
Change Log services


The read-only Change Log and Change Log Detail Services are used in conjunction with other services (listed below) to retrieve information about changes that have been made to a set of objects. This page describes the use of these two services to retrieve a list of the logged changes in which you are interested. The Change Log service is only available to users with the "member", "advertiser", or "member_advertiser" user type.


The Change Log service has some minor differences from other Xandr API services as mentioned below:

  • The min_last_modified option used for date filtering is replaced by min_timestamp.
  • The last_modified option is not supported. Use created_on instead.

REST API for retrieving the ID of a change

HTTP Method Endpoint Description
GET https://api.appnexus.com/change-log?service=SERVICE&resource_id=ID Retrieve ID of a change incurred to a resource.
POST https://api.appnexus.com/change-log
(Change log JSON)
Posting an ID of change for a resource.

JSON fields for Change Log service


  • The Change Log service is read-only; however, some fields can be used in a POST call to filter the response. However, all the fields are not used in POST calls, so GET is recommended.
  • The Change Log service contains at least 6 months of data, if not more, for every service.

Fields accepted as inputs to the endpoint

Field Type Description
service string The service used to make the change. Below are few of the examples of possible values:
- insertion-order
- line-item
- campaign
- profile

Note: Currently, budget-splitter service is in block-list.
Required: Yes
Filter: Yes
resource_id int The ID of the object used to make the change.
Required: Yes
Filter: Yes
additional_fields string
- For GET requests, this is a group of comma separated strings. For example, additional_fields = request_source, user_id, object_json
- For POST requests, this is a string array. For example, "additional_fields":["request_source","user_id","object_json”]
This field allows the users to add additional data in the response. The additional_fields can include additional return fields. Examples of accepted values are:
- request_source
- user_id
- object_json
Required: No
Filter: No

Fields returned in the response from the endpoint

Field Type Description
min_timestamp timestamp The date and time of the earliest modification to the object, in YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format.
max_timestamp timestamp The date and time of last modification to the object, in YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format.
start_element int By default, the change-log service will return 100 transactions or less. If there are more transactions, use start_element to set the offset. Enter in the query string. Can be included in both GET and POST requests.
num_elements int By default, the change-log service will return 100 transactions or less. If there are more transactions, use num_elements to retrieve the specified number of transactions. Enter in the query string. Can be included in both GET and POST requests.
service string The service used to make the change.
resource_id int The ID of the object used to make the change.
additional_fields string This field returns additional data in the response as specified in the input.
transaction_id int The ID of the change transaction accepted as input to the endpoint.
resource_id int The ID of the object used to make the change.
created_on timestamp The date and time of the modification to the object in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format.
sort string A string of the format, “FIELD.[asc\|desc]”. For example, created_on.asc for ascending sort on created_on. Currently, only sorting on created_on is permitted.
modified_by_admin boolean Filter by items that are modified by the administrators only.

Note: This request parameter is only usable in GET requests.
modified_by_plugin boolean Filter by items that are modified by the plugins only.

Note: This request parameter is only usable in GET requests.
transactions_with_changes boolean Filter by items that have changes.

REST API for retrieving the details of a change

HTTP Method Endpoint Description
GET https://api.appnexus.com/change-log-detail?service=SERVICE&resource_id=ID&transaction_id=ID Fetch the details of a change to resource.
POST https://api.appnexus.com/change-log-detail
(Change log detail JSON)
Post the details of a change to a resource.

JSON fields for Change Log Details service


The Change Log Details service is read-only; however, some fields can be used in a POST call to filter the response.

Fields accepted as inputs to the endpoint in Change Log Details service

Field Type Description
service string The service used to make the change.
Required: Yes
Filter: Yes
transaction_id int The ID of the change transaction accepted as input to the endpoint.
Required: Yes
Filter: Yes
previous_object boolean When true, the difference between queried and previous transaction is displayed. Otherwise the difference between queried and next transaction is shown by default. This input can be passed either in query parameter or in request body.
Default: false
Required: No
Filter: Yes

Fields returned in the response from the endpoint in Change Log Details service

Field Type Description
created_on timestamp The date and time of the modification to the object in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format.
user_id int The ID of the user who made the modification.
method enum The API method used to make the change. Possible values are:
- "put"
- "post"
- "delete"
url string The URL of the original request.
changes array of objects Details about the changes made to the object returned. Each object in the changes array contains fields.
plugin_id int The ID of the plugin that made the modification. If null, a plugin did not make the modification (and a user did). For more information on a plugin, see the Plugin Service.
transaction_id int The ID of the change transaction accepted as input to the endpoint.
member_id int The ID of the member who initiated the change.
num_of_changes int The number of fields changes made to the object. It corresponds to number of "changes" fields where the value of "changed" is true.
modified_by_admin boolean Specifies if the changes are initiated by an administrator.
admin_id int The ID of the administrator who initiated the change.
user_full_name string The name of the user who made the modification. It corresponds to the "user_id" field returned in the response.
resource_id int The ID of the object used to make the change.
raw_json string Read-only. The full data object JSON before the change transaction. The raw_json value for this transaction is compared to the value for the last transaction to deduce what has changed.
session_id string Read-only. The authentication token of the user used to access the API.
internal_txn boolean Read-only. If true, this is an internal transaction (i.e., the API call was triggered by another internal API call).
request_source enum Read-only. Where the API request originated. Possible values:
- "hbui": Indicates the request is from UI.
- "direct": Indicates the request is from direct API calls.
- "LIAA-allocation": Indicates that the update was done in the line item edit form
- "bmwBulkEdit" and "LIAA-blkupld": Indicates that the updates were done in bulk edits and bulk import respectively.
- "bmwInlineEdit": Indicates that the user clicked on the pencil icon in the details page that allows to edit individual sections.
- "LIAA-dup": Indicates that it was through the duplication process.

Note: that this value will show only in POST calls.
client_ip string Read-only. The IP address of the client.
ip_info string Read-only. The chain of IP addresses if the request is from proxies.

changes object

Field Type Description
field_name string Read-only. The name of the field changed.
old_value Any (int/string/boolean/timestamp etc.) Read-only. The old value of the field.
new_value Any (int/string/boolean/timestamp etc.) Read-only. The new value of the field. Data type of new_value is same as old_value.
changed boolean Read-only. If true, it implies that the value of the field is change Log Services#Changed.


Retrieve Change Log Details using GET

Step 1: Call /change-log to get transactions for a desired resource_id

GET to /change-log.

$ curl -b cookies 'https://api.appnexus.com/change-log?service=line-item&resource_id=13984849'
"response": {
"change_logs": [
"transaction_id": "4ba6d032-68ef-544e-9f01-49aa6b36b0b4",
"created_on": "2021-02-12 15:24:27",
"resource_id": 13984849
"transaction_id": "0ee74310-f580-5001-8007-2f71f84a5454",
"created_on": "2021-02-12 15:14:50",
"resource_id": 13984849
"start_element": 0,
"num_elements": 100,
"count": 2,
"status": "OK"

GET to /change-log with "additional_fields" parameter.

$ curl -b cookies 'https://api.appnexus.com/change-log?service=line-item&resource_id=13984849&additional_fields=request_source,user_id,object_json'
"response": {
"change_logs": [
"transaction_id": "2b11b163-c8a6-5c8b-b3d2-6e580d41d929",
"object_json": "{\"id\":13984849,\"code\":null,...}",
"created_on": "2021-03-03 17:05:53",
"user_id": [redacted],
"resource_id": 13984849,
"request_source": "LIAA-blkupld"
"start_element": 0,
"num_elements": 1,
"count": 1,
"status": "OK"

Step 2: Call /change-log-detail with the transaction_id

GET to /change-log-detail.

$ curl -b cookies 'https://api.appnexus.com/change-log-detail?service=line-item&transaction_id=0ee74310-f580-5001-8007-2f71f84a5454'
"response": {
"change_log_details": [
"transaction_id": "0ee74310-f580-5001-8007-2f71f84a5454",
"member_id": 364,
"raw_json": "{\"line-item\":{\"advertiser_id\":4143132,\"currency\":\"GBP\",...}",
"plugin_id": "",
"method": "PUT",
"changes": [
"field_name": "advertiser_id",
"old_value": 4143132,
"new_value": 4143132,
"changed": false
"session_id": "authn:234473:42824ee8a5453:nym2",
"internal_txn": false,
"url": "https://hbapi-proxy-production/line-item?id=13984849&advertiser_id=4143132",
"request_source": "LIAA-blkupld",
"num_of_changes": 2,
"created_on": "2021-03-03 17:05:53",
"user_id": [redacted int value],
"modified_by_admin": true,
"admin_id": 0,
"user_full_name": "Test User",
"resource_id": 13984849,
"client_ip": "[redacted]",
"ip_info": "[redacted]"
"start_element": 0,
"num_elements": 1,
"count": 1,
"status": "OK"

Retrieve Change Log Details using POST


The code samples in the steps below show how a user retrieves changes made to advertiser 5260730 between 17:00:00 on March 3, 2021 and 18:00:00 on March 3, 2021.

Step 1: Create a JSON-formatted change log request

The JSON file should include the service and resource_id of the change logs you want to view, as well as the min_timestamp and max_timestamp to limit change logs to a specific time period. You can also use start_element or num_elements in the query string.

Create change-log JSON.

$ cat change-log.json
"change-log" : {
"service" : "advertiser",
"resource_id": "5260730",
"min_timestamp" : "2021-03-03 17:00:00",
"max_timestamp" : "2021-03-03 18:00:00"

Step 2: POST the request to the Change Log Service

POST the JSON request to get back basic change log information, including the transaction_id.

POST to /change-log.

$ curl -b cookies -X POST -d @change-log.json 'https://api.appnexus.com/change-log'
"response": {
"change_logs": [
"transaction_id": "016ac252-aa30-5d10-a7a0-b5b3d88df832",
"created_on": "2021-03-03 17:16:07",
"resource_id": 5260730
"start_element": 0,
"num_elements": 100,
"count": 1,
"status": "OK"

Step 3: Create a JSON-formatted change log detail request

The JSON file should include the service and transaction_id of the change log for which details you want to view.

Create change-log-detail JSON.

$ cat change-log-detail.json
"change-log-detail" : {
"service" : "advertiser",
"transaction_id": "016ac252-aa30-5d10-a7a0-b5b3d88df832",
"previous_object": "true"

Step 4: POST the request to the Change Log Detail Service

POST the JSON request to get back a detailed change log for the change corresponding to the transaction_id.

POST to /change-log-detail.

$ curl -b cookies -X POST -d @change-log-detail.json 'https://api.appnexus.com/change-log-detail'
"response": {
"change_log_details": [
"transaction_id": "016ac252-aa30-5d10-a7a0-b5b3d88df832",
"member_id": 7823,
"plugin_id": "",
"method": "POST",
"changes": [
"field_name": "allow_safety_pacing",
"old_value": null,
"new_value": null,
"changed": false
"field_name": "billing_address1",
"old_value": null,
"new_value": "New Address",
"changed": true
"session_id": "authn:206221:8d1c33b7fadc3:ams3",
"internal_txn": false,
"url": "https://api.appnexus.com/advertiser",
"request_source": "direct",
"num_of_changes": 25,
"created_on": "2021-03-03 17:16:07",
"user_id": [redacted],
"modified_by_admin": true,
"admin_id": 0,
"user_full_name": "Test",
"resource_id": 5260730,
"client_ip": "[redacted]",
"ip_info": "[redacted]"
"start_element": 0,
"num_elements": 1,
"count": 1,
"status": "OK"