
Set keywords

This function sets the keywords for the specified targetId.

setKeywords (('targetId',{keywords},options))

The parameters listed below can be sent as arguments in the function.

Parameter Type Description
keywords key/value pair A set of key/value pairs applicable to this ad slot. Query string segments are defined by key/value pairs in this object. Keywords that contain hyphens must be enclosed in single quote marks. Best practice is to always surround keywords with single quotes. Users can also create a custom macro. The format must be #{MY_CUSTOM_KEY}.
These key/values/macros are case sensitive (not forced uppercase).
Note: A maximum of 100 macro replacements are allowed on a pixel/creative, etc.
options object An object specifying additional options available when setting keywords. Values are Boolean.
true: Existing values for keywords will be overwritten by values specified in this tag.
false: (Default) Values of keywords in the current tag will be added to previously-defined keywords.
targetId string The unique identifier of a specific ad slot.


        { genre : ['rock','pop'] }
        { 'hello' : 'world' }
        { 'genre' : ['hiphop','classical'] },
        { overrideKeyValue: true}