IWebEventCustomEvaluator Rozhraní
Některé informace platí pro předběžně vydaný produkt, který se může zásadně změnit, než ho výrobce nebo autor vydá. Microsoft neposkytuje žádné záruky, výslovné ani předpokládané, týkající se zde uváděných informací.
Vyhodnotí, jestli má být událost odeslána souvisejícímu zprostředkovateli ke zpracování.
public interface class IWebEventCustomEvaluator
public interface IWebEventCustomEvaluator
type IWebEventCustomEvaluator = interface
Public Interface IWebEventCustomEvaluator
Následující příklad kódu ukazuje, jak odvodit z IWebEventCustomEvaluator rozhraní při vytváření vlastní události.
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Management;
namespace SamplesAspNet
// Implements a custom WebBaseEvent class.
public class SampleWebBaseEvent :
System.Web.Management.WebBaseEvent, IWebEventCustomEvaluator
private string customCreatedMsg, customRaisedMsg;
// Store firing record info.
private static string firingRecordInfo;
// Implements the IWebEventCustomEvaluator.CanFire
// method. It is called by the ASP.NET if this custom
// type is configured in the profile
// element of the healthMonitoring section.
public bool CanFire(
System.Web.Management.WebBaseEvent e,
RuleFiringRecord rule)
bool fireEvent;
string lastFired = rule.LastFired.ToString();
string timesRaised = rule.TimesRaised.ToString();
// Fire every other event raised.
fireEvent =
(rule.TimesRaised % 2 == 0) ? true : false;
if (fireEvent)
firingRecordInfo =
string.Format("Event last fired: {0}",
lastFired) +
string.Format(". Times raised: {0}",
firingRecordInfo =
"Event not fired. Times raised: {0}",
return fireEvent;
// Invoked in case of events identified only by
// their event code.
public SampleWebBaseEvent(string msg,
object eventSource, int eventCode):
base(msg, eventSource, eventCode)
// Perform custom initialization.
customCreatedMsg =
string.Format("Event created at: {0}",
// Invoked in case of events identified by their
// event code.and related event detailed code.
public SampleWebBaseEvent(string msg, object eventSource,
int eventCode, int eventDetailCode):
base(msg, eventSource, eventCode, eventDetailCode)
// Perform custom initialization.
customCreatedMsg =
string.Format("Event created at: {0}",
// Raises the SampleWebBaseEvent.
public override void Raise()
// Perform custom processing.
customRaisedMsg =
string.Format("Event raised at: {0}",
// Raise the event.
// Raises the SampleWebBaseEvent.
public void CustomRaise(
System.Web.Management.WebBaseEvent evnt)
// Raise the event.
// Gets the event code.
public int GetEventCode(bool detail)
int eCode;
if (!detail)
// Get the event code.
eCode = EventCode;
// Get the detail event code.
eCode = EventDetailCode;
return eCode;
// Gets the event sequence.
public long GetEventSequence()
// Get the event sequence.
long eventSequence = EventSequence;
return eventSequence;
// Gets the event source.
public Object GetEventSource()
// Get the event source.
Object source = this.EventSource;
return source;
// Gets the event time.
public DateTime GetEventTime()
// Get the event source.
DateTime eTime = EventTime;
return eTime;
// Gets the event time.
public DateTime GetEventTimeUtc()
// Get the event source.
DateTime eTime = EventTimeUtc;
return eTime;
// Gets the event sequence.
public string GetEventMessage()
// Get the event message.
string eventMsg = Message;
return eventMsg;
// Gets the current application information.
public WebApplicationInformation GetEventAppInfo()
// Get the event message.
WebApplicationInformation appImfo =
return appImfo;
// Implements the ToString() method.
public override string ToString()
return base.ToString();
// Implements the ToString(bool, bool) method.
public string customToString(bool includeAppInfo,
bool includeCustomInfo)
return (
// Gets the event identifier.
public Guid GetEventId()
Guid evId = EventID;
return evId;
//Formats Web request event information.
public override void FormatCustomEventDetails(
WebEventFormatter formatter)
// Add custom data.
formatter.IndentationLevel += 1;
formatter.TabSize = 4;
"*SampleWebBaseEvent Start *");
// Display custom event information.
"* SampleWebBaseEvent End *");
formatter.IndentationLevel -= 1;
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Web
Imports System.Web.Management
Public Class SampleWebBaseEvent
Inherits System.Web.Management.WebBaseEvent
Implements System.Web.Management.IWebEventCustomEvaluator
Private customCreatedMsg, customRaisedMsg As String
' Store firing record info.
Private Shared firingRecordInfo As String
' Implements the IWebEventCustomEvaluator.CanFire
' method. It is called by the ASP.NET if this custom
' type is configured in the profile
' element of the healthMonitoring section.
Public Function CanFire( _
ByVal e As System.Web.Management.WebBaseEvent, _
ByVal rule As RuleFiringRecord) As Boolean _
Implements System.Web.Management.IWebEventCustomEvaluator.CanFire
Dim fireEvent As Boolean
Dim lastFired As String = _
Dim timesRaised As String = _
' Fire every other event raised.
fireEvent = _
IIf(rule.TimesRaised Mod 2 = 0, True, False)
If fireEvent Then
firingRecordInfo = String.Format( _
"Event last fired: {0}", lastFired) + _
String.Format( _
". Times raised: {0}", timesRaised)
firingRecordInfo = String.Format( _
"Event not fired. Times raised: {0}", _
End If
Return fireEvent
End Function 'CanFire
' Invoked in case of events identified only by
' their event code.
Public Sub New(ByVal msg As String, _
ByVal eventSource As Object, _
ByVal eventCode As Integer)
MyBase.New(msg, eventSource, eventCode)
' Perform custom initialization.
customCreatedMsg = String.Format( _
"Event created at: {0}", DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.ToString())
End Sub
' Invoked in case of events identified by their
' event code.and related event detailed code.
Public Sub New(ByVal msg As String, _
ByVal eventSource As Object, _
ByVal eventCode As Integer, _
ByVal eventDetailCode As Integer)
MyBase.New(msg, eventSource, _
eventCode, eventDetailCode)
' Perform custom initialization.
customCreatedMsg = String.Format( _
"Event created at: {0}", DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.ToString())
End Sub
' Raises the SampleWebBaseEvent.
Public Overrides Sub Raise()
' Perform custom processing.
customRaisedMsg = String.Format( _
"Event raised at: {0}", DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.ToString())
' Raise the event.
End Sub
' Raises the SampleWebBaseEvent.
Public Sub CustomRaise(ByVal evnt _
As System.Web.Management.WebBaseEvent)
' Raise the event.
End Sub
' Gets the event code.
Public Function GetEventCode(ByVal detail _
As Boolean) As Integer
Dim eCode As Integer
If Not detail Then
' Get the event code.
eCode = EventCode
' Get the detail event code.
eCode = EventDetailCode
End If
Return eCode
End Function 'GetEventCode
' Gets the event sequence.
Public Function GetEventSequence() As Long
' Get the event sequence.
Dim eventSequence As Long = eventSequence
Return eventSequence
End Function 'GetEventSequence
' Gets the event source.
Public Function GetEventSource() As [Object]
' Get the event source.
Dim [source] As [Object] = Me.EventSource
Return [source]
End Function 'GetEventSource
' Gets the event time.
Public Function GetEventTime() As DateTime
' Get the event source.
Dim eTime As DateTime = EventTime
Return eTime
End Function 'GetEventTime
' Gets the event time.
Public Function GetEventTimeUtc() As DateTime
' Get the event source.
Dim eTime As DateTime = EventTimeUtc
Return eTime
End Function 'GetEventTimeUtc
' Gets the event sequence.
Public Function GetEventMessage() As String
' Get the event message.
Dim eventMsg As String = Message
Return eventMsg
End Function 'GetEventMessage
' Gets the current application information.
Public Function GetEventAppInfo() As WebApplicationInformation
' Get the event message.
Dim appImfo As WebApplicationInformation = _
Return appImfo
End Function 'GetEventAppInfo
' Implements the ToString() method.
Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
Return MyBase.ToString()
End Function 'ToString
' Implements the ToString(bool, bool) method.
Public Function customToString(ByVal includeAppInfo As Boolean, _
ByVal includeCustomInfo As Boolean) As String
Return MyBase.ToString(includeAppInfo, includeCustomInfo)
End Function 'customToString
' Gets the event identifier.
Public Function GetEventId() As Guid
Dim evId As Guid = EventID
Return evId
End Function 'GetEventId
'Formats Web request event information.
Public Overrides Sub FormatCustomEventDetails( _
ByVal formatter As WebEventFormatter)
' Add custom data.
formatter.IndentationLevel += 1
formatter.TabSize = 4
formatter.AppendLine("*SampleWebBaseEvent Start *")
formatter.AppendLine("Custom information goes here")
formatter.AppendLine("* SampleWebBaseEvent End *")
' Display custom event timing.
formatter.IndentationLevel -= 1
End Sub
End Class
Následuje výňatek z konfiguračního souboru, který ASP.NET umožňuje použít metodu CanFire k rozhodnutí, jestli se vyvolaná událost musí odeslat ke zpracování zprostředkovateli.
heartBeatInterval="0" enabled="true">
<add name="SampleWebEventProvider"
type="SamplesAspNet.SampleEventProvider, webeventprovider, Version=1.0.1741.20369, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cf85aa6c978d9dea, processorArchitecture=MSIL" />
custom ="SamplesAspNet.SampleWebRequestEvent,webrequestevent"
<add name="SampleWebRequestEvent" type="SamplesAspNet.SampleWebRequestEvent,webrequestevent, Version=1.0.1759.20533, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=0d72899b07049076, processorArchitecture=MSIL" />
<clear />
<add name="Custom Web Request Event"
provider="SampleWebEventProvider" profile="Custom" />
ASP.NET monitorování stavu umožňuje provozním a provozním pracovníkům spravovat nasazené webové aplikace. Obor System.Web.Management názvů obsahuje typy událostí stavu zodpovědné za balení dat stavu aplikace a typy zprostředkovatelů zodpovědné za zpracování těchto dat. Obsahuje také podpůrné typy, které pomáhají při správě událostí stavu.
Toto rozhraní umožňuje povolit nebo zakázat aktivaci konkrétní události. To je užitečné zejména v případě, že implementujete vlastní událost a chcete řídit rychlost, s jakou je odesílána příslušnému zprostředkovateli ke zpracování.
Toto rozhraní neřídí, jak často je událost vyvolána. Řídí pouze to, jak často se informace o události odesílají zprostředkovateli ke zpracování.
CanFire(WebBaseEvent, RuleFiringRecord) |
Vyhodnotí, jestli má být vyvolána událost. |