MCT Enrollment Requirement
Hi I am new to this community and today is my first post. I would like to understand the requirements to get enrolled for MCT program. What certifications, programs are needed to pass to qualify for MCT title.
Sortable MVC Tables with Stored Procedure
Hello everyone and thanks for the help in advance. I am developing a MVC application that requires a sortable table. The issue is that the tables utilize queries that are best suited for stored procedures. While researching, I cam across older…
Bing Maps not showing geographic tile/overlay, just a plain grey background in Epic Systems MyChart widget.
We use Epic Systems Corporation's MyChart health portal application. It comes with a widget to embed in our health organization's web site. We use that widget to show local clinic locations. For several years, our Epic system has been configured to…
Along the route performance issues
Hi, We are currently using Bing Maps to plot routes and identify records along the route. To achieve this, we are utilizing the following method: Microsoft.Maps.SpatialMath.Geometry.buffer(routePath, parseFloat(alongRouteDist), alongRouteDistUnit); While…
Detecting CRLF with Javascript
Hello everyone and thanks for the help in advance. I am working with an Asp.Net Core page that accepts the data into a <textarea> from a QR code scanner. When the scanner sends the data to the page, there is clearly some time of hidden line break…
i'm being charge of using the DDOS protection issue, and i never apply this service
ear Azure Support team, i'm currently facing an urgent problem that i'm being charge of using the DDOS protection issue, and i never apply this service under my account id "[******]" , although i pay…
EntraID & Google Workspace Integration
Hi, I Would like to configure the following setup: When I login to my application, it will show EntraID login page. The authentication will be using google workspace account. So I expect EntraID to fetch or use the users db configured in our google…
Metric Storage space used
I see this value in the attached screenshot and would like to clarify its meaning. Additionally, I need to determine how much free storage space is available in my SQL Managed Instance. Ideally, I should see a clear breakdown, such as "10 GB…
Teams Outgoing Webhook commenting: Sorry, there was a problem encountered with your request
I have the webhook sending a post to a simple server that runs some sql queries. The server and the script are running fine but the webhook still comments: "Sorry, there was a problem encountered with your request". I believe this is because…
how to fix Failed to initialize SmartAudio. The application will exit. in Windows 11
Since Windows 11 Pro update to version 24h2 i get the message "Failed to initialize SmartAudio. The application will exit" and no sound from my Conexant speakers or other speakers
How to redirect USB-Devices via. Azure Virtaul Desktop Tool --> Sessionhost in a Hostpool
Hello everybody, i would like to redirect USB-Devices from my local Device to a Sessionhost/VM in a Azur Sessionhost. I connect to the Sessionhost via. the Azure Virtaul Desktop Tool. I have found multiple documentation about this topic but no one…
About resizing Windows Virtual Desktop
I wanted to resize the computer because I needed to use a GPU with Windows virtual desktop, but the N series is not an option. Why is that?
How to connect to a on premise SQL Server from Azure Managed Grafana
I have a new Azure Managed Grafana instance, and I'd like to connect to a on-premise SQL Server. We have all of the VPN/Virtual networks setup, and from a vnet connected VM, I'm able to query data. I have a Private Endpoint (not managed) setup, and it's…
How to fix 'AADSTS9002325: Proof Key for Code Exchange is required for cross-origin authorization code redemption' error in MSAL Angular Application
I'm deploying an angular app to azure using MSAL Angular for authentication. Much like the user in this post doing a similar thing with a nextjs app…
Azure AD Kerberos Decryption Key Rotation Automation
Hello, I have been trying to Automate the Azure AD Kerberos Decryption Key Rotation. I have created a service principal account with the Application ID, Tenant ID, Secret ID, and Certificate. When try to use this cmdlet…
I've replaced the certificate on some app proxy apps, but the site is still loading the msappproxy cert
Hi I've created some enterprise apps and configured them for app proxy. I also have a wildcard cert for my domain, and have uploaded this cert to the apps But, when I go to the site, I get a certificate error and looking at the cert, it's the default…
Failed to initialize SmartAudio. The application will exit.
Get the message of "Failed to initialize SmartAudio. The application will exit" message keeps coming up after upgrade to windows 10 version 1909. Click OK and the message re-appears in less than a minute, again. I have looked for several…
About more logging detail in Azure Synapse
Hi, I recently built an Azure Workbook to minitor an ADF Pipeline. Everything went well, since in Log Analytics (via Diagnostic Settings) I had the enough detail to write my Kusto query (inputs and outputs of a pipeline and activity). I was asked to do…
Unable to enable Azure Disk Encryption for VM using SSE/PMK with ADE
Error.png Can someone help in figuring out this error that i am getting while deploying Azure disk encryption for VM and how to fix it. detailed steps would be much appreciated. Error : The resource write operation failed to complete successfully,…
Process Monitor is showing impossibly old Timestamps for modules under \Windows\SysWOW64
When viewing process modules, I have noticed that many modules under C:\Window\SysWOW64 have impossibly old Timestamps, yet if you view the properties of a modules, they appear normal. I observed this on my test VM and also a customer's computer who sent…