
Sdílet prostřednictvím

Attribute Resolution Guidance

An attribute resolution guidance provides properties that help with the resolution process of entities, attributes, and other resolvable Common Data Model concepts.

public class CdmAttributeResolutionGuidance extends CdmObjectSimple


Name Description
ctx: The corpus context.
Initializes a new instance of the CdmAttributeResolutionGuidance class.


Name Type Description
removeAttribute bool? If true, this attribute definition will be removed from the entity's final resolved attribute list.
imposedDirectives List<string> A list of strings, one for each 'directive' that should always be imposed for this attribute definition.
removedDirectives List<string> A list of strings, one for each 'directive' that should be removed if previously imposed.
addSupportingAttribute CdmTypeAttributeDefinition A guidance that this attribute definition should be added to the final set of attributes and should be marked as 'supporting' the attribute that has the guidance set on it.
cardinality string If set to 'one', then there's a single instance of the attribute or entity used. If set to 'many', then there are multiple instances of the attribute/entity used, in which case the 'expansion' properties will describe the array enumeration to use if needed.
renameFormat string The format specifier for generated attribute names. May contain a single occurrence of ('{a}' or '{A}'), ('{m}' or '{M}'), and '{o}', for the base (a/A)ttribute name, any (m/M)ember attributes from entities, and array (o)rdinal.

For example, '{a}{o}.{m}' could produce 'address2.city', and '{a}{o}' gives 'city1'. Using '{A}' or '{M}' will uppercase the first letter of the name portion.
expansion Expansion The parameters that control array expansion if inline repeating of attributes is needed.
entityByReference EntityByReference The parameters that control the use of foreign keys to reference entity instances instead of embedding the entity in a nested way.
selectsSubAttribute SelectsSubAttribute Indicates that this attribute selects 'one', 'some', or 'all' of the sub-attributes from an entity. If the 'structured' directive is set, this trait causes resolved attributes to end up in groups rather than a flattened list.


Name Description Return Type

Only in C# and Java.
Returns a new Expansion object. Expansion

Only in C# and Java.
Returns a new EntityByReference object. EntityByReference

Only in C# and Java.
Returns a new SelectsSubAttribute object. SelectsSubAttribute
Copy(ResolveOptions, CdmObject) See CdmObject.Copy(...). CdmObject
Validate() See CdmObject.Validate(). bool

Nested Classes



The parameters that control array expansion if inline repeating of attributes is needed.


Name Type Description
startingOrdinal int? The index to start counting from when an array is being expanded for a repeating set of attributes. Overrides the default index, which is 0.
maximumExpansion int? The maximum number of times that the attribute pattern should be repeated.
countAttribute CdmTypeAttributeDefinition This attribute definition is added to the entity to represent the total number of instances found in the data.


The parameters that control the use of foreign keys to reference entity instances instead of embedding the entity in a nested way.


Name Type Description
allowReference bool? Denotes whether a reference to an entity is allowed through the use of a foreign key to the entity. By default, this property is set to false and entities are embedded instead.
alwaysIncludeForeignKey bool? If true, a foreign key attribute will be added to the entity even when the entity attribute is embedded in a nested way.
referenceOnlyAfterDepth int? After the given depth of non-reference nesting using entity attributes, the 'referenceOnly' directive will be imposed.
foreignKeyAttribute CdmTypeAttributeDefinition This attribute definition is added to the entity to hold a foreign key value for the referenced entity.


Indicates that this attribute selects 'one', 'some', or 'all' of the sub-attributes from an entity. If the 'structured' directive is set, this trait causes resolved attributes to end up in groups rather than a flattened list.


Name Type Description
selects string Indicates how many sub-attributes are selected ('one', 'some', or 'all'). If 'one', then selectedTypeAttribute will hold the name of the selected attribute. If 'some', selectsSomeTakeNames or selectSomeAvoidNames can be used to hold the attributes to take (or avoid) from the source entity. Attributes are added in the same order as they appear in these lists.
selectedTypeAttribute CdmTypeAttributeDefinition This attribute definition is added to the entity to hold a description of the single attribute that was selected from the sub-entity when selects is set to 'one'.
selectsSomeTakeNames List<string> The list of sub-attributes from an entity that should be added.
selectsSomeAvoidNames List<string> The list of sub-attributes from an entity that shouldn't be added.