
AutomationProperties Class


Provides support for getting or setting instance-level values of automation properties. These property values are set as attached properties (typically in XAML) and supplement or override automation property values from a control's AutomationPeer.

public ref class AutomationProperties sealed
/// [Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ContractVersion(Microsoft.UI.Xaml.WinUIContract, 65536)]
/// [Windows.Foundation.Metadata.MarshalingBehavior(Windows.Foundation.Metadata.MarshalingType.Agile)]
/// [Windows.Foundation.Metadata.Threading(Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ThreadingModel.Both)]
class AutomationProperties final
[Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ContractVersion(typeof(Microsoft.UI.Xaml.WinUIContract), 65536)]
public sealed class AutomationProperties
Public NotInheritable Class AutomationProperties
Object Platform::Object IInspectable AutomationProperties


XAML attached properties

AutomationProperties is the host service class for several XAML attached properties. The purpose of these attached properties is to enable setting various per-instance values that are pertinent to how a UI element is reported to the Microsoft UI Automation accessibility framework. This is useful in cases where the class design of the UI element doesn't already forward other UI-related property values as part of its Microsoft UI Automation integration or peer implementation behavior, or where the value being forwarded is not the value you want to report to Microsoft UI Automation.

In order to support XAML processor access to the attached properties, and also to expose equivalent get and set operations to code, each XAML attached property has a pair of Get and Set accessor methods, which are also members of AutomationProperties. For example, the GetName and SetName methods support and provide the equivalent code-only support for reporting automation Name values to Microsoft UI Automation, instead of using the Name attached property to set it in XAML. Alternatively, you can use the dependency property system to get or set the value of the attached property, and this also reports the underlying value to Microsoft UI Automation. Call GetValue or SetValue, passing the arguments of the dependency property identifier to set, and a reference to the target object on which to get or set the value.

Name property

Of the various attached properties, probably the most important one is Name. This is because it is the Name property that is most frequently accessed and reported by assistive technology when users interact with an app in an accessibility scenario. The Name serves as the human-readable identifier for the UI element.

Various UI elements have peer forwarding that can provide a default Name value based on other element properties. For example, the peer forwarding for the Button class will forward the ToString evaluation of the Button content and use this string as the default Name. In order to override that default, or to otherwise provide a Name value for any UI element case where there is no Microsoft UI Automation Name available, set the Name attached property on that element in XAML. For more info on why a Microsoft UI Automation Name is important, see Basic accessibility information. For more info on how to test whether an element already has a peer-supplied Name that is useful, see Accessibility testing.

For localization reasons, you should avoid hard-coded string values for the Name in XAML. If you set x:Uid directive on the element, then you can use RESW resources to target the property and provide different values for localization. For attached properties, the resource identifier form requires full qualification of the attached property in XAML form, including its namespace and a using: prefix. For example, to target the AutomationProperties.Name attached property value on a resource that has x:Uid directive value of "sendButton", the name value of the data item in the RESW resources is sendButton.[using:Windows.UI.Xaml.Automation]AutomationProperties.Name

Attached properties


For more info about each attached property, see the page for the property's Identifier field.

Attached property Description
AcceleratorKey Gets or sets the accelerator key for the specified element.
AccessibilityView Gets or sets the Microsoft UI Automation tree view mode for an element.
AccessKey Gets or sets the access key for the specified element.
AutomationId Gets or sets the string that uniquely identifies the element to Microsoft UI Automation.
Culture Gets or sets the locale identifier for the automation element (for example, 0x0409 for "en-US" or English (United States)).The value of the culture property for the specified element.
FullDescription Gets or sets a localized string containing extended description text for an element.
HeadingLevel Gets or sets the heading level for a UI Automation element.
HelpText Gets or sets the help text for the element.
IsDataValidForForm Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the data is valid for the form.
IsDialog Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the automation element is a dialog window.
IsPeripheral Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the automation element represents peripheral UI.
IsRequiredForForm Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the element is required to be filled out on a form.
ItemStatus Gets or sets a description of the status of an item in an element.
ItemType Gets or sets a description of the type of the specified element.
LabeledBy Gets or sets the element that contains the text label for the element.
LandmarkType Gets or sets a Landmark Type Identifier associated with an element.
Level Gets or sets a 1-based integer that describes the location of an element inside hierarchical or broken hierarchical structures.
LiveSetting Gets or sets the live setting value for the specified element.
LocalizedControlType Gets or sets a localized text string that describes the type of control that the automation element represents.
LocalizedLandmarkType Gets or sets a localized text string that describes the type of landmark that the automation element represents.
Name Gets or sets the UI Automation name of the element.
PositionInSet Gets or sets a 1-based integer that describes the ordinal location of the element within a set of elements that are considered to be siblings.
SizeOfSet Gets or sets the number of elements in a set of elements that are considered to be siblings.



Identifies the AutomationProperties.AcceleratorKey attached property, which is a string containing the accelerator key (also called shortcut key) combinations for the automation element.


Identifies the AutomationProperties.AccessibilityView attached property. Set this attached property on individual elements in order to change their element visibility to specific modes requested by a UI Automation client.


Identifies the AutomationProperties.AccessKey attached property, which is a string containing the access key character for the automation element.


Identifies a dependency property that's used for a list of annotation objects in a document, such as comment, header, footer, and so on.


Identifies the AutomationProperties attached property, which is a Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Automation.Peers.AutomationControlType.


Identifies the AutomationProperties.AutomationId attached property, which is a string containing the UI Automation identifier (ID) for the automation element.


Identifies the ControlledPeers attached property, which is used for a collection of automation elements that can be manipulated by the specified automation element.


Gets the identifier for the culture attached property which contains a locale identifier for the automation element (for example, 0x0409 for "en-US" or English (United States)).


Gets the identifier for the described by attached property, which is an array of elements that provide more information about the automation element.


Gets the identifier for the FlowsFrom attached property, which is an array of automation elements that suggests the reading order before the current automation element.


Gets the identifier for the FlowsTo attached property, which is an array of automation elements that suggests the reading order after the current automation element.


Gets the identifier for the full description attached property, which exposes a localized string containing extended description text for an element.


Gets the identifier for the HeadingLevel attached property, which indicates the heading level for a UI Automation element.


Identifies the AutomationProperties.HelpText attached property, which is a help text string associated with the automation element.


Identifies the Boolean dependency property that indicates if the data is valid for the form.


Identifies the AutomationProperties.IsDialog attached property, which is a Boolean value that indicates whether the automation element is a dialog window.


Identifies the Boolean dependency property that indicates if the automation element represents peripheral UI.


Identifies the AutomationProperties.IsRequiredForForm attached property, which is a Boolean value that indicates whether the automation element is required to be filled out on a form.


Identifies the ItemStatus attached property, which describes the status of an automation element item.


Identifies the AutomationProperties.ItemType attached property, which is a text string describing the type of the automation element.


Identifies the AutomationProperties.LabeledBy attached property, which is an automation element that contains the text label for this element.


Gets the identifier for the landmark type attached property, which is a Landmark Type Identifier associated with an element.


Gets the identifier for the Level attached property, which is a 1-based integer associated with an automation element.


Identifies the AutomationProperties.LiveSetting attached property, which is supported by an automation element that represents a live region.


Identifies the localized control type dependency property, which is a text string describing the type of control that the automation element represents.


Gets the identifier for the localized landmark type attached property, which is a localized text string describing the type of landmark that the automation element represents.


Identifies the AutomationProperties.Name attached property, which is a string that holds the name of the automation element.


Gets the identifier for the PositionInSet attached property, which is a 1-based integer associated with an automation element.


Gets the identifier for the attached property.

Attached Properties


Gets or sets a string containing the accelerator key (also called shortcut key) combinations for the automation element.


Gets or sets the Microsoft UI Automation tree view mode for an element.


Gets or sets a string containing the access key character for the automation element.


Gets a list of annotation objects in a document, such as comment, header, footer, and so on.


Identifies the type of user interface (UI) element that is exposed to the Microsoft UI Automation client.


Gets or sets the string that uniquely identifies the element to Microsoft UI Automation.


Gets a collection of automation elements that can be manipulated by the specified automation element.


Gets or sets the locale identifier for the automation element (for example, 0x0409 for "en-US" or English (United States)).


Gets an array of elements that provide more information about the automation element.


Gets an array of automation elements that suggests the reading order before the current automation element.


Gets an array of automation elements that suggests the reading order after the current automation element.


Gets or sets a localized string containing extended description text for an element.


Gets or sets the heading level for a UI Automation element.


Gets or sets a help text string associated with the automation element.


Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the data is valid for the form.


Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the automation element is a dialog window.


Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the automation element represents peripheral UI.


Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the element is required to be filled out on a form.


Gets or sets a description of the status of an item in an element.


Gets or sets a description of the type of the specified element.


Gets or sets the automation element that contains the text label for this element.


Gets or sets a Landmark Type Identifier associated with an element.


Gets or sets a 1-based integer that describes the location of an element inside hierarchical or broken hierarchical structures.


Gets or sets the live setting value for the specified element, which is supported by an automation element that represents a live region.


Gets or sets a localized text string that describes the type of control that the automation element represents.


Gets or sets a localized text string that describes the type of landmark that the automation element represents.


Gets or sets the UI Automation name of the element.


Gets or sets a 1-based integer that describes the ordinal location of the element within a set of elements that are considered to be siblings.


Gets or sets the number of elements in a set of elements that are considered to be siblings.



Gets the value of the AutomationProperties.AcceleratorKey attached property for the specified DependencyObject.


Gets the value of the AutomationProperties.AccessibilityView attached property for the specified DependencyObject.


Gets the value of the AutomationProperties.AccessKey attached property for the specified DependencyObject.


Gets the value of the AutomationProperties.Annotations property for the specified DependencyObject.


Gets the Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Automation.Peers.AutomationControlType for the specified UI element.


Gets the value of the AutomationProperties.AutomationId attached property for the specified DependencyObject.


A static utility method that retrieves the list of controlled peers from a target owner.


Gets the value of the CultureProperty attached property for the specified DependencyObject.


Gets a collection of elements that provide more information about the specified automation element.


Gets a list of automation elements that suggests the reading order before the specified automation element.


Gets a list of automation elements that suggests the reading order after the specified automation element.


Gets a localized string that describes the visual appearance or contents of the specified DependencyObject.


Gets the value of the AutomationProperties.HeadingLevel property for the specified DependencyObject.


Gets the value of the AutomationProperties.HelpText attached property for the specified DependencyObject.


Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the entered or selected value is valid for the form rule associated with the specified element.


Gets the value of the AutomationProperties.IsDialog attached property for the specified DependencyObject.


Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the specified element represents peripheral UI.


Gets the value of the AutomationProperties.IsRequiredForForm attached property for the specified DependencyObject.


Gets the value of the AutomationProperties.ItemStatus attached property for the specified DependencyObject.


Gets the value of the AutomationProperties.ItemType attached property for the specified DependencyObject.


Gets the value of the AutomationProperties.LabeledBy attached property for the specified DependencyObject.


Gets the value of the landmark type attached property for the specified DependencyObject.


Gets the value of the property for the specified .


Gets the value of the AutomationProperties.LiveSetting attached property for the specified DependencyObject.


Gets a localized string that indicates the type of the specified control.


Gets the value of the localized landmark type attached property for the specified DependencyObject.


Gets the value of the AutomationProperties.Name attached property for the specified DependencyObject.


Gets the value of the property for the specified .


Gets the value of the property for the specified .

SetAcceleratorKey(DependencyObject, String)

Sets the value of the AutomationProperties.AcceleratorKey attached property for the specified DependencyObject.

SetAccessibilityView(DependencyObject, AccessibilityView)

Sets the value of the AutomationProperties.AccessibilityView attached property for the specified DependencyObject.

SetAccessKey(DependencyObject, String)

Sets the value of the AutomationProperties.AccessKey attached property for the specified DependencyObject.

SetAutomationControlType(UIElement, AutomationControlType)

Sets the Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Automation.Peers.AutomationControlType for the specified UI element.

SetAutomationId(DependencyObject, String)

Sets the value of the AutomationProperties.AutomationId attached property for the specified DependencyObject.

SetCulture(DependencyObject, Int32)

Sets the value of the CultureProperty attached property for the specified DependencyObject.

SetFullDescription(DependencyObject, String)

Sets a localized string that describes the visual appearance or contents of the specified DependencyObject.

SetHeadingLevel(DependencyObject, AutomationHeadingLevel)

Sets the value of the AutomationProperties.HeadingLevel property for the specified DependencyObject.

SetHelpText(DependencyObject, String)

Sets the value of the AutomationProperties.HelpText attached property for the specified DependencyObject.

SetIsDataValidForForm(DependencyObject, Boolean)

Sets a Boolean value that indicates whether the entered or selected value is valid for the form rule associated with the specified element.

SetIsDialog(DependencyObject, Boolean)

Sets a Boolean value that indicates whether the specified element should be identified as a dialog window.

SetIsPeripheral(DependencyObject, Boolean)

Sets a Boolean value that indicates whether the specified element represents peripheral UI.

SetIsRequiredForForm(DependencyObject, Boolean)

Sets the value of the AutomationProperties.IsRequiredForForm attached property for the specified DependencyObject.

SetItemStatus(DependencyObject, String)

Sets the value of the AutomationProperties.ItemStatus attached property for the specified DependencyObject.

SetItemType(DependencyObject, String)

Sets the value of the AutomationProperties.ItemType attached property for the specified DependencyObject.

SetLabeledBy(DependencyObject, UIElement)

Sets the value of the AutomationProperties.LabeledBy attached property for the specified DependencyObject.

SetLandmarkType(DependencyObject, AutomationLandmarkType)

Sets the value of the landmark type attached property for the specified DependencyObject.

SetLevel(DependencyObject, Int32)

Sets the value of the AutomationProperties.Level attached property for the specified DependencyObject.

SetLiveSetting(DependencyObject, AutomationLiveSetting)

Sets the value of the AutomationProperties.LiveSetting attached property for the specified DependencyObject.

SetLocalizedControlType(DependencyObject, String)

Sets a localized string that indicates the type of the specified control.

SetLocalizedLandmarkType(DependencyObject, String)

Sets the value of the localized landmark type attached property for the specified DependencyObject.

SetName(DependencyObject, String)

Sets the value of the AutomationProperties.Name attached property for the specified DependencyObject.

SetPositionInSet(DependencyObject, Int32)

Sets the value of the AutomationProperties.PositionInSet attached property for the specified DependencyObject.

SetSizeOfSet(DependencyObject, Int32)

Sets the value of the AutomationProperties.SizeOfSet attached property for the specified DependencyObject.

Applies to

See also