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Install AppFabric Connect for Services in BizTalk Server

This guide provides instructions on how to install BizTalk Server 2010 Feature Pack (October 2010). The feature pack installs BizTalk Server 2010 AppFabric Connect for Services feature that provides enhancements to the BizTalk WCF Service Publishing Wizard and the WCF Adapter Service Development Wizard. After you have installed the feature pack, you will be able to extend the reach of your on-premises BizTalk Server artifacts or LOB applications to cloud by adding a Windows Azure AppFabric Service Bus endpoint.


BizTalk Server 2010 Feature Pack provides enhancements to the BizTalk WCF Service Publishing Wizard and the WCF Adapter Service Development Wizard. While the BizTalk WCF Service Publishing Wizard is available with BizTalk Server 2010 Developer Tools, WCF Adapter Service Development Wizard is available with BizTalk Adapter Pack 2010. So, before you install the feature pack, you must have either BizTalk Server 2010 Developer Tools or BizTalk Adapter Pack 2010 or both installed. If you have only one of these installed, only the wizard relevant to the parent product installation will be updated as part of the feature pack installation.

Other than this, there are some prerequisites for using these wizards. The complete list of prerequisites for each wizard is listed in the topics describing how to use the wizards. The links to the topics are provided under Using AppFabric Connect for Services.

Installing BizTalk Server 2010 Feature Pack

Perform the following steps to install AppFabric Connect for Services:

To install the feature pack

  1. Download the AppFabric Connect for Services installable. Run the self-extracting BizTalkServer2010_FeaturePack.exe file to launch the feature pack installer.

  2. On the Welcome page, click Next.

  3. Accept the terms for licensing and then click Next and then in the following screen, click Next again.

  4. After the wizard completes the feature pack installation, click Finish.

Using AppFabric Connect for Services

After installing AppFabric Connect for Services, you can do the following:

Uninstalling BizTalk Server 2010 Feature Pack

This section provides instructions on uninstalling AppFabric Connect for Services.

To uninstall the feature pack

  1. Open Windows Update, click View update history, and then click Installed Updates.

  2. From the list of installed updates, under BizTalk Server 2010 category, right-click BizTalk Server 2010 Feature Pack (October 2010) LDR, and then select Uninstall. In the dialog box confirming whether you want to uninstall the feature pack, click Yes.

  3. Refresh the list to verify whether the feature pack is uninstalled.

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