
Partner Fee service


Partner Fees are an enhancement and replacement for broker fees for augmented line items (ALIs).

If you need to reserve a portion of your budget for third-party costs (costs owed to parties other than the publisher), you can define this information with the Partner Fee service. Fees can be tracked on a CPM, cost share, or revenue share basis, and can be applied to multiple advertisers and line items, if desired. A single advertiser or line item can have multiple fees applied.

Common fees you might need to budget for are:

  • Advertiser ad serving fees and creative hosting fees, which are charged for delivering a line item's creative assets.
  • Data fees that are not cleared by Xandr as part of the Data Marketplace.
  • Post-bid reporting fees – for example, using a pixel to track where impressions are served and then auditing retroactively how many transactions violated brand safety standards.
  • Revenue share agreements with other ad tech partners.
  • Incremental fees charged by an intermediary to the advertiser, such as a managed service fee or consulting fee.


HTTP Method Endpoint Description
GET https://api.appnexus.com/partner-fee?advertiser_id=ADVERTISER_ID View all partner fees for an advertiser.
GET https://api.appnexus.com/partner-fee?id=PARTNER_FEE_ID View a specific partner fee.
POST https://api.appnexus.com/partner-fee Create a new partner fee.
PUT https://api.appnexus.com/partner-fee?id=PARTNER_FEE_ID Modify a partner fee.
DELETE https://api.appnexus.com/partner-fee?id=PARTNER_FEE_ID Delete a partner fee.

You can only delete a fee that is not applied to any line items.

JSON fields

Field Type Description
advertisers mapping The advertisers for which this fee is eligible. This field must be passed in as an array of object with the following format:
apply_to_deals bool Determines whether this fee applies to deals.

Required On: POST
Default: true
apply_to_managed bool Determines whether this fee applies to managed inventory.

Required On: POST
Default: true
apply_to_rtb bool Determines whether this fee applies to RTB inventory.

Required On: POST
Default: true
available_for_all_advertisers bool When true, this fee is eligible to be applied to all advertisers for this member. This is available only to users with Member-level access.

Default: false
description text Optional. User-supplied description of the fee.
currency char(3) The currency in which the fee is calculated.
- If partner_fee_payment_type_id is cpm, a value is required.
- If partner_fee_payment_type_id is revshare, this field must be null.
Use the Currency Service to see a list of available currencies.
id int Unique identifier for the fee.

Required On: PUT and DELETE
Default: auto-generated number.
name varchar(255) The fee name.

Required On: POST
partner_fee_payment_type_id int Determines the payment type for this fee:
- "1" for cpm. If cpm is selected, you must specify the currency with currency.
- "2" for revenue sharing.

Required On: POST
partner_fee_basis_id int Determines the basis from which a percentage fee is derived.
- "1" for net media cost.
- "2" for gross media cost (media cost including BASC.
- "3" for net media cost (media cost without BASC) + data costs.
- "4" for gross media cost (media cost including BASC) + data costs.
- "5" for revenue.
CPM fees can only be set to "5" (revenue).

Required On: POST
partner_fee_type_id int Defines the type of fee. Supported values are:
- "1" for ad serving
- "2" for algorithm
- "3" for data
- "4" for reporting
- "5" for service
- "6" for technology
- "7" for viewability
- "8" for other

Required On: POST
partner_fee_vendor_id int The ID of vendor charging the fee. Supported values are:
- "1" for Adloox
- "2" for ComScore
- "3" for DoubleClick
- "4" for DoubleVerify
- "5" for Evidon
- "6" for Flashtalking
- "7" for Ghostery
- "8" for GroovinAds
- "9" for Integral Ad Science (IAS)
- "10" for MOAT
- "11" for Ninth Decimal
- "12" for Sizmek
- "13" for TrustArc
- "14" for Custom Vendor 1
- "15" for Custom Vendor 2
- "16" for Custom Vendor 3
- "17" for Custom Vendor 4
- "18" for Custom Vendor 5
Custom vendors will appear as Custom Vendor 1, Custom Vendor 2, etc. in reporting. We recommend that you include the partner name in the fee's name field for easy identification.

Required On: POST
required bool When true, this fee will be required for and applied to all new line items for eligible advertisers. It will not be automatically applied retroactively to existing line items.

Note: You cannot remove a fee from a line item if required is true. You must first set required to false and then remove the fee from the line item.

Default: false
value decimal(15,5) The fee being charged.
- If the payment type is cpm, this value will be in the defined currency.
- If the payment type is revenue sharing, the value should be a fraction between 0 and 1. For example, a 10% revshare fee is specified by 0.1.

Required On: POST


Create a partner fee

$ cat partner-fee.json

    "partner_fee": {
        "name" : "Test1",
        "apply_to_managed" : true,
        "apply_to_rtb" : true,
        "apply_to_deals" : true,
        "value" : .5,
        "partner_fee_vendor_id" : 3,
        "partner_fee_payment_type_id" : 2,
        "partner_fee_basis_id" : 2,
        "partner_fee_type_id" : 1,
        "required" : true,
        "advertisers" : [
                "id" : 1

$curl -b cookie -X POST -d @partner-fee.json "https://api.appnexus.com/partner-fee"

    "response": {
        "status" : "OK",
        "id": 4401

View a partner fee's details

$ curl -b cookie "https://api.appnexus.com/partner-fee?id=4401"

    "response": {
        "status": "OK",
        "partner_fees": [
                "name" : "Test1",
                "apply_to_managed" : true,
                "apply_to_rtb" : true,
                "apply_to_deals" : true,
                "currency" : null,
                "value" : .5,
                "partner_fee_vendor_id" : 3,
                "partner_fee_payment_type_id" : 2,
                "partner_fee_basis_id" : 2,
                "partner_fee_type_id" : 1,
                "required" : true,
                "advertisers" : [
                      "id" : 1

View revenue-sharing partner fees for managed inventory

$ curl -b cookie "https://api.appnexus.com/partner-fee?apply_to_managed=true&partner_fee_payment_type_id=2"

    "response": {
        "count": "2",
        "partner_fees": [
                "id" : 4401,
                "name" : "Test1",
                "apply_to_managed" : true,
                "apply_to_rtb" : true,
                "apply_to_deals" : true,
                "value" : .1,
                "partner_fee_vendor_id" : 3,
                "partner_fee_payment_type_id" : 2,
                "partner_fee_basis_id" : 2,
                "partner_fee_type_id" : 1,
                "required" : true,
                "available_for_all_advertisers": true,
                "advertisers" : [
                "id" : 4402,
                "name" : "Test2",
                "apply_to_managed" : true,
                "apply_to_rtb" : false,
                "apply_to_deals" : false,
                "currency" : "null",
                "value" : .5,
                "partner_fee_vendor_id" : 14,
                "partner_fee_payment_type_id" : 2,
                "partner_fee_basis_id" : 2,
                "partner_fee_type_id" : 6,
                "required" : false,
                "available_for_all_advertiser" : true,
                "advertisers" : [

Change a partner fee's payment type

$ cat partner-fee.json

    "partner_fee": {
        "currency" : USD,
        "value" : 1.2,
        "partner_fee_payment_type_id" : 1,
        "partner_fee_basis_id": 5 

$ curl -b cookie -X PUT -d @partner-fee.json "https://api.appnexus.com/partner-fee?id=4401"

    "response": {
        "status" : "OK",
        "id": 4401

Apply a partner fee to a line item

$ cat LI-update.json

    "line-item": {
        "partner_fees": [
                "id": 4401
                "id": 4402

$ curl -b cookie -X PUT -d @LI-update.json "https://api.appnexus.com/line-item?id=2345432"

    "response": {
        "status" : "OK",
        "id": 2345432

Remove a fee from a line item

$ curl -b cookie -x GET "https://api.appnexus.com/line-item?id=1234"

    "line-item": {
        "partner_fees": [
                "id": 1
                "id": 2
                "id": 3

$ cat LI-update.json

    "line-item": {
        "partner_fees": [
                "id": 1
                "id": 3

$ curl -b cookie -X PUT "https://api.appnexus.com/line-item?id=1234"

    "line-item": {
        "partner_fees": [
                "id": 1
                "id": 3

$ curl -b cookie -x GET "https://api.appnexus.com/line-item?id=1234"

    "line-item": {
        "partner_fees": [
                "id": 1
                "id": 3


You cannot remove a fee from a line item if required is true. You must first set required to false and then remove the fee from the line item.

Remove a fee from an advertiser

$ curl -b cookie -x GET "https://api.appnexus.com/advertiser?id=5678"

    "advertiser": {
        "partner_fees": [
                "id": 1
                "id": 2
                "id": 3

$ cat partner-fee-update.json

    "partner-fee": {
        "advertisers": [
                "id": 5677
                "id": 5679

$ curl -b cookie -X PUT -d @partner-fee-update.json "https://api.appnexus.com/partner-fee?id=1"

    "response": {
        "status" : "OK",
        "id": 1

You cannot remove a fee from an advertiser if the fee is currently applied to any of that advertiser's line items. You must first remove the fee from any line items and then remove the fee from the advertiser.