
Config Platform service


This service is currently available to a limited set of clients and Microsoft employees only.

Config Platform is an admin-only service to update very specific multi-bid settings for bidder members (stored in the common.config_platform table). Be very careful when adding or updating objects using this service.


HTTP Method Endpoint Description
POST https://api.appnexus.com/config-platform
(config JSON)
Add a new config-platform setting.
PUT https://api.appnexus.com/config-platform?id=CONFIG_PLATFORM_ID
(config_update JSON)

Note: CONFIG_PLATFORM_ID is a uniquely generated ID for the config platform setting and can be retrieved via GET.
Modify a config-platform setting.
GET https://api.appnexus.com/config-platform View all config-platform settings.

JSON fields

Field Type (Length) Description
id int The ID of the config platform setting.
Default: Auto-generated number.
Required On: PUT/DELETE, in query string.
key varchar(256) The key value used by adserver.
Required On: POST
value varchar(16834) The value for the given key.
Required On: POST
application varchar(256) The application using the setting. Only "impbus" is supported currently.
Required On: POST
json_value_type enum The type of the given value. Possible values: "string", "array", "numeric", or "boolean".
Required On: POST


View all config-platform settings

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies 'https://api.appnexus.com/config-platform'
  "response": {
    "status": "OK",
    "count": 5,
    "start_element": 0,
    "num_elements": 100,
    "config-platforms": [
        "id": 1,
        "key": "admarket_scale_pct",
        "value": "75",
        "instance": null,
        "application": "impbus",
        "depend": 0,
        "variation": null,
        "json_value_type": "numeric",
        "last_modified": "2013-02-18 13:57:02"
        "id": 2,
        "key": "threepe_bidder_id",
        "value": "55",
        "instance": null,
        "application": "impbus",
        "depend": 1,
        "variation": null,
        "json_value_type": "numeric",
        "last_modified": "2014-10-02 21:38:53"
        "id": 3,
        "key": "rmx_max_num_bids",
        "value": "5",
        "instance": null,
        "application": "impbus",
        "depend": 1,
        "variation": null,
        "json_value_type": "numeric",
        "last_modified": "2013-08-08 12:53:06"

Modify a config-platform setting

$ cat config_platform_update

    "config-platform": {
        "value": 7
$ curl -b cookies -c cookies -X PUT -d @template_update 'https://api.appnexus.com/config-platform?id=3'
  "response": {
    "status": "OK",
    "count": 5,
    "start_element": 0,
    "num_elements": 100,
    "config-platform": {
        "id": 3,
        "key": "rmx_max_num_bids",
        "value": "7",
        "instance": null,
        "application": "impbus",
        "depend": 1,
        "variation": null,
        "json_value_type": "numeric",
        "last_modified": "2015-01-15 12:53:06"