
Resize the banner ad view to the size of the winning creative on iOS

When you win a bid, you may want to resize the banner ad view to the size of the winning creative.

To retrieve the height and width of the winning creative, use the loadedAdSize method.

loadedAdSize method

Parameter Description
width The width of the creative for the banner ad view.
height The height of the creative for the banner ad view.


- (void)loadBannerAd
// Create the banner ad view and add it as a subview.
self.banner = [ANBannerAdView adViewWithFrame:rect placementId:@"1326299"];
self.banner.rootViewController = self;
// Fill in the ad sizes array.
CGSize size1 = CGSizeMake(300,  50);
CGSize size2 = CGSizeMake(300, 250);
NSArray *sizes = @[[NSValue valueWithCGSize:size1], [NSValue valueWithCGSize:size2]];
// Pass the ad sizes array to the banner ad view.
[self.banner setAdSizes:sizes];
[self.view addSubview:self.banner];
// Load an ad!
[self.banner loadAd];
#pragma mark - ANBannerAdViewDelegate
    // Once the ad is loaded successfully, use the following to retrieve the ad sizes.
    NSLog(@"BannerAd's width %.2f ",self.banner.loadedAdSize.width )
    NSLog(@"BannerAd's height %.2f ",self.banner.loadedAdSize.height )