onlineMeetingBase. |
allowMeetingChat | meetingChatMode | Specifies the mode of meeting chat. Possible values are: enabled , disabled , limited , unknownFutureValue . Inherited from onlineMeetingBase. |
allowParticipantsToChangeName | Boolean | Specifies if participants are allowed to rename themselves in an instance of the meeting. |
allowPowerPointSharing | Boolean | Indicates whether PowerPoint live is enabled for the meeting. Inherited from onlineMeetingBase. |
allowRecording | Boolean | Indicates whether recording is enabled for the meeting. Inherited from onlineMeetingBase. |
allowTeamworkReactions | Boolean | Indicates whether Teams reactions are enabled for the meeting. Inherited from onlineMeetingBase. |
allowTranscription | Boolean | Indicates whether transcription is enabled for the meeting. Inherited from onlineMeetingBase. |
allowWhiteboard | Boolean | Indicates whether whiteboard is enabled for the meeting. Inherited from onlineMeetingBase. |
anonymizeIdentityForRoles | onlineMeetingRole collection | Specifies whose identity is anonymized in the meeting. Possible values are: attendee . The attendee value can't be removed through a PATCH operation once added. Inherited from onlineMeetingBase. |
audioConferencing | audioConferencing | The phone access (dial-in) information for an online meeting. Read-only. Inherited from onlineMeetingBase. |
chatInfo | chatInfo | The chat information associated with this online meeting. Inherited from onlineMeetingBase. |
chatRestrictions | chatrestrictions | Specifies the configuration settings for meeting chat restrictions. Inherited from onlineMeetingBase. |
creationDateTime | DateTime | The meeting creation time in UTC. Read-only. |
endDateTime | DateTime | The meeting end time in UTC. Required when you create an online meeting. |
externalId | String | The external ID. A custom ID. Optional. |
id | String | The default ID associated with the online meeting. Read-only. Inherited from onlineMeetingBase. |
isEndToEndEncryptionEnabled | Boolean | Indicates whether end-to-end encryption (E2EE) is enabled for the online meeting. Inherited from onlineMeetingBase. |
isEntryExitAnnounced | Boolean | Indicates whether to announce when callers join or leave. Inherited from onlineMeetingBase. |
joinInformation | itemBody | The join information in the language and locale variant specified in 'Accept-Language' request HTTP header. Read-only. Inherited from onlineMeetingBase. |
joinMeetingIdSettings | joinMeetingIdSettings | Specifies the joinMeetingId, the meeting passcode, and the requirement for the passcode. Once an onlineMeeting is created, the joinMeetingIdSettings can't be modified. To make any changes to this property, the meeting needs to be canceled and a new one needs to be created. Inherited from onlineMeetingBase. |
joinWebUrl | String | The join URL of the online meeting. The format of the URL may change; therefore, users shouldn't rely on any information extracted from parsing the URL. Read-only. Inherited from onlineMeetingBase. |
lobbyBypassSettings | lobbyBypassSettings | Specifies which participants can bypass the meeting lobby. Inherited from onlineMeetingBase. |
meetingTemplateId | String | The ID of the meeting template. |
participants | meetingParticipants | The participants associated with the online meeting, including the organizer and the attendees. |
recordAutomatically | Boolean | Indicates whether to record the meeting automatically. Inherited from onlineMeetingBase. |
startDateTime | DateTime | The meeting start time in UTC. Required when you create an online meeting. |
shareMeetingChatHistoryDefault | meetingChatHistoryDefaultMode | Specifies whether meeting chat history is shared with participants. Possible values are: all , none , unknownFutureValue . Inherited from onlineMeetingBase. |
subject | String | The subject of the online meeting. Inherited from onlineMeetingBase. |
videoTeleconferenceId | String | The video teleconferencing ID. Read-only. Inherited from onlineMeetingBase. |
watermarkProtection | watermarkProtectionValues | Specifies whether the client application should apply a watermark to a content type. Inherited from onlineMeetingBase. |
alternativeRecording (deprecated) | Stream | The content stream of the alternative recording of a Microsoft Teams live event. Read-only. |
attendeeReport (deprecated) | Stream | The content stream of the attendee report of a Teams live event. Read-only. |
autoAdmittedUsers (deprecated) | String | The setting that specifies the type of participants that are automatically allowed into the online meeting. Possible values are: everyone , everyoneInSameAndFederatedCompany , everyoneInCompany , invitedUsersInCompany , organizer . Read-only. |
broadcastSettings (deprecated) | broadcastMeetingSettings | Settings related to a live event. |
capabilities (deprecated) | meetingCapabilities collection | The list of meeting capabilities. Possible values are: questionAndAnswer ,unknownFutureValue . |
isBroadcast (deprecated) | Boolean | Indicates whether this event is a Teams live event. |
recording (deprecated) | Stream | The content stream of the recording of a Teams live event. Read-only. |
- The autoAdmittedUsers property is deprecated. Use the scope property of lobbyBypassSettings instead.
- The capabilities property is deprecated. Use the isQuestionAndAnswerEnabled property of broadcastMeetingSettings instead.
meetingChatHistoryDefaultMode values
Value | Description |
all | All meeting chat history is shared. |
none | No meeting chat history is shared. |
unknownFutureValue | Evolvable enumeration sentinel value. Don't use. |
meetingChatMode values
Value | Description |
enabled | Meeting chat is enabled. |
disabled | Meeting chat is disabled. |
limited | Meeting chat is enabled but only during the meeting call. |
unknownFutureValue | Evolvable enumeration sentinel value. Don't use. |
meetingLiveShareOptions values
Value | Description |
enabled | Meeting live share is enabled. |
disabled | Meeting live share is disabled. |
unknownFutureValue | Evolvable enumeration sentinel value. Don't use. |
onlineMeetingPresenters values
Value | Description |
everyone | Everyone is a presenter. Default. |
organization | Everyone in organizer’s organization is a presenter. |
roleIsPresenter | Only the participants whose role is presenter are presenters. |
organizer | Only the organizer is a presenter. |
unknownFutureValue | Evolvable enumeration sentinel value. Don't use. |
When creating or updating an online meeting with allowedPresenters set to roleIsPresenter
, include a full list of attendees with the specified attendees' role set to presenter
in the request body.
Relationship | Type | Description |
attendanceReports | meetingAttendanceReport collection | The attendance reports of an online meeting. Read-only. Inherited from onlineMeetingBase. |
recordings | callRecording collection | The recordings of an online meeting. Read-only. |
transcripts | callTranscript collection | The transcripts of an online meeting. Read-only. |
meetingAttendanceReport (deprecated) | meetingAttendanceReport | The attendance report of the latest online meeting session. Read-only. |
registration (deprecated) | meetingRegistration | The registration that is enabled for an online meeting. One online meeting can only have one registration enabled. |
- The meetingAttendanceReport property is deprecated. It will remain in beta for backward compatibility. Going forward, please use attendanceReports property to retrieve attendance reports of an online meeting.
- The registration property is deprecated and will stop returning data on December 12, 2024. Please use the new webinar APIs. For more information, see Deprecation of the Microsoft Graph meeting registration beta APIs.
JSON representation
The following JSON representation shows the resource type.
"allowAttendeeToEnableCamera": "Boolean",
"allowAttendeeToEnableMic": "Boolean",
"allowBreakoutRooms": "Boolean",
"allowedLobbyAdmitters": "String",
"allowedPresenters": "String",
"allowLiveShare": "String",
"allowMeetingChat": "String",
"allowParticipantsToChangeName": "Boolean",
"allowPowerPointSharing": "Boolean",
"allowRecording": "Boolean",
"allowTeamworkReactions": "Boolean",
"allowTranscription": "Boolean",
"allowWhiteboard": "Boolean",
"anonymizeIdentityForRoles": ["String"],
"audioConferencing": {"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.audioConferencing"},
"chatInfo": {"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.chatInfo"},
"chatRestrictions":{"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.chatRestrictions"},
"creationDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
"endDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
"id": "String (identifier)",
"isEndToEndEncryptionEnabled": "Boolean",
"isEntryExitAnnounced": "Boolean",
"joinInformation": {"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.itemBody"},
"joinMeetingIdSettings": {"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.joinMeetingIdSettings"},
"joinWebUrl": "String",
"lobbyBypassSettings": {"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.lobbyBypassSettings"},
"meetingTemplateId": "String",
"participants": {"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.meetingParticipants"},
"recordAutomatically": "Boolean",
"shareMeetingChatHistoryDefault": "String",
"startDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
"subject": "String",
"videoTeleconferenceId": "String",
"watermarkProtection": {"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.watermarkProtectionValues"}