
Digital Platform API - Selling Billing report


This report should only be used for data after September 30, 2015.

The Selling Billing Report can be used to view billing data across direct publishers (sold across direct advertisers and other platform buyers).

For instructions on retrieving a report, consult the Report Service.

Time frame

The report_interval field in the JSON request can be set to one of the following:

  • last_hour
  • today
  • yesterday
  • last_48_hours
  • last_7_days
  • last_30_days
  • month_to_date
  • quarter_to_date
  • last_month
  • lifetime
  • custom


To run a report for a custom time frame, set the start_date and end_date fields in your report request. For more details about these fields, see Report Service.

Data retention period

Data retention period for this report is 1095 days.


Column Type Filter? Example Description
hour time No "2010-02-01 06:00:00" The hour of the impression.

Note: For impressions older than 100 days, hourly data is aggregated into one row with 'YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00' as the hour ('YYYY-MM-DD' is the UTC day in which the activity happened). This will make it look as though all activity happened at midnight. All daily data older than 100 days is returned in the UTC time zone.
day time No "2010-02-01" The day of the impression.
month time No "2010-02" The month of the impression.
buyer_member_id int Yes 123 Internal ID of the buyer member
buyer_member_name string No "My Network" Display name of the buyer member.
seller_member_id int Yes 456 Internal ID of the seller member.
seller_member_name string No "That Seller" Display name of the seller member.
advertiser_id int Yes 789 Internal ID of the advertiser.
advertiser_name string No "Verizon" Display name of the advertiser.
publisher_id int Yes 321 Internal ID of the publisher.
publisher_name string No "Test" Display name of the publisher.
publisher_code int Yes 123 External ID of the publisher.
selling_currency string Yes Yes The transaction currency used by the seller to sell this impression.
buying_currency string Yes "USD" The transaction currency used by the buyer to purchase this impression.
deal_id int Yes 123 Internal ID of the deal
imp_type_id int Yes 1 The ID for the type of impression. Possible values (associated IDs in parentheses):
- "Blank" (1): No creative served.
- "PSA" (2): A public service announcement served because there were no valid bids and no default creative was available.
- "Default Error" (3): A default creative served due to a timeout issue.
- "Default" (4): A default creative served because there were no valid bids.
- "Kept" (5): Your advertiser's creative served on your publisher's site.
- "Resold" (6): Your publisher's impression was sold to a third-party buyer.
- "RTB" (7): Your publisher's impression was sold to a third-party buyer.
- "PSA Error" (8): A public service announcement served due to a timeout issue or lack of a default creative.
- "External Impression" (9): An impression from an impression tracker.
- "External Click" (10): A click from a click tracker.
selling_imp_type string Yes "Resold" The type of impression. For possible values, see imp_type_id.
cleared_direct int Yes 0, 1 Whether or not the buyer pays the seller directly for the cost of media. If 0, Xandr collects the cost of media from the buyer and pays the seller. If 1, the buyer pays the seller directly for the cost of media.

Tip: Buyers can match the cost of media on their invoice by filtering out "cleared direct" transactions.
pricing_media_type_id int No 0, 1 ID of the video-specific media type classification (for billing only). If you don't have video-specific pricing, this field is irrelevant. Possible values are 0, 1, 2, 3.
pricing_media_type_name string No "Non Video" Name of the video-specific media type classification (for billing only). If you don't have video-specific pricing, this field is irrelevant. Possible values are
- "--"
- "Non-Video"
- "Video (Hosted)"
- "Video (Non-Hosted)"
deal_type string Yes "Open Auction" The deal type for a particular deal. Deal type options are:
- Open Auction
- Private Auction -
- First Look
- Programmatic Guaranteed
auction_charges_available string Yes "Yes" Identifies billable activity where the seller deductions can be disclosed. If the value is “yes”, the SASC Deductions column will be populated.
is_claims_activity string Yes "No" Identifies billable activity that won’t be paid because a successful Invalid Traffic claim was processed against it.
is_cross_seat_activity string Yes "No" Only relevant if you have more than one member/seat on the Xandr platform. If you do, this field allows you to know whether the activity was associated with transactions between members you manage and therefore simplify the reconciling of their invoices.
buyer_cleared int Yes 0 Whether or not the buyer pays the seller or curator directly for the cost of media. Acceptable values are:
0: Xandr acts as the clearing house, collecting the cost of media from the buyer and paying the seller.
1: Xandr does not clear cash; the buyer pays the seller directly for the cost of media.
-1: Dummy value for unbilled activity.
curator_cleared int Yes 1 Whether or not the seller receives the reseller revenue from Xandr or the curator. Acceptable values are:
0: The seller receives the reseller revenue from Xandr.
1: The seller receives the reseller revenue from the curator.
-1: Dummy value for unbilled activity.


Column Type Example Formula Description
seller_billable_imps int 123456 imps Total number of billable impressions.
imps_filtered int 2365 imps_filtered The total number of impressions which have been filtered out by Xandr's inventory quality review (e.g., impressions from a blocked buyer).
clicks int clicks Total number of clicks across all impressions.
convs int 123456 total_convs Total number of conversions across all impressions.
reseller_revenue money 123.45 seller_revenue The revenue generated through sales to external (RTB) buyers, in USD.
reseller_revenue_selling_currency money 123.45 reseller_revenue_selling_currency The revenue generated through sales to external (RTB) buyers, in the transaction currency the seller used to sell the impression.
seller_media_cost money 123.45 seller_media_cost The amount owed to the publisher, in USD.
seller_media_cost_selling_currency money 123.45 seller_media_cost_selling_currency The amount owed to the publisher, in the transaction currency the seller used to sell the impression.
gross_seller_revenue money 123.45 gross_seller_revenue Seller revenue before SASC Deductions.
SASC_deduction money 122 SASC_deduction Seller Auction Service Charge, also known as Seller Revenue Share in some contracts, SASC is the charge for selling inventory to third-party buyers. It is quoted as a percentage of the buyer's media cost, and deducted prior to the calculation of seller revenue. Deducted from the bid at the time of auction.
SASC_fees money 111 SASC_fees Charged as a cost-plus model where the fees aren’t deducted from the bid and are billed to the client.
bad_debt_fees money 124 bad_debt_fees An agreed amount we charge to guarantee payment to the seller regardless of whether or not we get paid by the buyer. Charged as a cost-plus model where the fees aren’t deducted from the bid and are billed to the client.
bad_debt_deductions money 155 bad_debt_deductions An agreed amount we charge to guarantee payment to the seller regardless of whether or not we get paid by the buyer. Deducted from the bid at the time of auction.


Create a JSON formatted report request

The JSON file should include the report_type of "seller_pricing_report", as well as the columns (dimensions and metrics) and report_interval that you want to retrieve. You can also filter for specific dimensions, define granularity (year, month, day), and specify the "format" in which the data should be returned (csv, excel, or html). For a full explanation of fields that can be included in the JSON file, see the Report Service.

$ cat seller_pricing_report.json

    "report": {
        "format": "csv",
        "report_interval": "last_48_hours",
        "columns": [
        "report_type": "seller_pricing_report"

POST the request to the reporting service specifying a member ID by replacing INSERT_DESIRED_MEMBER_ID

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies -X POST -d @seller_pricing_report_request.json 'https://api.appnexus.com/report?member_id=INSERT_DESIRED_MEMBER_ID'

  "response": {
    "status": "OK",
    "report_id": "9282cde2a86670d9861b77b8fc0954ad", <=== COPY THIS report_id as you will need it to check the status of your report and to download your report
    "existing": false,
    "cached": true

GET the report status from the report service

Make a GET call with the Report ID to retrieve the status of the report. Continue making this GET call until the execution_status is "ready". Then use the report-download service to save the report data to a file, as described in the next step.

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies 'https://api.appnexus.com/report?id=9282cde2a86670d9861b77b8fc0954ad'

  "response": {
    "status": "OK",
    "report": {
      "name": null,
      "created_on": "2015-11-17 22:15:52",
      "cache_hit": true,
      "fact_cache_hit": true,
      "fact_cache_error": null,
      "json_request": "{\"report\":{\"format\":\"csv\",\"report_interval\":\"last_48_hours\",\"columns\":[\"seller_member_name\",\"buyer_member_name\",\"imps\",\"clicks\",\"convs\"],\"report_type\":\"seller_pricing_report\",\"filters\":[{\"seller_member_id\":\"2414\"},{\"is_delivered\":{\"value\":[\"1\"],\"operator\":\"=\"}},{\"is_valid_seller\":{\"value\":[\"1\"],\"operator\":\"=\"}}]}}",
      "header_info": "Report ID:,6adf8e4e075f93f7dfba164fe8cddab3\r\nRun at:,2015-11-17 22:15:30\r\nStart date:,2015-11-15 22:00:00\r\nEnd date:,2015-11-17 20:00:00\r\nTimezone:,\r\nUser:,Huanqing Liu (171989)\r\n",
      "row_count": "0",
      "report_size": "56",
      "internal_info": "{\"report_id\":\"9282cde2a86670d9861b77b8fc0954ad\",\"cache_hit_using\":\"6adf8e4e075f93f7dfba164fe8cddab3\",\"cache_cause\":1,\"controller_cache_hit\":true}",
      "user_id": "171989",
      "entity_id": "0",
      "started_on": "1970-01-01 00:00:01",
      "finished_on": "2015-11-17 22:15:52",
      "query_time": null,
      "url": "report-download?id=9282cde2a86670d9861b77b8fc0954ad"
    "execution_status": "ready"

GET the report data from the report download service

To download the report data to a file, make another GET call with the Report ID, but this time to the report-download service. You can find the service and Report ID in the url field of the previous GET response. When identifying the file that you want to save to, be sure to use the file extension of the "format" that you specified in your initial POST.


If an error occurs during download, the response header will include an HTTP error code and message. Use -i or -v in your call to expose the response header.

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies 'https://api.appnexus.com/report-download?id=9282cde2a86670d9861b77b8fc0954ad' > seller_pricing_report.csv