
Update a domain list or App list


Targeting lists are only available to Standard Line Items. For an overview of which targeting options are available to Standard versus Augmented Line items, see Buy-Side Targeting.

You can add, remove, or overwrite a domain list or app list. You can also change the name and/or description of the list.


Before you proceed, note that changing a domain or app list immediately impacts any campaigns already targeting the list. This could result in incorrect targeting. It's a good idea to make sure you're aware of all the campaigns that could be affected before making changes to your targeting lists. If you change only the name or description of a list, any campaigns using it will be unaffected.

Domain lists


Domain targeting applies only to Web and Mobile Web impressions and does not apply to Mobile App impressions. If you have allowed your campaign to serve on mobile apps while targeting a domain list, the campaign will be unrestricted when buying mobile app inventory unless you have also applied App List targeting. To avoid serving on mobile app inventory, switch the Apps Placements toggle in your campaign's targeting profile to OFF. Domains which begin with "www" will have the "www" substring stripped out before being stored in our system. For example,"www.example.org" will be shortened to "example.org".

Edit the name or description

  1. Select Network > Inventory > Targeting Lists from the top navigation menu.
  2. Select Domain Lists tab.
  3. Check the checkbox next to the domain list under Domain List Name and click Edit.
  4. Make edits to the Name and/or Description and click Save.

Add or remove domains from a domain list

  1. Select Network > Inventory > Targeting Lists from the top navigation menu.
  2. Select Domain Lists tab.
  3. Click the domain list under Domain List Name. A panel displays with a list of domains in the domain list.
  4. To remove domains, check the checkbox of one or more domain names and select Actions > Delete.
  5. To add domains, click +New
    • Select Enter text and copy and paste domains into the box. OR
    • Select Upload a file, click Select File, select the file to upload, and click Open.
  6. Click Add. For more information on formatting requirements for adding domains by copy and paste or file upload, see Create a Domain List or App List.

Add a large number of domains to one or more domain lists

  1. Select Network > Inventory > Targeting Lists from the top navigation menu.
  2. Select Domain Lists tab.
  3. Check the checkbox next to one or more domain lists under Domain List Name.
  4. Select Actions > Add domains.
  5. To add domains:
    • Select Enter text and copy and paste domains into the box. OR
    • Select Upload a file, click Select File, select the file to upload, and click Open.
  6. Click Add. For more information on formatting requirements for adding domains by copy and paste or file upload, see Create a Domain List or App List.

App lists

Edit the name or description

  1. Select Network > Inventory > Targeting Lists from the top navigation menu.
  2. Select App Lists tab.
  3. Check the checkbox next to the app list under App List Name and click Edit.
  4. Make edits to the Name and/or Description and click Save.

Add or remove apps from an app list

  1. Select Network > Inventory > Targeting Lists from the top navigation menu.
  2. Select App Lists tab.
  3. Click the app list under App List Name. A panel displays with a list of apps in the app list.
  4. To remove apps, check the checkbox of one or more app names and select Actions > Delete.
  5. To add apps, click +New
    • Select Enter text and copy and paste apps into the box. OR
    • Select Upload a file, click Select File, select the file to upload, and click Open.
  6. Click Add. For more information on formatting requirements for adding apps by copy and paste or file upload, see Create a Domain List or App List.

Add a large number of apps to one or more app lists

  1. Select Network > Inventory > Targeting Lists from the top navigation menu.
  2. Select App Lists tab.
  3. Check the checkbox next to one or more app lists under App List Name.
  4. Select Actions > Add apps.
  5. To add apps:
    • Select Enter text and copy and paste apps into the box. OR
    • Select Upload a file, click Select File, select the file to upload, and click Open.
  6. Click Add. For more information on formatting requirements for adding apps by copy and paste or file upload, see Create a Domain List or App List.