
Targeted Segment Analytics report


This service is currently available to a limited set of clients and Microsoft employees only.

The Targeted Segment Analytics report is an admin-only report designed to give you insight into how your segment targeting is affecting the performance of your in-flight campaigns. Use cases for this report include:

  • Understanding which targeted segments (both behavioral and contextual) are driving impressions, clicks and conversions within a running campaign.
  • Indexing the performance of targeted segments during the campaign to identify which segments are over or underperforming.
  • Understanding whether segments purchased from third parties are producing the desired performance.


This feature is intended to address campaign level performance; it does not include information such as a segment's aggregate performance at the advertiser, insertion order, or line item levels.

Time frame

This report's data is retained for 14 days, and is available in one day intervals. All dates and times are given in UTC.

The time_intervals field in the request can be set to last_14_days.


Column Type Description
month time The month during which the impression took place.

Filter: Yes
day date The day on which the impression took place.

Filter: Yes
member_id int The member ID of the buyer.

Filter: Yes
campaign_id int The campaign ID of the campaign that purchased the impression.

Filter: Yes
campaign_name string The name of the campaign that purchased the impression.

Filter: Yes
campaign string The concatenated name and ID of the campaign that purchased the impression, e.g., "Amazing Campaign (31)"

Filter: Yes
campaign_code string The (optional) custom code associated with the campaign that purchased the impression.

Filter: Yes
segment_id int The segment ID of the user segment present for this impression.

Filter: Yes
segment_name string The name of the user segment present for this impression.

Filter: Yes
segment string The concatenated name and ID of the user segment present for this impression, e.g., "Valuable Segment (314)"
Filter: Yes
segment_code string The (optional) custom code associated with the user segment present for this impression.

Filter: Yes



The definition of each metric listed below should read: "that took place during the selected Time Frame".

Column Type Formula Description
imps int imps The number of impressions that occurred.
clicks int clicks The number of clicks that took place.
total_convs int post_view_convs + post_click_convs The total number of conversions.
convs_rate double total_convs / imps The ratio of conversions to impressions that occurred.
ctr double imps / clicks The click-through-rate.
total_revenue money post_view_revenue + post_click_revenue The total revenue booked through direct advertisers (at the line item level).
post_view_convs int post_view_convs The number of post-view conversions.
post_view_revenue money post_view_revenue The amount of revenue generated by post-view conversions through direct advertisers (at the line item level).
post_click_convs int post_click_convs The number of post-click conversions that occurred.
post_click_revenue money post_click_revenue The amount of revenue generated by post-click conversions through direct advertisers (at the line item level).
post_view_convs_rate double post_view_convs / imps The rate of post-view conversions to impressions.
post_click_convs_rate double post_click_convs / imps The rate of post-click conversions to impressions.
spend money spend The total marketer spend across both direct and real time media buys for this segment.
media_cost money media_cost The total cost of the inventory purchased.
revenue_ecpm money total_revenue / clicks The total revenue per 1000 impressions.
revenue_ecpc money total_revenue / click The revenue per click.
revenue_ecpa money total_revenue / total_convs The total revenue per conversion.


Request the report

$ cat the_request.json
    "report": {
        "report_type": "targeted_segment_analytics",
        "format": "csv",
        "report_interval": "last_14_days",
        "columns": [
        "filters": [
                "campaign_id": "827286"
$ curl -bc -cc -X POST -d @the_request.json 'https://api.appnexus.com/report'
// Note that the response contains some internal-only debugging info if you request it as an admin user.
    "response": {
        "status": "OK",
        "report": {
            "name": "",
            "created_on": "2013-11-20 19:29:34",
            "cache_hit": false,
            "fact_cache_hit": false,
            "fact_cache_error": "did not find any cache table for 1,2,30,31,32,34,36,66,6",
            "json_request": "{"report":{"filters":[{"campaign_id":"827286"},{"member_id":"541"},{"campaign_id":"827286"}],"columns":["day","member_id","campaign","segment","segment_code","media_cost","imps","clicks","revenue_ecpm","ctr","convs_rate"],"report_interval":"last_14_days","format":"csv","report_type":"targeted_segment_analytics"}}",
            "header_info": "",
            "row_count": "",
            "report_size": "",
            "internal_info": "{\"report_id\":\"823418c8d5548559948617332a1b5a23\",\"cache_miss\":1,\"cache_host\":\"vertica\",\"query\":\" SELECT to_char(ymd, 'YYYY-MM-DD') AS alias_1,buyer_member_id AS alias_2,CAMPAIGN_ID AS alias_3,segment_id AS alias_4,segment_id AS alias_5,SUM(MEDIA_COST_DOLLARS) AS alias_6,SUM(IMPS) AS alias_7,SUM(CLICKS) AS alias_8,SUM(booked_revenue_dollars) \/ (CASE WHEN SUM(imps) > 0 THEN  SUM(imps) ELSE 1 END) * 1000 AS alias_9,SUM(clicks)::numeric\/(CASE WHEN SUM(imps) > 0 THEN  SUM(imps)::numeric ELSE 1 END) AS alias_10,SUM(post_click_convs + post_view_convs)::numeric\/(CASE WHEN SUM(imps) > 0 THEN SUM(imps) ELSE 1 END) AS alias_11  FROM view_agg_dw_targeted_segments fact  WHERE 1=1  AND ymd >= '2013-11-06 00:00:00' AND ymd  < '2013-11-20 00:00:00' AND CAMPAIGN_ID IN ('827286') AND buyer_member_id IN ('541')  GROUP BY to_char(ymd, 'YYYY-MM-DD'), alias_2, alias_3, alias_4, alias_5 LIMIT 1000000001\n-- [member_id] 0\n-- [report_id] 823418c8d5548559948617332a1b5a23\"}",
            "user_id": "14311",
            "entity_id": "0",
            "started_on": "2013-11-20 19:29:34",
            "finished_on": "1970-01-01 00:00:01",
            "query_time": ""
        "execution_status": "pending",
        "dbg_info": {
            "instance": "29.bm-hbapi.prod.nym1",m
            "s1ave_hit": false,
            "db": "master",
            "awesomesauce_cache_used": false,
            "count_cache_used": false,
            "warnings": [],
            "time": 128.81517410278,
            "start_microtime": 1384975794.8973,
            "version": "1.14.46"