Authorization.ProtectionRealm Vlastnost
Některé informace platí pro předběžně vydaný produkt, který se může zásadně změnit, než ho výrobce nebo autor vydá. Microsoft neposkytuje žádné záruky, výslovné ani předpokládané, týkající se zde uváděných informací.
Získá nebo nastaví předponu identifikátorů URI (Uniform Resource Identifier), které lze ověřit pomocí Message vlastnosti .
property cli::array <System::String ^> ^ ProtectionRealm { cli::array <System::String ^> ^ get(); void set(cli::array <System::String ^> ^ value); };
public string[]? ProtectionRealm { get; set; }
public string[] ProtectionRealm { get; set; }
member this.ProtectionRealm : string[] with get, set
Public Property ProtectionRealm As String()
Hodnota vlastnosti
Pole řetězců, které obsahuje předpony identifikátoru URI.
Následující příklad kódu získá nebo nastaví předponu identifikátorů URI, které lze ověřit pomocí Message vlastnosti .
virtual Authorization^ Authenticate( String^ challenge, WebRequest^ request, ICredentials^ credentials )
String^ message;
// Check if Challenge String* was raised by a site which requires 'CloneBasic' authentication.
if ( (challenge == nullptr) || ( !challenge->StartsWith( "CloneBasic" )) )
return nullptr;
NetworkCredential^ myCredentials;
if ( dynamic_cast<CredentialCache^>(credentials) == nullptr )
myCredentials = credentials->GetCredential( request->RequestUri, "CloneBasic" );
if ( myCredentials == nullptr )
return nullptr;
myCredentials = dynamic_cast<NetworkCredential^>(credentials);
// Message encryption scheme :
// a)Concatenate username and password seperated by space;
// b)Apply ASCII encoding to obtain a stream of bytes;
// c)Apply Base64 Encoding to this array of bytes to obtain our encoded authorization message.
message = String::Concat( myCredentials->UserName, " ", myCredentials->Password );
// Apply AsciiEncoding to 'message' String* to obtain it as an array of bytes.
Encoding^ ascii = Encoding::ASCII;
array<Byte>^byteArray = gcnew array<Byte>(ascii->GetByteCount( message ));
byteArray = ascii->GetBytes( message );
// Performing Base64 transformation.
message = Convert::ToBase64String( byteArray );
Authorization^ myAuthorization = gcnew Authorization( String::Concat( "CloneBasic ", message, true ) );
array<String^>^protectionRealm = gcnew array<String^>(1);
protectionRealm[ 0 ] = request->RequestUri->AbsolutePath;
myAuthorization->ProtectionRealm = protectionRealm;
return myAuthorization;
catch ( Exception^ e )
Console::WriteLine( "The following exception was raised in Authenticate method: {0}", e->Message );
return nullptr;
public Authorization Authenticate( string challenge,WebRequest request,ICredentials credentials)
string message;
// Check if Challenge string was raised by a site which requires 'CloneBasic' authentication.
if ((challenge == null) || (!challenge.StartsWith("CloneBasic")))
return null;
NetworkCredential myCredentials;
if (credentials is CredentialCache)
myCredentials = credentials.GetCredential(request.RequestUri,"CloneBasic");
if (myCredentials == null)
return null;
myCredentials = (NetworkCredential)credentials;
// Message encryption scheme :
// a)Concatenate username and password seperated by space;
// b)Apply ASCII encoding to obtain a stream of bytes;
// c)Apply Base64 Encoding to this array of bytes to obtain our encoded authorization message.
message = myCredentials.UserName + " " + myCredentials.Password;
// Apply AsciiEncoding to 'message' string to obtain it as an array of bytes.
Encoding ascii = Encoding.ASCII;
byte[] byteArray = new byte[ascii.GetByteCount(message)];
byteArray = ascii.GetBytes(message);
// Performing Base64 transformation.
message = Convert.ToBase64String(byteArray);
Authorization myAuthorization = new Authorization("CloneBasic " + message,true);
string[] protectionRealm = new string[]{request.RequestUri.AbsolutePath};
myAuthorization.ProtectionRealm = protectionRealm;
return myAuthorization;
catch(Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("The following exception was raised in Authenticate method:{0}",e.Message);
return null;
Function Authenticate(ByVal challenge As String, ByVal request As WebRequest, ByVal credentials As ICredentials) As Authorization Implements IAuthenticationModule.Authenticate
Dim message As String
' Check if Challenge string was raised by a site which requires 'CloneBasic' authentication.
If challenge Is Nothing Or Not challenge.StartsWith("CloneBasic") Then
Return Nothing
End If
Dim myCredentials As NetworkCredential
If TypeOf credentials Is CredentialCache Then
myCredentials = credentials.GetCredential(request.RequestUri, "CloneBasic")
If myCredentials Is Nothing Then
Return Nothing
End If
myCredentials = CType(credentials, NetworkCredential)
End If
' Message encryption scheme :
' a)Concatenate username and password seperated by space
' b)Apply ASCII encoding to obtain a stream of bytes
' c)Apply Base64 Encoding to this array of bytes to obtain our encoded authorization message
message = myCredentials.UserName + " " + myCredentials.Password
' Apply AsciiEncoding to 'message' string to obtain it as an array of bytes.
Dim ascii As Encoding = Encoding.ASCII
Dim byteArray(ascii.GetByteCount(message)) As Byte
byteArray = ascii.GetBytes(message)
' Performing Base64 transformation.
message = Convert.ToBase64String(byteArray)
Dim myAuthorization As New Authorization("CloneBasic " + message, True)
Dim protectionRealm() As String = {request.RequestUri.AbsolutePath}
myAuthorization.ProtectionRealm = protectionRealm
Return myAuthorization
Catch e As Exception
Console.WriteLine("The following exception was raised in Authenticate method:{0}", e.Message)
Return Nothing
End Try
End Function 'Authenticate
Vlastnost ProtectionRealm obsahuje seznam předpon identifikátorů URI, které Message lze použít k ověření. WebRequest a jeho potomci porovnávají identifikátor URI s tímto seznamem, aby zjistili, jestli Authorization je platný pro konkrétní identifikátor URI.