GraphicsPathIterator.CopyData Metoda
Některé informace platí pro předběžně vydaný produkt, který se může zásadně změnit, než ho výrobce nebo autor vydá. Microsoft neposkytuje žádné záruky, výslovné ani předpokládané, týkající se zde uváděných informací.
CopyData(PointF[], Byte[], Int32, Int32) |
Zkopíruje PathPoints vlastnost a pole vlastností PathTypes přidruženého GraphicsPath do dvou zadaných polí. |
CopyData(Span<PointF>, Span<Byte>, Int32, Int32) |
CopyData(PointF[], Byte[], Int32, Int32)
- Zdroj:
- GraphicsPathIterator.cs
- Zdroj:
- GraphicsPathIterator.cs
- Zdroj:
- GraphicsPathIterator.cs
- Zdroj:
- GraphicsPathIterator.cs
- Zdroj:
- GraphicsPathIterator.cs
Zkopíruje PathPoints vlastnost a pole vlastností PathTypes přidruženého GraphicsPath do dvou zadaných polí.
int CopyData(cli::array <System::Drawing::PointF> ^ % points, cli::array <System::Byte> ^ % types, int startIndex, int endIndex);
public int CopyData (ref System.Drawing.PointF[] points, ref byte[] types, int startIndex, int endIndex);
member this.CopyData : PointF[] * Byte[] * int * int -> int
Public Function CopyData (ByRef points As PointF(), ByRef types As Byte(), startIndex As Integer, endIndex As Integer) As Integer
- types
- Byte[]
Po návratu obsahuje pole bajtů, které představují typy bodů v cestě.
- startIndex
- Int32
Určuje počáteční index polí.
- endIndex
- Int32
Určuje koncový index polí.
Počet zkopírovaných bodů
Následující příklad je navržený pro použití s Windows Forms a vyžaduje PaintEventArgse
, objekt události OnPaint. Kód provede následující akce:
Vytvoří grafickou cestu.
Naplní ho několika primitivy a některými značkami.
Zobrazí seznam dat cesty na levé straně obrazovky.
Vytvoří GraphicsPathIterator a převinou se zpět.
Zvýší index dat cesty na druhou značku.
Volá metodu CopyData, která zkopíruje data cesty obsažená mezi počátečním a koncovým indexem do polí bodů a typů.
Zobrazí seznam těchto zkopírovaných dat na pravé straně obrazovky.
void CopyDataExample( PaintEventArgs^ e )
// Create a graphics path.
GraphicsPath^ myPath = gcnew GraphicsPath;
// Set up a points array.
array<Point>^ myPoints = {Point(20,20),Point(120,120),Point(20,120),Point(20,20)};
// Create a rectangle.
Rectangle myRect = Rectangle(120,120,100,100);
// Add the points, rectangle, and an ellipse to the path.
myPath->AddLines( myPoints );
myPath->AddRectangle( myRect );
myPath->AddEllipse( 220, 220, 100, 100 );
// Get the total number of points for the path, and arrays of
// the points and types.
int myPathPointCount = myPath->PointCount;
array<PointF>^myPathPoints = myPath->PathPoints;
array<Byte>^myPathTypes = myPath->PathTypes;
// Set up variables for listing the array of points on the left
// side of the screen.
int i;
float j = 20;
System::Drawing::Font^ myFont = gcnew System::Drawing::Font( "Arial",8 );
SolidBrush^ myBrush = gcnew SolidBrush( Color::Black );
// List the set of points and types and types to the left side
// of the screen.
for ( i = 0; i < myPathPointCount; i++ )
e->Graphics->DrawString( myPathPoints[ i ].X + ", " + myPathPoints[ i ].Y + ", " + myPathTypes[ i ], myFont, myBrush, 20, j );
j += 20;
// Create a GraphicsPathIterator for myPath and rewind it.
GraphicsPathIterator^ myPathIterator = gcnew GraphicsPathIterator( myPath );
// Set up the arrays to receive the copied data.
array<PointF>^points = gcnew array<PointF>(myPathIterator->Count);
array<Byte>^types = gcnew array<Byte>(myPathIterator->Count);
int myStartIndex;
int myEndIndex;
// Increment the starting index to the second marker in the
// path.
myPathIterator->NextMarker( myStartIndex, myEndIndex );
myPathIterator->NextMarker( myStartIndex, myEndIndex );
// Copy all the points and types from the starting index to the
// ending index to the points array and the types array
// respectively.
int numPointsCopied = myPathIterator->CopyData( points, types, myStartIndex, myEndIndex );
// List the copied points to the right side of the screen.
j = 20;
int copiedStartIndex = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < numPointsCopied; i++ )
copiedStartIndex = myStartIndex + i;
e->Graphics->DrawString( String::Format( "Point: {0}, Value: {1}, Type: {2}", copiedStartIndex, points[ i ], types[ i ] ), myFont, myBrush, 200, j );
j += 20;
public void CopyDataExample(PaintEventArgs e)
// Create a graphics path.
GraphicsPath myPath = new GraphicsPath();
// Set up a points array.
Point[] myPoints =
new Point(20, 20),
new Point(120, 120),
new Point(20, 120),
new Point(20, 20)
// Create a rectangle.
Rectangle myRect = new Rectangle(120, 120, 100, 100);
// Add the points, rectangle, and an ellipse to the path.
myPath.AddEllipse(220, 220, 100, 100);
// Get the total number of points for the path, and arrays of
// the points and types.
int myPathPointCount = myPath.PointCount;
PointF[] myPathPoints = myPath.PathPoints;
byte[] myPathTypes = myPath.PathTypes;
// Set up variables for listing the array of points on the left
// side of the screen.
int i;
float j = 20;
Font myFont = new Font("Arial", 8);
SolidBrush myBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.Black);
// List the set of points and types and types to the left side
// of the screen.
for(i=0; i<myPathPointCount; i++)
", " + myPathPoints[i].Y.ToString() + ", " +
// Create a GraphicsPathIterator for myPath and rewind it.
GraphicsPathIterator myPathIterator =
new GraphicsPathIterator(myPath);
// Set up the arrays to receive the copied data.
PointF[] points = new PointF[myPathIterator.Count];
byte[] types = new byte[myPathIterator.Count];
int myStartIndex;
int myEndIndex;
// Increment the starting index to the second marker in the
// path.
myPathIterator.NextMarker(out myStartIndex, out myEndIndex);
myPathIterator.NextMarker(out myStartIndex, out myEndIndex);
// Copy all the points and types from the starting index to the
// ending index to the points array and the types array
// respectively.
int numPointsCopied = myPathIterator.CopyData(
ref points,
ref types,
// List the copied points to the right side of the screen.
j = 20;
int copiedStartIndex = 0;
for(i=0; i<numPointsCopied; i++)
copiedStartIndex = myStartIndex + i;
"Point: " + copiedStartIndex.ToString() +
", Value: " + points[i].ToString() +
", Type: " + types[i].ToString(),
Public Sub CopyDataExample(ByVal e As PaintEventArgs)
' Create a graphics path.
Dim myPath As New GraphicsPath
' Set up a points array.
Dim myPoints As Point() = {New Point(20, 20), _
New Point(120, 120), New Point(20, 120), New Point(20, 20)}
' Create a rectangle.
Dim myRect As New Rectangle(120, 120, 100, 100)
' Add the points, rectangle, and an ellipse to the path.
myPath.AddEllipse(220, 220, 100, 100)
' Get the total number of points for the path, and arrays of the
' points and types.
Dim myPathPointCount As Integer = myPath.PointCount
Dim myPathPoints As PointF() = myPath.PathPoints
Dim myPathTypes As Byte() = myPath.PathTypes
' Set up variables for listing the array of points on the left side
' of the screen.
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Single = 20
Dim myFont As New Font("Arial", 8)
Dim myBrush As New SolidBrush(Color.Black)
' List the set of points and types and types to the left side of
' the screen.
For i = 0 To myPathPointCount - 1
e.Graphics.DrawString(myPathPoints(i).X.ToString() + ", " + _
myPathPoints(i).Y.ToString() + ", " + _
myPathTypes(i).ToString(), myFont, myBrush, 20, j)
j += 20
Next i
' Create a GraphicsPathIterator for myPath and rewind it.
Dim myPathIterator As New GraphicsPathIterator(myPath)
' Set up the arrays to receive the copied data.
Dim points(myPathIterator.Count) As PointF
Dim types(myPathIterator.Count) As Byte
Dim myStartIndex As Integer
Dim myEndIndex As Integer
' Increment the starting index to the second marker in the path.
myPathIterator.NextMarker(myStartIndex, myEndIndex)
myPathIterator.NextMarker(myStartIndex, myEndIndex)
' Copy all the points and types from the starting index to the
' ending index to the points array and the types array
' respectively.
Dim numPointsCopied As Integer = myPathIterator.CopyData(points, _
types, myStartIndex, myEndIndex)
' List the copied points to the right side of the screen.
j = 20
Dim copiedStartIndex As Integer = 0
For i = 0 To numPointsCopied - 1
copiedStartIndex = myStartIndex + i
e.Graphics.DrawString("Point: " + _
copiedStartIndex.ToString() + ", Value: " + _
points(i).ToString() + ", Type: " + types(i).ToString(), _
myFont, myBrush, 200, j)
j += 20
Next i
End Sub
Pomocí parametrů startIndex
a endIndex
zkopírujte zadaný rozsah dat cesty.
Platí pro
CopyData(Span<PointF>, Span<Byte>, Int32, Int32)
- Zdroj:
- GraphicsPathIterator.cs
int CopyData(Span<System::Drawing::PointF> points, Span<System::Byte> types, int startIndex, int endIndex);
public int CopyData (Span<System.Drawing.PointF> points, Span<byte> types, int startIndex, int endIndex);
member this.CopyData : Span<System.Drawing.PointF> * Span<byte> * int * int -> int
Public Function CopyData (points As Span(Of PointF), types As Span(Of Byte), startIndex As Integer, endIndex As Integer) As Integer
- startIndex
- Int32
- endIndex
- Int32