Print Vendor Payments List report in the Austrian Version
The Vendor Payments List report in Austria provides a list of payments for each vendor. The report can sort payments chronologically or grouped by vendor.
The Vendor Payments List report is available in the following markets: Austria, Germany, Switzerland.
Print the Vendor Payments List report
Choose the
icon, enter Vendor Payments List, and then choose the related link.
Fill in the fields as described in the following table.
Field Description Sorting Specifies the sort order. You can sort by vendor or chronologically. If you sort by vendor, you see a subtotal for each vendor. If you sort chronologically, you won't see subtotals. Layout Specifies the layout of the report.
The results can be displayed in the following layouts:
Displays the vendor number and vendor name, together with posting details, such as the document number and the amount in local currency.
FCY Amounts
Displays the vendor number, vendor name, document number, payment status (O for open, PP for partial payment, and C for closed), and payment amount.
Posting Info
Displays the vendor number, vendor name, cost center, cost object, user ID, and payment amount.
At the end of the report, the number of processed payments is displayed.