Sdílet prostřednictvím

PropertyAttributes Výčet


Definuje atributy, které lze přidružit k vlastnosti. Tyto hodnoty atributů jsou definovány v souboru corhdr.h.

Tento výčet podporuje bitové kombinace hodnot jeho členů.

public enum class PropertyAttributes
public enum PropertyAttributes
public enum PropertyAttributes
public enum PropertyAttributes
type PropertyAttributes = 
type PropertyAttributes = 
type PropertyAttributes = 
Public Enum PropertyAttributes


Name Hodnota Description
HasDefault 4096

Určuje, že vlastnost má výchozí hodnotu.

None 0

Určuje, že k vlastnosti nejsou přidruženy žádné atributy.

Reserved2 8192


Reserved3 16384


Reserved4 32768


ReservedMask 62464

Určuje příznak vyhrazený pouze pro použití za běhu.

RTSpecialName 1024

Určuje, že interní rozhraní API metadat kontrolují kódování názvu.

SpecialName 512

Určuje, že vlastnost je zvláštní, přičemž název popisuje, jak je vlastnost zvláštní.


Následující příklad sestaví tři vlastnosti a zobrazí PropertyAttributes výčet hodnot. Všimněte si, že vlastnost jen pro čtení nemá žádné setter, a proto ji nelze změnit.Caption = statement

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Reflection;

// Define three properties: one read-write, one default,
// and one read only. 
// Define a read-write property.
public ref class Aproperty
   String^ caption;

      : caption( "A Default caption" )

   property String^ Caption 
      String^ get()
         return caption;

      void set( String^ value )
         if ( caption != value )
            caption = value;



// Define a default property.
public ref class Bproperty
   String^ caption;

      : caption( "B Default caption" )

   property String^ Item
      String^ get()
         return "1";


   property String^ Caption 
      String^ get()
         return caption;

      void set( String^ value )
         if ( caption != value )
            caption = value;



// Define a read-only property.
public ref class Cproperty
   String^ caption;

      : caption( "C Default caption" )

   property String^ Caption 
      String^ get()
         return caption;



int main()
   Console::WriteLine( "\nReflection.PropertyAttributes" );
   // Determine whether a property exists, and change its value.
   Aproperty^ Mypropertya = gcnew Aproperty;
   Bproperty^ Mypropertyb = gcnew Bproperty;
   Cproperty^ Mypropertyc = gcnew Cproperty;
   Console::Write( "\n1. Mypropertya->Caption = {0}", Mypropertya->Caption );
   Console::Write( "\n1. Mypropertyb->Caption = {0}", Mypropertyb->Caption );
   Console::Write( "\n1. Mypropertyc->Caption = {0}", Mypropertyc->Caption );
   // Only Mypropertya can be changed, as Mypropertyb is read-only.
   Mypropertya->Caption = "A- This is changed.";
   Mypropertyb->Caption = "B- This is changed.";
   // Note that Mypropertyc is not changed because it is read only
   Console::Write( "\n\n2. Mypropertya->Caption = {0}", Mypropertya->Caption );
   Console::Write( "\n2. Mypropertyb->Caption = {0}", Mypropertyb->Caption );
   Console::Write( "\n2. Mypropertyc->Caption = {0}", Mypropertyc->Caption );
   // Get the PropertyAttributes enumeration of the property.
   // Get the type.
   Type^ MyTypea = Type::GetType( "Aproperty" );
   Type^ MyTypeb = Type::GetType( "Bproperty" );
   Type^ MyTypec = Type::GetType( "Cproperty" );

   // Get the property attributes.
   PropertyInfo^ Mypropertyinfoa = MyTypea->GetProperty( "Caption" );
   PropertyAttributes Myattributesa = Mypropertyinfoa->Attributes;
   PropertyInfo^ Mypropertyinfob = MyTypeb->GetProperty( "Item" );
   PropertyAttributes Myattributesb = Mypropertyinfob->Attributes;
   PropertyInfo^ Mypropertyinfoc = MyTypec->GetProperty( "Caption" );
   PropertyAttributes Myattributesc = Mypropertyinfoc->Attributes;

   // Display the property attributes value.
   Console::Write( "\n\na- {0}", Myattributesa );
   Console::Write( "\nb- {0}", Myattributesb );
   Console::Write( "\nc- {0}", Myattributesc );
   return 0;

// This example displays the following output to the console
// Reflection.PropertyAttributes
// 1. Mypropertya.Caption = A Default caption
// 1. Mypropertyb.Caption = B Default caption
// 1. Mypropertyc.Caption = C Default caption
// 2. Mypropertya.Caption = A- This is changed.
// 2. Mypropertyb.Caption = B- This is changed.
// 2. Mypropertyc.Caption = C Default caption
// a- None
// b- None
// c- None
using System;
using System.Reflection;

 // Define three properties: one read-write, one default,
 // and one read only.
public class Aproperty
    // Define a read-write property.
    private string caption = "A Default caption";
    public string Caption
        get{return caption;}
            if (caption != value){caption = value;}
public class Bproperty
    // Define a default property.
    private string caption  = "B Default caption";
    public string this [int index]
        get {return "1";}
    public string Caption

        get{return caption;}
            if (caption != value){caption = value;}
public class Cproperty
    // Define a read-only property.
    private string caption = "C Default caption";
    public string Caption
        get{return caption;}
        // No setting is allowed, because this is a read-only property.

class propertyattributesenum
    public static int Main(string[] args)

        // Determine whether a property exists, and change its value.
        Aproperty Mypropertya = new Aproperty();
        Bproperty Mypropertyb = new Bproperty();
        Cproperty Mypropertyc = new Cproperty();

        Console.Write("\n1. Mypropertya.Caption = " + Mypropertya.Caption );

        Console.Write("\n1. Mypropertyb.Caption = " + Mypropertyb.Caption );

        Console.Write("\n1. Mypropertyc.Caption = " + Mypropertyc.Caption );

        // Only Mypropertya can be changed, as Mypropertyb is read-only.
        Mypropertya.Caption = "A- This is changed.";
        Mypropertyb.Caption = "B- This is changed.";
        // Note that Mypropertyc is not changed because it is read only

        Console.Write("\n\n2. Mypropertya.Caption = " + Mypropertya.Caption );

        Console.Write("\n2. Mypropertyb.Caption = " + Mypropertyb.Caption );

        Console.Write("\n2. Mypropertyc.Caption = " + Mypropertyc.Caption );

        // Get the PropertyAttributes enumeration of the property.
        // Get the type.
        Type MyTypea = Type.GetType("Aproperty");
        Type MyTypeb = Type.GetType("Bproperty");
        Type MyTypec = Type.GetType("Cproperty");

        // Get the property attributes.
        PropertyInfo Mypropertyinfoa = MyTypea.GetProperty("Caption");
        PropertyAttributes Myattributesa = Mypropertyinfoa.Attributes;
        PropertyInfo Mypropertyinfob = MyTypeb.GetProperty("Item");
        PropertyAttributes Myattributesb = Mypropertyinfob.Attributes;
        PropertyInfo Mypropertyinfoc = MyTypec.GetProperty("Caption");
        PropertyAttributes Myattributesc = Mypropertyinfoc.Attributes;

        // Display the property attributes value.

        Console.Write("\n\na- " + Myattributesa.ToString());

        Console.Write("\nb- " + Myattributesb.ToString());

        Console.Write("\nc- " + Myattributesc.ToString());
        return 0;

// This example displays the following output to the console
// Reflection.PropertyAttributes
// 1. Mypropertya.Caption = A Default caption
// 1. Mypropertyb.Caption = B Default caption
// 1. Mypropertyc.Caption = C Default caption
// 2. Mypropertya.Caption = A- This is changed.
// 2. Mypropertyb.Caption = B- This is changed.
// 2. Mypropertyc.Caption = C Default caption
// a- None
// b- None
// c- None
Imports System.Reflection

' Make three properties, one read-write, one default,
' and one read-only. 
Public Class Aproperty
    ' Define a read-write property.
    Private myCaption As String = "A Default caption"

    Public Property Caption() As String
            Return myCaption
        End Get
        Set(ByVal Value As String)
            If myCaption <> value Then
                myCaption = value
            End If
        End Set
    End Property
End Class

Public Class Bproperty
    ' Define a default property.
    Private myCaption As String = "B Default caption"

    Default Public ReadOnly Property Item(ByVal index As Integer) As String
            Return "1"
        End Get
    End Property

    Public Property Caption() As String

            Return myCaption
        End Get
        Set(ByVal Value As String)
            If myCaption <> value Then
                myCaption = value
            End If
        End Set
    End Property
End Class

Public Class Cproperty
    ' Define a read-only property.
    Private myCaption As String = "C Default caption"

    Public ReadOnly Property Caption() As String
            Return myCaption
        End Get
        'No setting is allowed because this property is read-only.
    End Property
End Class

Class propertyattributesenum

    Public Shared Function Main() As Integer
        Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.CrLf & "Reflection.PropertyAttributes")

        ' Determine whether a property exists, and change its value.
        Dim Mypropertya As New Aproperty()
        Dim Mypropertyb As New Bproperty()
        Dim Mypropertyc As New Cproperty()

        Console.Write(ControlChars.CrLf & "1. Mypropertya.Caption = " & _

        Console.Write(ControlChars.CrLf & "1. Mypropertyb.Caption = " & _

        Console.Write(ControlChars.CrLf & "1. Mypropertyc.Caption = " & _

        ' Only Mypropertya can be changed because Mypropertyb is read-only.
        Mypropertya.Caption = "A- This is changed."
        Mypropertyb.Caption = "B- This is changed."
        ' Note that Mypropertyc is not changed, because it is read-only.
        Console.Write(ControlChars.CrLf & ControlChars.CrLf & _
           "2. Mypropertya.Caption = " & Mypropertya.Caption)

        Console.Write(ControlChars.CrLf & "2. Mypropertyb.Caption = " & _

        Console.Write(ControlChars.CrLf + "2. Mypropertyc.Caption = " & _

        ' Get the PropertyAttributes Enumeration of the property.
        ' Get the type.
        Dim MyTypea As Type = Type.GetType("Aproperty")
        Dim MyTypeb As Type = Type.GetType("Bproperty")
        Dim MyTypec As Type = Type.GetType("Cproperty")

        ' Get the property attributes.
        Dim Mypropertyinfoa As PropertyInfo = MyTypea.GetProperty("Caption")
        Dim Myattributesa As PropertyAttributes = Mypropertyinfoa.Attributes
        Dim Mypropertyinfob As PropertyInfo = MyTypeb.GetProperty("Item")
        Dim Myattributesb As PropertyAttributes = Mypropertyinfob.Attributes
        Dim Mypropertyinfoc As PropertyInfo = MyTypec.GetProperty("Caption")
        Dim Myattributesc As PropertyAttributes = Mypropertyinfoc.Attributes

        ' Display the property attributes value.
        Console.Write(ControlChars.CrLf & ControlChars.CrLf & "a- " & _

        Console.Write(ControlChars.CrLf & "b- " & Myattributesb.ToString())

        Console.Write(ControlChars.CrLf & "c- " & Myattributesc.ToString())
        Return 0
    End Function'    End Function
End Class

' This example displays the following output to the console
' Reflection.PropertyAttributes
' 1. Mypropertya.Caption = A Default caption
' 1. Mypropertyb.Caption = B Default caption
' 1. Mypropertyc.Caption = C Default caption
' 2. Mypropertya.Caption = A- This is changed.
' 2. Mypropertyb.Caption = B- This is changed.
' 2. Mypropertyc.Caption = C Default caption
' a- None
' b- None
' c- None


Pokud chcete získat PropertyAttributes, nejprve získejte třídu Type. Z nástroje Typezískejte .PropertyInfo Z nástroje PropertyInfozískejte .Attributes

Výčtová hodnota je číslo představující bitový or atributů implementovaných v metodě.

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