
Sdílet prostřednictvím


The PopupService provides a mechanism for displaying Popups within an application using the MVVM pattern.

The following sections will incrementally build on how to use the PopupService in a .NET MAUI application.

Creating a Popup

In order to use the PopupService to present or close a Popup the Popup must first be registered. Based on the steps in Defining your popup the following can be created.

The XAML contents of the Popup can be defined as:


        <Label Text="What is your name?" />
        <Entry Text="{Binding Name}" />

        <Button Text="Save" Command="{Binding SaveCommand}" />
        <Button Text="Cancel" Command="{Binding CancelCommand}" />

The C# contents of the Popup can be defined as:

using CommunityToolkit.Maui.Views;
using MyProject.ViewModels;

namespace MyProject.Popups;

public partial class NamePopup : Popup
    public NamePopup(NamePopupViewModel namePopupViewModel)
        BindingContext = namePopupViewModel;

The backing view model for the Popup can be defined as:

public class NamePopupViewModel : ObservableObject
    string name = "";

    readonly IPopupService popupService;

    public NamePopupViewModel(IPopupService popupService)
        this.popupService = popupService;

    void OnCancel()

    [RelayCommand(CanExecute = nameof(CanSave))]
    void OnSave()

    bool CanSave() => string.IsNullOrWhitespace(Name) is false;

Registering a Popup

In order to first use the IPopupService to display a popup in your application you will need to register the popup and view model with the MauiAppBuilder, this can be done through the use of Register Popup View and View Model.

Based on the example above the following code can be added to the MauiProgram.cs file.

builder.Services.AddTransientPopup<NamePopup, NamePopupViewModel>();

Presenting a Popup

The .NET MAUI Community Toolkit provides a mechanism to instantiate and present popups in a .NET MAUI application. The popup service is automatically registered with the MauiAppBuilder when using the UseMauiCommunityToolkit initialization method. This enables you to resolve an IPopupService implementation in any part of your application.

The IPopupService makes it possible to register a popup view and its associated view model. The ability to show a Popup can now be driven by only providing the view model making it possible to keep a clean separation between view and view model.

The following example shows how to use the IPopupService to create and display a popup in a .NET MAUI application:

public class MyViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
    private readonly IPopupService popupService;

    public MyViewModel(IPopupService popupService)
        this.popupService = popupService;

    public void DisplayPopup()

Alternatively the caller can await the ShowPopupAsync method in order to handle a result being returned. The DisplayPopup method can be rewritten as:

public void DisplayPopup()
    var name = await this.popupService.ShowPopupAsync<NamePopupViewModel>();

For a more concrete example please refer to our sample application and the example in MultiplePopupViewModel

The IPopupService also provides methods to handle a result being returned from a Popup as covered in Returning a result.

Passing data to a Popup view model

When presenting a Popup we sometimes need to pass data across to the underlying view model to allow for dynamic content to be presented to the user. The IPopupService makes this possible through the overloads of the ShowPopup and ShowPopupAsync methods that takes a Action<TViewModel> onPresenting parameter. This parameter has been designed to be framework agnostic and allow you as a developer to drive the loading/passing of data however best fits your architecture.

To extend the previous example of showing a NamePopupViewModel and its associated Popup, we can use the onPresenting parameter to pass in the users name:

public class MyViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
    private readonly IPopupService popupService;

    public MyViewModel(IPopupService popupService)
        this.popupService = popupService;

    public void DisplayPopup()
        this.popupService.ShowPopup<UpdatingPopupViewModel>(onPresenting: viewModel => viewModel.Name = "Shaun");

Closing a Popup

The PopupService provides the ClosePopup and ClosePopupAsync methods that make it possible to close a Popup from a view model.

Programmatically closing a Popup

Expanding on the previous example the following implementation can be added to the OnCancel method:

void OnCancel()

This will result in the most recently displayed Popup being closed.

Returning a result

When closing a Popup it is possible to return a result to the caller that presented the Popup.

Expanding on the previous example the following implementation can be added to the OnSave method:

[RelayCommand(CanExecute = nameof(CanSave))]
void OnSave()

This will result in the most recently displayed Popup being closed and the caller being return the value in Name.


You can find an example of this feature in action in the .NET MAUI Community Toolkit Sample Application.


You can find the source code for Popup over on the .NET MAUI Community Toolkit GitHub repository.