
Update campaigns

You can take several actions on campaigns to update them, including editing, delete, duplicating, and activating.

Editing a campaign

You can edit a campaign directly from the Campaigns screen. Hover over the row for the campaign you want to edit and then click the pencil icon that appears in the row.

In addition, you can click the row of the campaign you want to edit to expose the Campaign Summary pane. From there, you can edit targeting and creatives, or click the pencil icon next to the campaign name to be taken to the full Edit Campaign screen.

Editing lifetime and daily budgets

You can edit both lifetime and daily budgets for one or more campaigns directly from the Campaigns screen. Click the pencil and paper icon at the top of either the Lifetime Budget or Daily Budget column to expose the column editing options.


The bulk edit option is currently not available through Microsoft Internet Explorer. If you would like to access this feature, please use another browser.

This exposes the Edit Daily Budget or Edit Lifetime Budget column, where you can modify budgets and save your changes.

Bulk editing flight dates

You can edit the flight dates of one or more campaigns directly from the Campaigns screen. Check the checkbox for each campaign whose flight dates you wish to edit then click Actions > Change Flight Dates. You can edit both start and/or end dates for all the campaigns selected in the Bulk Change Flight Dates dialog that appears.

Activating/Deactivating campaigns

You can activate or deactivate one or more campaigns directly from the Campaigns screen. Check the checkbox for each campaign that you want to activate or deactivate and click Actions > Activate or Actions > Deactivate.

A confirmation dialog lists the campaign(s) to be activated or deactivated. Click OK to complete the action.

When you deactivate a campaign, the campaign will typically stop serving within 10 - 15 seconds, with a maximum wait time of approximately 60 seconds.

Duplicating campaigns

You can duplicate campaigns directly from the Explore Campaigns. Each new campaign will be assigned a unique ID, will not inherit the original campaign's External Code, and will default to the Inactive state, but will otherwise have the exact same settings as the original, including budgets, flight dates, buying strategies, and targeting.


When you duplicate a campaign that uses a buying strategy involving optimization, the optimization data (impressions, clicks, conversion, etc.) of the original campaign is not available to the new campaign. This means that the new campaign must go through its own "learning" process. For more details, see Targeted Learn.

  1. On the Campaigns screen, check the box next to each campaign that you want to duplicate.

  2. Click Actions > Duplicate.

  3. In the confirmation dialog, decide whether you want to create each new campaign under the original's parent line item or select a different line item under which all copies should be created.


    CPA campaigns use conversion pixels associated with their parent line item. Therefore, such campaigns can be copied to a different line item only if the relevant conversion pixels are also associated with that line item.

  4. By default, the new campaigns have the same names as the original campaigns but with "Copy" as a prefix. If necessary, update the names for the new campaigns.

  5. Review your choices and then click Duplicate to confirm the duplication. The new campaigns will then appear on the Explore Campaigns.

Deleting campaigns

You can delete campaigns directly from the Campaigns screen. This is particularly useful when you are approaching your object limit for campaigns, or when you want to get rid of unnecessary or accidentally created campaigns for a particular advertiser. For more information about object limits, see Viewing Your Object Limits.


Deleting campaigns is permanent and cannot be reverted. Also, although deleted campaigns continue to be available in reporting, you will no longer have visibility into their specific settings (e.g., budget and targeting).

  1. On the Campaigns screen, check the box next to each campaign that you want to delete.
  2. Click Actions > Delete.
  3. A confirmation dialog lists the campaigns that you selected for deletion. Review the list carefully and then click Confirm to permanently delete the campaigns from the system.

Edit multiple campaigns with power uploader


This offering is currently in Open Beta. It is available to all clients, but subject to change or downtime without notice.

Power Uploader enables you to edit multiple campaigns in one easy process by updating and uploading an Excel spreadsheet, instead of creating a new campaign or using the Campaign Service.

Spreadsheet fields

The Beta version of Power Uploader currently supports updates to the following fields:

Spreadsheet Field Campaign Screen Field Description API Service / Field
ID ID Required. The ID of the campaign. Campaign / id
Name Name Required. The name of the campaign. Campaign / name
Status Status Required. The state of the campaign. Valid values: Active or Inactive Campaign / state
Spreadsheet Field for Budget Campaign Screen Field Description API Service / Field
Enable Daily Pacing Budget > Media Cost / Impression > Impression If TRUE, the campaign's daily budgeted spend is spread out evenly throughout each day. You must also provide either a Daily Monetary Budget or Daily Impression budget. Daily Budget Pacing OR Lifetime Budget Pacing may be enabled, but not both.
For more details about even daily pacing, see Daily Pacing.
Campaign / enable_pacing
Daily Monetary Budget Budget > Media Cost > Daily The daily budget in media cost. The currency symbol can be omitted and the default currency will be used. Enter unlimited to represent unlimited budget. Campaign / daily_budget
Daily Impression Budget Budget > Impression > Daily The daily budget in impressions. Enter unlimited to represent unlimited budget. Campaign / daily_budget_imps
Enable Lifetime Pacing Budget>Media Cost/ Impression>Lifetime If TRUE, the campaign's overall lifetime budget is spread out evenly over the campaign billing period. Daily Budget Pacing OR Lifetime Budget Pacing may be enabled, but not both.
For more details about lifetime pacing, see Lifetime Pacing.
Campaign / lifetime_pacing
Lifetime Monetary Budget Budget > Media Cost > Lifetime The lifetime budget in dollars (media cost). The currency symbol can be omitted and the default currency will be used. Enter unlimited to represent unlimited budget.
Warning: If Campaign, Line Item, and Insertion Order Lifetime Budgets are all set to unlimited, severe overspend can occur.
Campaign / lifetime_budget
Lifetime Impression Budget Budget > Impression > Lifetime The lifetime budget in impressions. Enter unlimited to represent unlimited budget. Campaign / lifetime_budget_imps
Buying Strategies Campaign Screen Field Description API Service / Field
Buy Direct Inventory Buying Strategies > Direct Inventory The type of inventory targeted by this campaign. If TRUE, you will target inventory managed by your network. Campaign / inventory_type
Campaign Priority Buying Strategies > Buy Direct Inventory > Campaign Priority For a campaign targeting direct inventory, there is no need to input a buying strategy since you have already paid for inventory. However, you can set the campaign's priority to weight the campaign against other direct campaigns within your account. The campaign with the highest priority will always win, even if a lower priority campaign bids more. For more information about managing priority, see Bidding Priority. Campaign / priority
Buy Third Party Inventory Buying Strategies > Buy Third-Party Inventory The type of inventory targeted by this campaign. If TRUE, you will target all third-party inventory not managed by your network that has been enabled for reselling (including external supply partners such as Microsoft Advertising Exchange and Google Ad Manager).
Warning: Entering TRUE and a base CPM bid may overwrite existing third-party buying strategies without notice.
Campaign / inventory_type
CPM Bid Buying Strategies > Buy Third-Party Inventory > Pay on a Per-Impression (CPM) basis > Bid a Media Cost CPM Use this strategy to bid a fixed dollar amount per thousand impressions. Campaign / cpm_bid_type
Spreadsheet Field for Targeting Campaign Screen Field Description API Service / Field
Target Desktops & Laptops Device and Supply Type By default, your campaign will target all physical device types ( Desktops & Laptops , Tablets , and Phones ). To restrict the device types you are targeting, enter FALSE. Profile / device_type_targets
Target Tablets Device and Supply Type By default, your campaign will target all physical device types (Desktops & Laptops, Tablets, and Phones). To restrict the device types you are targeting, enter FALSE. Profile / device_type_targets
Target Phones Device and Supply Type By default, your campaign will target all physical device types (Desktops & Laptops, Tablets, and Phones). To restrict the device types you are targeting, enter FALSE. Profile / device_type_targets
Target Deal IDs Deals > Deals The deal IDs to be targeted by this campaign. A deal is an agreement between a seller and buyer that may provide the buyer preferential pricing, access to exclusive inventory, reduced competition on inventory, or other opportunities.
This is a comma separated list with quotations around each deal ID. For example: "ABC123", "DEF456", "GHI789"
Profile / deal_targets
Spreadsheet Field Campaign Screen Field Description API Service / Field
Include or Exclude Direct Publishers Inventory > Direct Inventory > Publishers Valid value is Include or Exclude. You can only use one value or the other. Profile / inventory_action
Direct Publisher IDs Inventory > Direct Inventory > Publishers Managed/direct publisher IDs to be either excluded or included in targeting.
This is a comma separated list. For example: 123, 456, 789
Profile / publisher_targets
Include or Exclude Direct Placement Groups Inventory > Direct Inventory > Placement Groups Valid value is Include or Exclude. You can only use one value or the other. Profile / inventory_action
Direct Placement Group IDs Inventory > Direct Inventory > Placement Groups The sites IDs to be either excluded or included in targeting.
This is a comma separated list. For example: 123, 456, 789
Profile / site_targets
Include or Exclude Direct Placements Inventory > Direct Inventory > Placements Valid value is Include or Exclude. You can only use one value or the other. Profile / inventory_action
Direct Placement IDs Inventory > Direct Inventory > Placements The placement IDs to be either excluded or included in targeting.
This is a comma separated list. For example: 123, 456, 789
Profile / placement_targets
Include or Exclude Third-Party Sellers Inventory > 3rd Party Inventory > Sellers Valid value is Include or Exclude. You can only use one value or the other. Profile / member_default_action
Third-Party Seller IDs Inventory > 3rd Party Inventory > Sellers Seller member IDs to be either excluded or included in targeting.
This is a comma separated list. For example: 123, 456, 789
Profile / member_targets
Include or Exclude Third-Party Publishers Inventory > 3rd Party Inventory > Publishers & Categories Valid value is Include or Exclude. You can only use one value or the other. Profile / platform_publisher_targets
Profile / platform_content_category_targets
Third-Party Publisher IDs Inventory > 3rd Party Inventory > Publishers & Categories The third-party publisher and content category IDs to be either excluded or included in targeting.
This is a comma separated list. For example: 123, 456, 789
Profile / platform_publisher_targets
Profile / platform_content_category_targets
Spreadsheet Field Campaign Screen Field Description API Service / Field
Include or Exclude Third-Party Placements
Third-Party Placement IDs
# of Imps over lifetime Frequency The maximum number of impressions per user. Profile / max_lifetime_imps
# of Imps per user per day Frequency The maximum number of impressions per user per day. Profile / max_day_imps
Spreadsheet Field for Creatives Campaign Screen Field Description API Service / Field
Associated Creatives IDs Associated Creatives The list of creative IDs or codes associated to the campaign.
This is a comma separated list. For example: 123, 456, 789
Campaign / creatives
Landing Page URL Landing Page URL The optional landing page URL for non-3rd party image and flash creatives. Campaign / click_url
Spreadsheet Field Campaign Screen Field Description API Service / Field
Comments Comments Comments about the campaign. Campaign / comments

Export a spreadsheet

While this step is not required, it is recommended that you export the Excel spreadsheet from Monetize to use as a template and prevent errors.

  1. On the Campaigns screen, select the campaigns to edit.

  2. Select Edit in Excel > Export selected to Excel or Export all to Excel.

  3. In the Download Spreadsheet window, select the columns you want to show and/or edit in the spreadsheet.


    ID, Name, and Status will download by default.

  4. Click Download. The campaigns are downloaded into an editable Excel spreadsheet. The default spreadsheet name is campaigns.xlsx.

Edit the spreadsheet


While you can use your own spreadsheet containing matching column names, a spreadsheet downloaded from Monetize will include the correct column names. It is suggested to start with this downloaded spreadsheet to avoid errors.

Name and Status are required for each campaign. When you're editing existing campaigns, treat ID as read-only so that you don't accidentally update the wrong campaign.

To create new campaigns, leave the ID field blank.

Import a spreadsheet

  1. When you have edited and saved the spreadsheet, select Edit in Excel > Import from Excel.
  2. In the Upload Spreadsheet window, click Browse....
  3. Select your edited spreadsheet. If the upload is successful, a confirmation message will display. If the spreadsheet is improperly formatted, an error message will display. Click Select another file to select a different spreadsheet.
  4. Click Next. The Upload Spreadsheet window will display the changes for you to review before applying them.
  5. Click Apply Settings. The changes will be applied.
  6. If the changes are applied successfully, a confirmation message will display. Proceed to step 9.
  7. If the changes are unsuccessful, an error message will list all the campaigns that could not be updated. Click on a red X for more details about the error for that campaign, or click Download Errors to download a spreadsheet containing all the rows that failed to update.
  8. Correct the errors on the spreadsheet and return to step 1.
  9. If there are no errors or you want to bypass editing errors, click Go to Campaigns to navigate back to the Campaigns screen.