Digital Platform API - Offline Attribution report

The Offline Attribution report is used to analyze your line item's performance in influencing in-store purchases among your target audiences. The Offline Attribution report is only accessible to clients who have Offline Sales Attribution enabled for their line items.

For instructions on retrieving a report, please see Report Service or the example below. This report requires specifying the advertiser ID as part of the URL, for example:

Time frame

The report_interval field in the JSON request can be set to one of the following:

  • custom
  • last_7_available_days
  • last_14_available_days
  • last_30_available_days
  • last_365_days

Data retention period

Data in this report has the following retention period:

  • Hourly retention: 100 days
  • Daily retention: 500 days


  • To run a report for a custom time frame, set the start_date and end_date fields in your report request. For more details about these fields, see Report Service.
  • You can't make a specific time zone selection because NCS data uses the time zone(s) from where sales take place.


Column Type Filter? Example Description
day date "2021-10-10" The day on which NCS generated the report. The date displayed for this dimension will match the date displayed for the analysis_start_date.
insertion_order_id string Yes "5533431" The ID of the insertion order.
insertion_order_name string Yes "My IO" The name of the insertion order.
line_item_id string Yes "14545960" The ID of the line item.
line_item_name string Yes "NCS Line Item" The name of the line item.
flight_id string "12396335" The ID of the flight.
flight.start_date date "2021-04-16 00:00:00 UTC" The start date of the flight.
flight.end_date date "2021-04-30 23:59:59 UTC" The end date of the flight.
split_id string Yes "1234" The ID of a split.
split_name string Yes "my split" The name of a split.
analysis_end_date date "2021-10-10" The last day of the purchase interval being reported for each cohort.
analysis_rejection_reason string "DMA minimum not met, Retailer minimum not met" The error that identifies which of the requirements for measurement weren't met.
analysis_start_date date "2021-10-03" The first day of the purchase interval being reported for each cohort.
frequency_type string "weekly" The reporting frequency selected for this line item or split.
lookback_hours string "flight_lifetime" The lookback window selected for this line item or split.
product_id string "10096" The product selection ID used to describe the product or products being reported.
product string "BAKING SUPPLIES \| MARS INCORPORATED \| M&M MARS" The product selection name used to describe the product or products being reported.


Column Type Description
imps int The total number of impressions served.
clicks int The total number of clicks recorded.
booked_revenue int The revenue received from the advertiser.
media_cost int The cost to the buying member for this inventory.
total_cost int The total amount of costs accrued over the reported period of time. This generally includes two types of costs: budgeted costs (media cost, data cost, partner fees, serving fees, commissions) and publisher revenue if you track publisher payouts on the platform.
imps_viewed int Impressions that are considered viewable as defined by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB): For at least one second, 50% of a creative's pixels (or 30% for a creative with at least 242,500 pixels) must render on a screen.
all_outlet_adjusted_number_of_trips int The number of trips to the store by households that have been during the analysis's start and end dates. NCS only has data for some stores (outlets) within the US, so it adjusts sales metrics to account for sales that occurred across all outlets in the US.
all_outlet_adjusted_penetration% int The penetration percentage for the product, category, or brand during the analysis's start and end dates. NCS only has data for some stores (outlets) within the US, so it adjusts sales metrics to account for sales that occurred across all outlets in the US.

Note: Penetration measures brand or category popularity. It is calculated by dividing the number of people who've purchased a specific brand or category of goods at least once in a given time period by the size of the relevant market's total population.
all_outlet_adjusted_total_spend int The number of dollars spent by households on the product, category, or brand during the analysis's start and end dates. NCS only has data for some stores (outlets) within the US, so it adjusts sales metrics to account for sales that occurred across all outlets in the US.
video_completions int For a video creative, the number of times the video creative was viewed to completion.


Create a JSON formatted report request

The JSON file should include the report_type of "offline_attribution", as well as the columns (dimensions and metrics) and the report_interval that you want to retrieve. You can also filter for specific dimensions, define granularity (year, month, day), and specify the "format" in which the data should be returned ("csv", "excel", or "html"). For a full explanation of fields that can be included in the JSON file, see the Report Service.

$ cat report-request.json

    "report": {
        "report_type": "offline_attribution",
        "format": "csv",
        "report_interval": "last_365_days",
        "columns": [
        "orders": [
        "filters": [{
            "line_item_id": [14545960, 14545978]

POST the request to the reporting service

In this example, we request execution of the report for advertiser 660.

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies -X POST -d @offline_attribution ''


Use the report ID to retrieve the report data

The standard response includes the report data and a Download URL that you can use to save the data to a file. If you want to get just the Download URL without the report data, pass "without_data" in the query string.

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies ''

    "response": {
        "status": "OK",
        "report": {
            "name": null,
            "created_on": "2011-11-16 23:51:14",
            "cache_hit": false,
            "fact_cache_hit": false,
            "json_request": "{\"report\":{\"report_type\":\"offline_attribution\",\"format\":\"csv\",\"report_interval\":\"last_365_days\",\"columns\":[\"month\",\"member_id\",\"line_item_id\",\"split_id\",\"all_outlet_adjusted_total_spend\",\"imps\",\"analysis_rejection_reason\"],\"orders\":[{\"order_by\":\"member_id\",\"direction\":\"ASC\"},{\"order_by\":\"line_item_id\",\"direction\":\"ASC\"},{\"order_by\":\"split_id\",\"direction\":\"ASC\"}],\"filters\":[{\"line_item_id\":[14545960,14545978]},{\"member_id\":\"958\"}],\"grouping\":{\"additional_grouping_sets\":[],\"unselected_implicit_groupings\":[],\"additional_groups_on_bottom\":true},\"timezone\":\"UTC\",\"reporting_decimal_type\":\"decimal\",\"use_cache\":true},\"extraction_version\":\"refactored\",\"end_date\":1622678400,\"start_date\":1591142400,\"user_id\":\"46052\"}",
            "header_info": "Report type: offline_attributions\nReport ID: 5dd162b83a0417e13859e5e243844329\n",
            "data": "day,campaign,booked_revenue,imps,clicks,click_thru_pct,site_domain\u000d\u000a2011-11-12,ExampleCampaign - 1
             (123456),.000000,24,0,.000000000000000000%,\u000d\u000a2011-11-13,ExampleCampaign - 2 (789012),.000000,9,0,
             .000000000000000000%,\u000d\u000a2011-11-12,ExampleCampaign - 3 (345678),.000000,2,0,.000000000000000000%,
   \u000d\u000a2011-11-13,ExampleCampaign - 3 (345678),.000000,2,0,.000000000000000000%,\u000du000a
             2011-11-14,ExampleCampaign - 3 (345678),.000000,10,0,.000000000000000000%,\u000d\u000a2011-11-13,
             ExampleCampaign - 4 (901234), 2.574900,22,3,13.636363636363636364%,\u000d\u000a2011-11-15,ExampleCampaign - 3
            "url": "report-download?id=495d03a7667bac467bb488043ae336e9"
        "execution_status": "ready"

Use the download URL to save the report data to a file

You use the "url" field in the response to save the report data to a file. Simply make another GET call and identify the location and file that you want to save to. Be sure to use the file the extension of the "format" that you specified in your initial POST request.

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies '' > /tmp/site_domain.csv